"Hey," the Orb Silk Spider quickly climbed onto Nidoqueen's head, and while Nidoqueen was removing the silk, she spat out the silk into Nidoqueen's eyes.

As a result, only one eye was sealed, and Nidoqueen made a flaming fist with her left fist and hit the Orb Silk Spider, which had to jump away.

At this moment, Nidoqueen wanted to use the flame fist to untie the spider silk from her eyes. Ukai asked the orb silk spider to spin silk to seal Nidoqueen's feet.

After Nidoqueen untied the spider silk from her eyes, her feet were stuck with spider silk again, and she went back and forth like this four or five times. The audience was tired of watching this, and felt that this style of play was so rogue.

"Orb silk spider, missile needle," Yukai wanted to kill Nidoqueen. After all, he couldn't fight with hard power, so he could only use some kiting tactics that were not on the table.

There is no way, the electric grid cannot be used, Nidoqueen is a ground type, and the poison needle cannot be used. Nidoqueen is a poison type, and cannot be poisoned. The Orb Silk Spider can only attack Nidoqueen with insect and grass type moves.

The advantage of the Orb Silk Spider is that it is flexible, at least it is much more flexible than the bulky Nidoqueen.

Although the power of the missile needle is only 25, if you are lucky, it can attack four times in a row. There is no need to doubt the accuracy of the orb silk spider, and there is no problem with the fixed target.

"Nidoqueen, ignore the missile needles and remove the spider silk from your feet first," the strong man in black found himself trapped in an endless loop. Nidoqueen would be consumed by the orb silk spiders.

The most annoying thing is that digging holes cannot be used, earthquakes cannot be used, and many ground-based moves are not allowed to be used, otherwise he would not be so passive.

You must know that this is a cave. If you use the earthquake, you will not die quickly enough. Not allowing it is an order from your superiors, and he does not dare to disobey it.

Just when Nidoqueen was removing the spider silk from her feet, the Orb Silk Spider took the opportunity to spin silk to seal Nidoqueen's right eye. Since her right hand was a flame fist, it needed to remove the spider silk from her feet and could not use it to block her eyes. His eyes were hit by spider silk.

The Orb Silk Spider jumped onto Nidoqueen again and continued to suck the green energy from Nidoqueen. Nidoqueen even roared in pain.

"No, no, it's not absorbing this time. Absorbing isn't that powerful," the strong man in black said anxiously. If it was Absorb's advanced move, Ultimate Absorb, his Nidoqueen wouldn't be able to last long.

Ukai also realized this, and naturally he would not let Nidoqueen escape from the spider silk. When Nidoqueen untied the spider silk from her left foot and went to untie her right foot, her left foot was tied up by the orb silk spider silk again, and even It's difficult to lift my feet.

The orb silk spider spun its silk and hid on Nido's back to avoid being slapped. It was still absorbing Nidoqueen's energy until Nidoqueen was exhausted and collapsed.

The Orb Silk Spider stopped absorbing energy and returned to Ukai's shoulder, breathing heavily. The Orb Silk Spider's victory was really thrilling, almost dancing on the wire. Fortunately, Nidoqueen would not spray flames, otherwise it would burn itself too. , can break the Orb Silk Spider's rogue tactics.

After the Orb Silk Spider came back, Yuhai immediately handed over the prepared good-grade insect energy cubes to restore the Orb Silk Spider's strength. It was already the limit to bring out the good-quality ones. If he took out the high-quality energy cubes, he would be suspected.

As Nidoqueen fell, he also passed the test. Because of this battle, Orb Silk Spider also learned the advanced absorbing move, Ultimate Absorbing.

None of this is important. The question now is whether the moody strong man in black across from him will attack him directly.

"Boy, you are very good," the strong man in black looked at Nidoqueen who fell to the ground, her eyes turned into mosquito-repellent eyes and was unconscious, and used the elf ball to take it back.

He was not angry, at least he couldn't show it now. Many people were watching here, but he even praised Yu Hai.

However, he immediately added: "Boy, don't be complacent. You just passed the assessment, and you have a long life ahead of you! You'd better pray that you don't get assigned to my team..."

The strong man in black said harsh words and left the battlefield. Seeing that Yuhai passed the test, the other people, instead of cheering, all gloated.

They knew clearly in their hearts that Ukai had offended the examiner team leader of the Poison Team, and they were afraid that life would be difficult in the future. After the examination, no one was willing to contact Ukai. They were all afraid of getting angry and being implicated by Ukai, so they all hid away. Stay far away.

Of course, these people do not include the young bartender. The bartender knows that Yuhai's strength is more than this. When he encounters a gangster on the sea at night, he can kill the enemy. The second time he gangbanged, he got more than four million yuan. A ruthless person is not a simple character.

In his opinion, even if the team leader and examiner breaks out with all his strength, he may not be able to defeat this person. What's more, if he plays dirty tricks with this person, he will be killed sooner or later.

For this mysterious trainer, his choice was to make friends with him rather than offend him. He even took the initiative to say hello, "Sir, we meet again..."

"Do you still remember me?" Yuhai was a little surprised when he saw the young bartender coming to talk to him.

"My poor disguise really failed to hide it from sir," the young bartender wore a black scarf, the same as Ukai. The bartender could recognize him because of the orb silk spider on his shoulder.

"If you hadn't spoken, I wouldn't have recognized you." Of course Yuhai couldn't say that. He had already recognized you. How could he admit such a thing!

However, I feel that this person is really strange. Others think he is unlucky and are afraid of getting bad luck if he gets too close. But this guy takes the initiative to get closer. I really don’t understand this person’s brain circuit.

"Sir, let me introduce you formally. My name is Doma Dahei. You can call me Aping or Xiaoping." The young bartender took the initiative to extend his palm and wanted to shake hands with Ukai.

"Ah Hai," Yu Hai also stretched out his palm and shook it with this ordinary young man. He felt that this young man was a bit interesting and his name was also very interesting. Could he have a younger sister? Could it be that she is still a girl-controller?

He always had a familiar feeling, but he couldn't put it into words. It felt like he was in the shit basin of the black market. He used a wooden stick to dig around twice and found an undigested seed. The seed would absorb the nutrients of the shit basin and grow. It grows stronger and eventually becomes a towering tree.

This person should have this kind of potential. He is not very sure. This person is really special. Just from the fact that the other party talks to him and shakes hands, it can be seen that this person is very courageous and likes to challenge difficulties. This is Very special.

Most people in the black market would seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, but it was really strange that this guy would still seek trouble.

For this young man, if there is a chance in the future, he would not recommend a few words. Whether he can succeed in the end depends on the fate of this guy.

After all, there are too many orphans like him and Xiaoying. All these orphans need is a start-up capital and a leader. Be cautious, and it will be a matter of time before they take off.

"Mr. Ah Hai, we are teammates now, please take care of him in the future," Ah Ping smiled and let go of his hand. Judging from the previous contacts, this mysterious trainer is still worth getting along with.

His intuition told him that by following this mysterious trainer, he had a high chance of surviving. He joined here to follow the path of a trainer, but he didn't want to die here inexplicably and become an unnoticed bone fossil in the cave.

"Do you smoke?" Yuhai just nodded silently, reached into his pocket, took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter and asked the other party.

"No," Aping waved his hand, rejecting Yuhai's cigarettes, and reminded Yuhai: "Smoking is bad for your health..."

"I know," Yuhai nodded lightly, silently took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and slowly lit it for himself. After taking a puff, he held it between his two fingers and lifted it up. "Smoking can keep me awake..."

This time was an exception. Usually he would only smoke after killing certain people. This time he wanted to smoke. After all, it was his first time undercover, so he was a little nervous.

"That's it, give me one too," Aping suddenly wanted to smoke again. Yuhai also handed one over and threw the lighter over.

After Aping clicked on it, the two of them leaned against the rock wall and smoked, waiting quietly for the assessment to be over, and then they would have sex with the elf for nothing.

After all, the selected newcomers are all thugs, and they are not so strict. Only by surviving the subsequent conflict can they be qualified to receive training.

In the largest tent in the innermost part of the cave, the examiner was handing the report of passing the examination to his boss.

"Boss Viper, thirteen newcomers passed this time. They only need a little training to reach the level of elite trainers. There are still a few newcomers who performed very well..."

"Take them to get elves and clothes, tell them the rules here, arrange patrol tasks for them, and protect the mines and black market..."

"Yes, Boss Viper," the examiner put down the report and left Viper's tent. This was just the first batch of newcomers. There were a hundred elves they transferred from the headquarters, and they would need to continue to recruit people.

As for the identity of these newcomers and the purpose of joining them, it doesn't matter at all.

After all, they are all cannon fodder. Cannon fodder does not need identity. Cannon fodder does not need to know their identity or their purpose. They will not cultivate cannon fodder.

The elves they distribute also require payment, but they can be deducted from wages, which does not include the benefits of joining them.

The benefits of joining them are a monthly salary of 300,000 yuan, and a contribution points exchange system, which can be exchanged for some things that cannot be bought on the market, even quasi-god elf eggs can be exchanged.

You can also buy it with money, but some things cannot be bought with money and can only be exchanged with contribution points, which gives this group of newcomers something to look forward to.

Let's wait until these newcomers survive the next turmoil. If they can't even pass this level, there is no need to know their secrets, and they will not cultivate these wastes.

The thirteen newcomers who passed the assessment were all summoned by a tall and thin examiner team leader. As for those who were watching the fun or others who failed the assessment, they were all kicked out.

The Poison Team's station will only be open when recruiting people. Now that the recruitment has ended, only your own people can be left in the station.

"You are lucky to be the first batch of newcomers to join the Poison Team. What you need to do next is, first, obey the orders of your superiors. Have you seen the yellow epaulettes on my shoulders? If you see them, you have to call the captain... "

"Second, you should obey the orders of your superiors. No matter what the order is, it must be carried out unconditionally. Any captain with an epaulette can decide your life or death. It is best to put away your petty thoughts..."

"Third, I now order you to form a team of two. You choose your own teammates. You must first collect clothes and elves, and then gather here. I will arrange tasks..."

After the examiner's lecture, the thirteen people present looked at each other and started looking for acquaintances to form a team.

Since thirteen people passed the examination, one person would definitely be available, and everyone felt that this person would definitely be Yu Hai.

It was the Ukai who angered the examiner, defeated the examiner, and brought the Orb Silk Spider with him. However, everyone guessed wrong. Someone formed a team for Ukai.

A masked man approached Aping to form a team, but Aping refused and turned to the isolated Yuhai to form a team with him.

"Are you sure?" Yuhai saw Aping coming and felt that this man was dying, so he moved up to him.

"OK," Aping stood firmly next to Yuhai. He felt more secure standing here. He didn't know any of the other masked men. Yuhai had met him several times and was still an acquaintance.

"It's up to you," Yuhai didn't even need to look at it. He also knew that Aping, like him, had been labeled as someone who could not be approached, and would be ostracized from now on.

The tall and thin team leader just said that if you don't obey the orders of your superiors, you will die. This is no joke. This is a gang, not an alliance. People will really die.

He stood below and kept thinking about how to quietly kill the strong man in black examiner on the stage, and then he could ascend to the position. He was just a Nidoqueen, not even a senior level, so it was nothing to worry about.

"Let's go, lead the elves." When Yuhai saw someone starting to move, he also called for Aping to follow. Together, they came to a tent where clothes were being distributed.

They received a set of black uniforms that fit their size, and were told that they would need to use two days' salary as deductions. There was also a form with a variety of common poison-type elves on it.

The most expensive ones are Nidoran and Nidoran. These two elves need to be deducted from two months' salary, and Abel Snake and Super Sonic Bat need one month's salary to deduct them.

The remaining gas bombs, orb silk spiders, agate jellyfish, trumpet buds, rice spoon snakes, smelly mud, and one-horned insects only require half a month's salary.

No one would choose an elf like a unicorn insect! The trainers who come here must be looking for the most valuable elves.

Yukai didn't think about what elf to choose. In his opinion, there are no high-potential elves here. If there are no high-potential elves, just choose one at random. There is no need to take it seriously.

But the elf actually wanted money, which he didn't expect. He thought he could get it for free!

Anyway, I’m here to be an undercover agent, not a part-time job, so I won’t pay you if I don’t pay you!

After getting dressed in pairs in the tent, they came outside another tent and lined up to wait to pick the elves.

When it was their turn, there were three groups in front of them who had chosen the elves. Everyone left happily, as if they had taken a big advantage.

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