After watching her grandfather leave, Xiaoying fed the elves dinner in the bar, then left the Sailor Bar and headed to Keiko's massage parlor.

He has not forgotten that Keiko's matter has not been dealt with. He must make sure that Keiko has no knowledge and poses no threat to him before he can breathe a sigh of relief.

He can protect himself, but what about the defenseless children in the orphanage! How to deal with an adult, he must nip the danger in the bud.

This time he went to the massage parlor, and he was fully prepared. If he couldn't defeat Keiko, he could escape and come back to find his grandfather for help.

He even kept in mind Brother Hai's instructions to him before parting.

"The more beautiful a woman is, the better she is at lying," this is what Brother Hai told him.

Hey, Yu Hai is also very helpless. These words were not said by him. They were said by Zhang Wuji’s mother. It was an ancient martial arts movie he watched when he was a child. He felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. In his previous life, he often cheated on his waist, so he told him. Xiaoying.

If Xiaoying is bad at learning, it is not his teaching. It is self-taught and it is not his talkativeness.

Keizi Massage Shop, Xiaoying came here and opened the door and walked in, and saw Keizi sitting in a daze on the counter.

"Sister Huizi, sister Huizi, I brought the mosquito-repellent frog to you for a massage," Xiaoying saw that Huizi was in a daze, and raised her hand to wave in front of Keizi, while holding the mosquito-repellent frog's poke ball tightly in her hand.

If Keiko gets angry, he will release mosquito-repellent frogs to attack Keiko.

"Ah? Is it Xiaoying? You haven't been here for a long time. What have you been busy with recently?" Keiko came out of her daze and was startled when she saw Xiaoying in front of her. She hurriedly patted her chest to catch her breath.

"I have been training elves recently. I came to the elf center today to treat the elves. I just happened to come over and take a look." Xiaoying was also frightened by Keiko's scream and took two steps back.

However, he quickly calmed down and told lies without blushing or heartbeat. After following Ukai for a long time, he became very skilled at lying.

Hey, this is not what Yuhai taught. He did not teach Xiaoying to lie. After all, they are good people, so there is no need to lie!

"Sister Keiko, massage my mosquito-repellent frog," Xiaoying released the mosquito-repellent frog and let it lie on the massage bed. Keiko also rolled up her sleeves and walked over.

"Okay, Meow Meow has started working. How many elves are you going to press this time? Brother Xiaoying," Keiko asked Xiaoying with a smile while massaging.

"Today I'm only massaging mosquito-repellent frogs," Xiaoying also kept a smile on her face, and suddenly she let out a light sigh and asked curiously: "Sister Keiko, why don't you see Brother Aren?"

"Aren, the club said that Aren is on a business trip, and I don't know how long it will take for him to come back," Keiko sighed softly, with a somewhat disappointed expression on her face. The club told her that Aren was going on a business trip for a month, and she hadn't seen Aren for ten days.

"Going on a business trip!" Xiaoying muttered to herself, staring at the expression on Keiko's face, and found that apart from being a little disappointed, Keiko didn't know that Ren was missing, or even suffered from the collapse and pain of death, nor did she see that she came back alive. of panic.

Keiko was either pretending, or Keiko didn't know about Jin's situation, and the club actually concealed Jin's death. Could it be that the club didn't know that Jin was dead, or wanted to secretly investigate the cause of Jin's death.

It's just that ten days have passed, and there is still no result of the investigation, and probably nothing can be found.

Only Aren, the three of them, and themselves know how they were hunted down, so what can they find out through the investigation!

There are also the sailors and captain of the ship. Although they know both of them, they have never seen them. They only know that he has a mosquito-repellent frog.

It's hard to say whether the club can investigate the luxury cruise ship, let alone them.

Seeing Keizi's expression, he didn't seem to know that Aren was chasing him, so he felt relieved that there was no need to kill Keizi, and he didn't want to.

Until the end of the massage, he kept talking to Keiko and found nothing strange about Keiko. Finally, he took back the mosquito-repellent incense frog and left Keiko's massage parlor.

When he came outside the massage parlor, he released the big-billed gull and let the big-billed gull catch him and fly up to the roof. He took out his binoculars and continued to monitor Keiko.

Although Keiko ruled out the possibility of knowing, he did not rule out whether it was a disguise. If Keiko was disguised, his feet would definitely be exposed in the subsequent surveillance.

If it was really a disguise, he would have no choice but to kill for the safety of the children in the orphanage. He would not allow evil people who wanted to harm the orphanage to exist.

As a result, he monitored her all night, until Keiko closed the shop and went home to turn off the lights and go to sleep. Keiko did not do anything unusual, so he stayed on guard until the middle of the night.

The next day, he came to Keiko to massage the elves again, and saw Keiko sitting on the counter with her chin in a daze, probably thinking about Aren.

After Keiko finished massaging the mushroom, he continued to monitor Keiko until night, but found nothing unusual.

Until the third night, two special guests came to Keiko's shop, Miss Junsha and Taro, the senior coach of the electric club.

"Miss Keiko, you can call me Taro. I am the owner of the electric club." Taro and Miss Junsha came to the massage parlor and mentioned his identity to Keiko, who had met several times but had not spoken to him.

"Hello, Miss Junsha, has something happened to Aren?" Keiko knew that Taro was Aren's boss. She had met him in the club before, so she knew that much.

She also knew Junsha, and she always had a bad feeling if Junsha was involved in this matter.

"Miss Keiko, please cooperate with me in answering a few questions. When was the last time you saw Aren? What did Aren say?" Miss Junsha took out her notepad and prepared to record Keiko's confession.

"That was the night more than ten days ago. A-Ren said there was no need to wait for him, and he asked me to close the shop and go back by myself. I never saw A-Ren again after that..."

Keiko didn't know why Miss Junsha asked, but she always had a bad feeling in her heart, but she just couldn't explain it.

"What else?" Miss Junsha continued to ask.

"No, that's what Aren said when he left," Keiko shook her head and quickly asked, "Miss Junsha, what happened to Aren?"

"Miss Keiko, Aren disappeared ten days ago," Miss Junsha saw that Keiko really didn't know, so she told Aren's current situation.

"The club didn't say that," Keiko looked at Taro. When she went to the club to find Aren, she also said that Aren was on a business trip.

"Miss Keiko, in addition to Aren, there are two missing people, both of whom are employees of the club. The club needs to cooperate with Miss Junsha's investigation, so it concealed part of the truth from you. On behalf of the club, I apologize to you..."

When Taro saw that Keiko was about to cry and bent down to apologize, he sighed softly. He was also helpless. Originally, that guy was about to be promoted to coach, but he didn't expect that he disappeared at this time. He couldn't find anyone during the assessment...

"Then, Jin..." Keiko was afraid of hearing bad news, and her knees weakened and she almost fell down.

Miss Junsha moved quickly, took two steps forward and reached out to support the shaky Keiko.

"Miss Keiko, we found out that Aren last appeared on a luxury cruise ship. This was a photo captured by a tourist." Miss Junsha took out the last photo of Aren, which she got from the captain of the cruise ship.

"That was a cruise arranged by the club for them. They lost contact two days after boarding the ship," Taro immediately agreed after seeing the photo, confirming that the purpose of the business trip was that the three people disappeared during the business trip.

This is not because the club wants to cause trouble for itself. It naturally has its own motives for doing so. In any case, the club is missing three people, so this is trouble that cannot be shied away from.

"What about the end? What happened in the end?" Keiko looked at Aren's last photo, which was just a side face. Tears unknowingly fell on the photo, right on Aren's face.

"The luxury cruise ship was attacked by pirates. The captain of the cruise ship said that the situation at that time was very chaotic. Ren may have encountered pirates..."

At this point, Miss Junsha stopped talking. The situation is now very clear. The three Aren probably encountered pirates and were killed by them.

As for why the captain helped Yu Hai and the two conceal their appearance on the cruise ship, he did not reveal a word to Jun Sha.

The reason is also very simple. Don't forget that the property of the three of them is still in the hands of the captain, which is the hush money.

Just seal the captain's mouth and the sailor's mouth is very simple.

If the captain handed over the items, it would raise a series of questions, who were those two people? Why is Aren chasing them? Why did you come to the ship? What's the purpose?

In order to avoid trouble, the captain kept silent to those two people, but the club wanted to know the reason and how their people died. After being offered a favor, he still told them, but Miss Junsha didn't know.

The club also found out that the three of them, Aren, were hired for private work and eventually died in the sea.

"Where's the person? Where's the body? Even if the person is gone, there still has to be a body," Keiko held the photo and asked Miss Junsha with tears on her face, hoping that Miss Junsha could bring Aren's body back.

"Not found," Miss Junsha couldn't bear to look at Keiko, so she could only lower her head slightly and apologize.

"Miss Keiko, Aren lost contact at sea because he was on a business trip for the club. Aren was very devoted and enthusiastic about the work of the club. Aren's working ability and professionalism in the club have been recognized and appreciated by everyone. Aren also contributed to the company. He has made many contributions..."

"Aren is a very good employee and an indispensable employee of the club. We don't want to lose such an excellent employee, but it has been ten days now and we have not received any news about Aren. I am here to represent the club, I apologize to you and please express my condolences..."

"Miss Keiko, please accept this pension that Jin deserves for his contribution to the company. In his diary, you are his only family member..."

"Everyone is gone, so what's the use of talking about it," Keiko put down the photo feebly and saw Taro holding up a cardboard box and a black plastic bag.

The cartons are filled with Aren's belongings, and the contents in the black plastic bag should be the pension for Aren who died on a business trip.

She did not look at the money in the plastic bag, but opened the box and saw the diary Taro mentioned. The first page was their photo, and the following text also recorded every moment of their life from childhood to adulthood. drop.

Looking at the words in the diary, Keiko's vision gradually became blurred, as if covered with a layer of mist.

Staring blankly at these familiar yet unfamiliar things, she covered her mouth and cried again, with big tears falling on the notebook.

Seeing this scene, Miss Junsha and Taro quietly exited the massage parlor, leaving Keiko alone in the shop reminiscing about the past. They couldn't do much to help, so Keiko could only get out on her own.

When they came to the street, Taro and Junsha separated, silently lit a cigarette, and slowly walked back to the Electric Club.

He knew the cause of Aren's death, and he also knew that Aren was dead, not missing.

They also know that there are two murderers, but these are not important at all. What is important is to cooperate with Junsha to solve this matter, completely characterize this matter, and turn it into a pirate attack, not a third party, and there is no conspiracy theory, just Jane Death from a simple pirate attack.

After all, three employees of the club went out privately and died outside doing private work. This became the club's problem, because club employees are not allowed to do private work, at least within the contract period, and even if they do it, they cannot admit it. Pay liquidated damages.

But the families of the deceased would not think so, so the club would be rude and use the causes of death of the three deceased to achieve a certain purpose.

This is why they, like the captain, did not tell Junsha what the captain said.

The reason is also very simple. What happened to the dead person is not important at all, and a small role like the murderer is not important. The result is what the board of directors cares about. His family is also one of the major shareholders of the club.

They don't care why Aren goes out privately? What is the purpose of Aren going out? Why did Aren die at sea? Who killed Aren?

They don't care at all. They only care about the reputation of the club, whether the club can still make money, whether this matter will affect the club, and whether the outcome of this matter can restore the club's reputation. Even It’s about taking the club one step further.

The results are obvious. From today on, the club's attitude towards employees involved in accidents will become a signature of the club and determine outsiders' attitudes towards the club.

Everything is going in the direction they expected. Employees went out to do private work without permission, and turned into business trips for the club. They scolded the pirates when they were attacked. The sacrifices were excellent employees of the club and great trainers of the league.

They sacrificed their lives bravely to fight against pirates and protect the lives of Alliance citizens. They sacrificed on the front line of fighting against pirates. They are outstanding young trainers of the Alliance and outstanding employees of the club.

The club will always remember the day when they bravely sacrificed their lives at sea when they were on a business trip. They will always be hung on the club's wall of honor to tell the world about their heroic deeds.

These three heroes are from their electric club and are outstanding employees of their club...

The world only needs to know that the hero is here, and the hero gave his life fighting against the pirates.

The hero is also an excellent employee of the club and an excellent trainer in the league...

The world only needs to know this is enough, and firmly believe that the hero is the hero who sacrificed his life fighting the pirates, and the rest is not important at all.

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