Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 323, War Letter

After everyone shouted in unison, they turned around and dispersed, found their teammates, and began patrolling the area they were responsible for.

Yuhai and Aping came to the entrance of the black market. They were responsible for the entrance and exit of the sewer. There were many entrances and exits like this, and two people were required to stand guard at each entrance.

The two of them leaned against the concrete wall of the sewer. Yuhai took out the cigarettes, which belonged to the four guys who attacked him last time. He kept them all and gave one to Aping, "Have a cigarette and relax..."

"Okay, okay," Aping took the cigarette, his fingers were trembling. He was really frightened just now.

"Relax and don't run away. We have all seen the Viper Boss. This is just a small scene." Yuhai smoked a cigarette and patted Aping on the shoulder to let the guy slow down. The scene just now was still very shocking. , especially for newcomers.

"Yes," Aping took a deep breath of cigarette and exhaled the white smoke. After being comforted by Ukai, he felt much better.

"Okay, cheer up, tonight has just begun," Yuhai put down his palm and stepped lightly on the ground. A shadow followed the shadow that could not be illuminated by the light and slowly moved towards the location of the Poison Team.

As time passed by, and after midnight, the shadow returned to his feet again, and a voice sounded in Ukai's heart.

"They haven't discovered me yet, and they have a clear idea of ​​where I am. They can take action at any time," was Darkrai's voice.

"Really? Don't worry, go check out the other two gang stations, be careful." While eating, Yuhai whispered to Darkrai to check out the other two stations.

Even if you want to take action, now is not the right time. The station is full of gang members, and the bosses are also in the station. Once discovered, the black market will definitely be blocked, and no one can leave by then.

Before Clay left for half a minute, he emerged from the shadows again and told Yuhai: "Someone is coming, many people..."

"What?" Yuhai didn't understand very well. Suddenly he saw a large group of lights shining towards him in the dark sewer. He quickly informed Aping: "Go quickly and inform the captain..."

After returning to the mine, Yuhai immediately approached the team leader in black and said, "Captain, there is a situation, many people are here..."

"Many people? Who?" The team leader looked towards the entrance of the sewer. At this time, there was light shining in, and there was a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha, you're a rat that only knows how to use poison. Why doesn't anyone come to greet your grandpa..."

"Asshole, Dashi, don't be too arrogant," the captain said when he saw the person coming. He was an old acquaintance. He was the trainer of the Yanyan team and also the captain. They had fought before, and there was no winner or loser.

"Hey, isn't this A-Shou? Is your smelly flower too smelly? Let me come out to keep vigil!" Dashi likes to hurt others, especially A-Shou who was against him half a year ago and still can't defeat him.

"Dashi, you're looking for death," the squad leader Ajiao was about to release the smelly flower to kill this bastard who spits shit. Ahjiu was also a nickname given to him by Dashi. He didn't like it at all. If he hadn't been able to defeat the opponent, he would have been there long ago. Just kill the other party.

"Wait, don't be so angry. I'm not here to fight. I'm here to declare a challenge to you on behalf of Boss Luoyan..."

"What kind of challenge?"

"The declaration of war over the ownership of the mine. My boss, Luoyan, hopes to use a battle to decide which company will own the disputed mine..."

"Haha, you deserve it too," the team leader Ah Xiu sneered disdainfully and did not answer the question at all.

"I'll put the challenge here. The time is tomorrow night at eight o'clock. We have also issued a challenge to the Riot Team. If you don't dare to come tomorrow, the disputed mine will belong to us. Otherwise, we will use an earthquake to block the mine. …”

"The battle will be divided into three groups. I heard that you are recruiting new people, so I created an extra new group. I hope you will not be assigned to the new group. Hahaha, let's go..."

"Asshole," Team Leader Axiang gritted his teeth. Seeing these bastards from the Yanyan team, they came and went in a hurry. In the verbal exchange, he did not take any advantage at all. He was manipulated by the other party the whole time. Really angry.

Even if you are angry, there is nothing you can do. The most important thing now is to report Team Yanyan’s challenge statement to the Viper Boss, so that the Viper Boss can decide whether to participate in the gambling battle tomorrow night.

"Everyone, go back to your posts. I need to leave for a while. If anyone dares to cause trouble, I will kill him directly..."

The squad leader glared fiercely at everyone present. They were so frightened that everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to look at the squad leader. They were afraid that if the squad leader was unhappy, they would all be killed on the spot.

Ukai and Aping, who returned to stand guard at the sewer entrance, returned to their night shift routine. Both of them thought about the challenge they had just made, wondering what changes would happen.

In the end, Ah Ping was the first to break the silence and asked Yu Hai what happened just now: "Ah Hai, will the leader of the poisonous snakes let us participate?"

"I don't know," Yukai shook his head and didn't care about the letter of challenge. He had already sent Darkrai to eavesdrop, and he would know the outcome of the Viper's handling of the matter later.

"Will there be any rewards?" Aping was still a little worried. If he was selected, the rewards would be secondary. If he lost and lost the mine, he would probably be beaten to death by his own people.

"I don't know, it depends on the arrangements of the Viper Boss," Yuhai shook his head again. He didn't know what Aping was worried about. The worst he could do was take his sister and run away.

"By the way, does your ultrasonic bat have any symptoms of poisoning?" Aping asked twice, unable to find anything, so he simply changed the subject and asked about the elf he chose.

Ukai asked him to choose the trumpet bud. He must have known what was wrong with the trumpet bud, otherwise he wouldn't have been allowed to choose. In fact, the fact that poisonous elves can be poisoned caught him off guard.

"Look at this. The trumpet bud has a very strong poisonous talent. It was artificially induced. If you want to cure the symptoms of the trumpet bud, there are two ways. Detoxify and strengthen the body, or directly remove the poison sac..."

"So that's it," Aping took the poison-type elf cultivation book thrown by Yuhai. When he saw the poison-type elf cultivation method recorded in it, he knew what the trumpet bud was.

After reading the cultivation books, Aping guessed that Ukai was probably a breeder, or it might be Ukai's special ability. Otherwise, it would be difficult to tell the abnormalities of the elves just by observation.

But he didn't ask. After all, it was the other party's secret. If he asked, no friend would have to do anything.

He could only change the subject and ask: "Ah Hai, can I ask you a favor?"

"Let's be honest," Yuhai took out the mineral water and drank some. He was very thirsty after eating bread just now.

"I want an electric elf. Can you please help me with that?" Aping wanted to buy an electric elf for his sister. From yesterday to today, he had been looking for elves at black market stalls.

With the status of the Poison Team, he no longer has to worry about being blackmailed, and it can actually be cheaper. He has also visited the breeding houses in the city.

Even just buying elf eggs is very expensive. Electric elf eggs cost more than half a million each. He didn't even know what electric elf eggs were. He saw someone hatching a lantern fish and he could only say it was a scam.

The hatched electric elf, the furry and good-looking electric elf cub, all cost millions of alliance coins. He really couldn't afford it. Only the ones on the black market were cheaper. Even the elf's health and talent were all. There is no guarantee.

It just so happens that a capable person like Ukai is here, who can help him check the health of the elf. He can also choose a good electric elf for his sister, and he can protect his sister when he is away.

If it is a water type elf, or a grass type, insect type, poison type, ground type, or rock type, there is no need to be so complicated. There are many elves with these attributes in the wild, and he can catch them at any time, but the electric type is a bit troublesome.

"Okay," Yuhai nodded lightly, and Aping left his post and went to find the masked man setting up the stall.

After Aping came back, he was followed by a masked man, holding an ordinary elf ball in his hand.

"Ahai, this is the elf, Pikachu," Aping raised his hand and pointed at the elf ball. His sister wanted a furry electric elf.

"Show me," Ukai waved to the masked man, wanting to see Pikachu's panel.

As a result, the masked man didn't want to say anything: "Master of the Poison Team, can you let me go?"

"Haha, just for a look, I don't want to steal your elves. We have rules," Yuhai smiled. They were warned by the team leader not to buy or sell by force.

This thing is also one of the benefits. As long as it is not too excessive and both parties can accept it, no one will care about it, and there will be more room for maneuver.

"Okay," the masked man gritted his teeth and handed over the elf ball in his hand. He was already prepared for the elf to be hacked.

Then, Yuhai saw Pikachu's faceplate. The potential was only over 20 points. He lacked grooming, his hair was messy, his energy was listless, and his mental state was not very good. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that this thing was an elf with problems.

"Garbage, it's so obvious that you can't even see it?" After Yuhai looked at the panel, he threw the elf ball back to the masked man and told the masked man to get out.

Hearing the word "roll", the masked man seemed to hear the sound of nature and left the black market in a hurry.

"Haha, I just wanted an electric elf at that time, so I didn't care too much about it," Aping was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to explain it. He couldn't say that his sister wanted it, so it was better not to tell her about it. I don’t fully trust this mysterious trainer yet.

"That Pikachu is evil," Ukai took out a cigarette and lit it for himself. He couldn't help but curiously asked: "What do you want the electric elf to do? Fight? It's not suitable in a place like the sewer..."

"There are also battles. I just want an electric elf with good talent that can be used outside the underground cave." Aping's lie was really clumsy, and Yukai didn't expose it.

"You take your time and see for yourself. I can just stand guard. If you are like that just now, don't bother me. You can see it yourself." Yuhai waved his hand to smoke and let the other party find it by himself.

"Thanks," Aping thanked him, turned around and left, and started browsing the black market stalls again.

After Aping left, not long after, Darkrai also came back and told Yuhai: "The human named Viper accepted the challenge and was selecting the list of members for the gambling fight. I didn't see you on the list... …”

"There is a problem, there is definitely a problem. It seems that some people can't bear it anymore," Yuhai leaned against the cement wall and shook his head secretly. He felt something was wrong. This thing was full of weirdness.

As one of the three major gang leaders in the underground world, it is impossible for the leader of Team Yanyan not to see that Team Poison and Team Violence have joined forces, and both sides are recruiting troops. Team Yanyan should be thinking about how to break the situation, not what bullshit they are planning. War letter.

Unless the gauntlet itself is the way to break the situation, if you think about it this way, Team Poison and Team Violence have joined forces, and Team Yanyan has also issued a letter of challenge to both sides. When the time comes, it will still be one vs. two, and Team Yanyan will still be at a disadvantage. .

The reason why a leader is called a leader is because none of the strong men who can sit in the position of leader are simple, but they are not good. It is impossible not to see this.

Now that they have figured it out and have issued a challenge to Team Poison and Team Violence, there is only one possibility. Team Yanyan already knows that Team Poison is Team Rocket.

On the surface, it seems that the Poison Team and the Violent Team are uniting, but behind the scenes, it may be that the Rock Team and the Violent Team are uniting. The gambling battle in the mine is a bait to lure the elites of the Poison Team to leave the station.

At that time, Team Rock and Team Riot can work together to kill Team Rocket's disguised Team Venom.

The reason why he thinks this way is because Team Poison is Team Rocket, and Team Rock and Team Riot both have the motive to join forces, which is to drive away Team Rocket from the Kanto area.

The Orange Islands are their territory, and Ukai doesn't know whether they are the local forces in Big City, the local forces on Little Orange Island, or the water fleet in the Hoenn region, also called the Ocean Team.

However, considering that the navy only loves big-headed fish, it probably has no interest in the Orange Islands, which is the territory of the Three Silly Birds and Lugia.

From this point of view, only the Alliance or the conservative forces in the Orange Islands are left.

The black market in Hasa City, the clubs in Hasa City, the captain of the cruise ship encountered when leaving Hasa Island, the black ship on Marcotte Island, and the black ship here, these are all local conservative forces, the differences will not be too big, just There is too much grass on the wall.

Is there any alliance power?

Of course there is, King Kona lives and vacations here, and there is also the Four Avenues Hall in the Orange Islands. The chief trainer Yuji is a force of the alliance, a force that welcomes and embraces the alliance, at least on the surface he is on the side. The forces on this side of the alliance.

Even though the Four Gyms in the anime are weak, that’s just the performance of the gym leaders. The previous gym leaders, the previous generations of gym leaders, are all still there!

To say that these old immortals are noobs, he would not believe it even to death. These old immortals are all of the strength of quasi-kings at the end of the day. Otherwise, how would they be able to control the gym, even the trainers of the kings would be able to do so.

Moreover, the position of the gymnasium is hereditary, and the three generations of ancestors and grandchildren have to stand aside. As long as the alliance does not fall, the gymnasium can be passed down. I wonder if you envy it...

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