Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 296, Stone of Darkness

As a result of Guisi's ten evolutions and degenerations, his potential increased by 6.1 and his level decreased by 10.2.

In these ten data, not only did 0.8 not appear, even the number of times 0.7 appeared was declining.

Through these fourteen sets of data, he had reason to suspect that as the potential continued to grow, the potential improvement brought about by the evolution of Ghost would stagnate.

He still doesn't know what this limit is, what the elves' limits are.

However, he has learned that this ghost has championship potential, and the next step is to work hard.

Ghost needs to level up before he can continue the next experiment. If he has enough life energy cubes and venom tubes, he should be able to level up two levels a day.

It's a pity that Guis doesn't have the characteristic of Greedy Ghost. This characteristic should help the elves digest food and allow the elves to absorb more energy.

According to the conservation of energy, energy will neither be created out of thin air nor disappear out of thin air. It can only be converted from one form to another form, or transferred from one object to another. During the transfer or transformation process, its total amount constant.

According to the conservation of energy, Guis's level has not disappeared, but the energy required to increase his potential has been deducted from the level.

Different from the evolution of other elves, the evolution of other elves not only increases the potential, but also increases the level. This may be related to the good food he gave the elves when they evolved, and the energy crystals such as gems, which were all digested by evolution. .

Guisi's fourteen sets of evolutionary data did not eat these things, and there is no data for comparison.

The energy cube Guisi just ate has no effect after degradation. Either Guisi has degenerated and cannot digest the energy cube, or the energy effect of the energy cube is too poor. The improvement in level and potential is very small, so small that it is mixed in the data just now. , he didn’t even notice it.

He only recorded one digit after the decimal point, but not the second digit after the decimal point. After all, the change after 0.1 will not exceed 0.1, so there is no need to record it.

Now it seems that the energy of the energy cube cannot fluctuate even by 0.1. He must get a ghost gem or even a dark stone. Anyway, anything with ghost energy can be given to Ghost to try.

When letting Guis evolve, it digests and absorbs the ghost energy on these gems, and feeds back the potential and level through evolution, so that Guis does not have to deduct levels when increasing his potential.

He did what he thought of and used the elf ball to put away Guisi, who was already indigestion. Because Guisi had eaten too many life energy cubes and had not yet digested them, he was full now.

After taking back Guisi, he packed up the box of energy cubes and found that Guisi had eaten two and a half boxes of life energy cubes, which was twenty-five. It must be said that Guisi was really a glutton and didn't stop until he was full. Guisi How hungry are you?

Waiting for Guisi to digest the energy cube, he used the elf ball to take back the mosquito-repellent frog and the flying mantis, turning the Variety Monster into the same face he had when he was shopping before. He went outside the door to take back the giant claw crab, and then went to the villa yard and sat on it. The big-billed gull heads to the big city where it just came.

There was no way, there was no such thing as ghost gems in this town, let alone dark stones. If his guess was feasible, he would need a lot of ghost gems.

This thing is much cheaper than the Dark Stone. Although they are both stones full of ghost energy, the Dark Stone can evolve elves, but the Ghost Stone cannot.

He had previously speculated whether the ghost gem would be the original stone of the Dark Stone. When the ghost gem absorbed enough ghost energy, it would turn into the Dark Stone.

After all, the number of ghost gems can be hundreds of thousands at most, but it’s hard to say how many dark stones there are.

You must know that the medium-quality water stone in the Hasa City Department Store is priced at 3.5 million. Considering that there are many water elves in Hasa City, the demand is relatively high, so it will be much more expensive.

But the Dark Stone is used to evolve ghost-type elves, and is no less scarce than evolutionary stones such as the Moon Stone. He estimated that the starting price of this thing is at least two million, and this is still the lowest quality Dark Stone.

If it is a medium-quality dark stone, the price starts at least four million.

If it was a high-grade Dark Stone, he didn't know about it, he hadn't seen it before, and he hadn't seen high-grade ones on Hasa Island.

The owner of the props shop in the department store originally asked him to forget about it with medium-quality evolutionary stones and not explore the secrets of high-grade evolutionary stones.

He guessed that it was monopolized and used as a bargaining chip to win over trainers, just like the club used to win over him.

This time he mainly focused on ghost gems. As for the dark stones, he would just collect one or two if he could find them. It didn’t matter what quality the dark stones were. Anyway, he was just researching whether Ghost could absorb these after evolving. The ghostly energy within the stone.

When he came to the previous department store and found the greasy fat man in the store, the greasy fat man was startled when he heard his arrival. There were beads of sweat on his forehead. He must have thought about it at the scene of the dismemberment. .

"Sir, I wonder what happened to you when you came back?" The greasy fat man kept rubbing his hands with a smile on his face, but his heart kept pounding. They had just been separated for a morning. Could it be that there was something wrong with that batch of goods.

It shouldn't be. He personally supervised the packaging of the goods. How could there be a problem? Even if there was a problem with one or two boxes, didn't he still send ten boxes? Could it be that there is a problem with a large number of goods?

"Do you want a big deal?" Yuhai didn't waste any words and directly stated his intention. However, he was very satisfied with the fat man's sweating forehead. It's okay to be afraid. As long as he is afraid, the deal will be done.

Large stores like Greasy Fatty are basically chain stores that not only sell elf food, but also elf props.

"Thousands, tens of millions of business?" After hearing the tens of millions of business, the greasy fat man swallowed secretly and breathed a sigh of relief.

He was almost frightened to death by this man's sudden arrival. Although it was good to do business worth tens of millions, this kind of business was too scary. He was afraid that he would not be able to spend his life while making money.

"If it's a business worth tens of millions, I'll give you 20% off," Yu Hai raised his hand and made a gesture of eighty, telling the greasy fat man that he would buy ten million at a 20% discount. If there was no 20% off, he would say otherwise.

"I don't know, sir, what do you want to buy?" The greasy fat man was sure that Yu Hai was here for business. He immediately straightened his collar and straightened his back. He was the manager.

As a result, Ukai just curled his fingers, and the fat on the greasy fat man's face immediately formed a flattering smile, and he quickly brought it to Ukai's mouth, waiting obediently for Ukai to speak.

"I want something related to ghost energy, such as ghost gems, dark stones, etc..."

"Sir, do you have any requirements for the quality of this batch of goods?" The greasy fat man raised his hand and gently wiped away the sweat on his cheeks, secretly thinking that the things that such a vicious person needs are life-threatening things.

The life energy cube is better, but ten pounds of venom is a bit scary. Now he wants something related to ghost elves. Touching such things will shorten his life. He also wants to live for two more years with the fat on his body.

"Of course I want the best, you know," Yuhai gave Fatty Fatty a look, letting Fatty Fatty himself understand. He believed that Fatty Fatty would understand.

"Haha, I understand, I understand," the greasy fat man smiled knowingly, and his chubby face was filled with smiles. The smile was like a blooming chrysanthemum, warm and bright, making people feel extremely... vomit...

Ukai was about to die. He was too greasy. Not only was his hair shiny and slippery, but when he smiled, the beads of sweat in the crevices of his fat flesh, if not sweat beads, he suspected were oil and water.

If it wasn't for the purpose of maintaining his character, he would have slapped her long ago... Bah, he doesn't want to be exposed to such disgusting things. Even if he is greasy, he is still a profiteer.

After all, he had been cheated in his previous life, and he didn't like businessmen, especially this kind of greasy businessman who liked to fake smiles.

"Okay, hurry up and get ready. I'll see the goods in half an hour," Yuhai waved his hand and stayed away from the greasy fat man, preparing to wander around the store and wait for the fat man to bring the goods.

"Sir, you are a big customer. How can I make you wait for half an hour? I promise to bring you the goods in ten minutes," the greasy fat man assured Yu Hai, then turned to the black silk shopping guide behind him and whispered:

"You lead the distinguished guest to the private room, give him a squeeze on his shoulder, go make a cup of tea, and you go get some fruit. The three of you will get a commission if you make the guest feel comfortable..."

"Okay, manager." After receiving the order, the three shopping guides in black stockings immediately led Yu Hai to the box. One of them squeezed his shoulders, the other beat his legs, and the other fed him fruit, almost letting Yu Hai sit on his lap.

This scene made Yu Hai a little uncomfortable. After all, he was a stinky part-time worker in his previous life. When had he ever enjoyed such treatment?

Hey, is this the life of rich people? It really corrodes people's hearts! No wonder so many people can't stand the temptation of sugar-coated bullets. He finally figured it out.

If he does this every day, he will really lose the momentum to move forward, and he will only lie flatter than in his previous life, as if he had been heated with an electric iron.

It's impossible now. Without that strength, it's impossible to lie down. His goal remains the same. He must first become a trainer of the King and then talk about lying down.

However, he was not polite about these ten minutes of service. You know, he spent ten million to enjoy ten minutes...

It was all the fault of that damn fat man. His half hour was cut off by two-thirds. He vowed to find that damn fat man and get back the twenty minutes he had lost.

Ten minutes later, the greasy fat man came back with a large bag of things.

"Sir, I kept you waiting for a long time. I brought you the goods you asked for..."

"I want to see the goods, you go out first," Yuhai stood up and waved, pushing away the grapes that the shopping guide fed to his mouth, and asked the three shopping guides to leave. He needed to have a good chat with the fat man.

After the three shopping guides left, the greasy fat man opened the gift box, which contained ghost gems, dark stones, and spell talismans. He introduced to Ukai: "Sir, these are the three items in the store that contain ghost energy. …”

"The things are not bad, but I'm in a bad mood now," Yuhai shook his head, put his feet up on the wooden table, leaned his head back on the sofa, his eyes were lowered, and he stared at the fat man expressionlessly.

"First of all, sir, if there is any place where the hospitality is not good, sir, could you please make it clear?" The greasy fat man thought that this order would be very pleasant, but he didn't expect that this mysterious guest would be unhappy, and he didn't know where he had offended him. Could it be just now? service?

In fact, the fat man guessed half of it right.

"Ten minutes? Okay, that's great. I didn't even say ten minutes, but you would consider it for me and help me say it for ten minutes. Do I have to thank you for helping me save time?" Ukai seemed to Staring at the greasy fat man with a non-smile, he was actually trying to blackmail him.

He must have the initiative in this transaction, otherwise when the price is negotiated, the fat man will think that he is easy to talk to, and he will slap his nose in his face.

"This, this," the greasy fat man's hands were shaking so much that he could no longer pull out the silk scarf. He could only stand up quickly, raised his hand and quickly wiped away the cold sweat with the cuffs of his brand new white suit. He bent down and bowed to express his apology to Yuhai: "Mr. , if you need them, they will appear in your room tonight..."

"Haha, do you think I need a woman? Or do you think I can't get a few women? Do you still need to do something?" Yuhai kicked the tea on the table rudely, and was so frightened that the fat man trembled, and his legs almost went weak. .

Ukai felt that he was almost scared. It was time to stop. He immediately stood up and picked up the Dark Stone in the gift box. The panel instantly scanned out the purity.

[Dark Stone: A magical stone that allows certain elves to evolve (purity 46.12%)]

"The stone is just average, not even high-end. I wonder how much it will cost?" After seeing the purity, Yuhai also knew the quality of this dark stone. It can be regarded as an above-average quality dark stone.

Among the medium-quality evolutionary stones, they are considered to be good-quality stones, but unfortunately they are all crap if they are not high-grade.

"First of all, sir, the price of this Stone of Darkness is six, six..." The greasy fat man saw Yu Hai's half-smiling eyes. He couldn't shout out the six million in his mouth. His breathing became rapid and heavy, and his hands Holding each other tightly, the knuckles turned white from the exertion,

Finally, he became cruel and dug his nails deeply into his palms. Using the pain from his palms to force himself to calm down, he made an offer: "Sir, four million, this is my limit, and this is the price after discount." …”

"Haha, I'm not embarrassing you, right?" Yuhai smiled, put down the Dark Stone, and thought of the Water Stone in Hasa City.

If we were to give the price of a medium-quality evolutionary stone that fluctuates greatly, the price would be between three million and seven million.

No one will buy a medium-quality water stone if it exceeds 7 million. If it is a high-level evolutionary stone, it is really a friendly price if you can buy it for less than 10 million. After all, high-level evolutionary stones are inherently expensive and have no market. Anyone with money and no means can buy it. Less than.

"No, sir, as long as you are happy," the greasy fat man finally saw Ukai smiling happily, not the kind of contemptuous smile, which meant that the incident just now was in the past.

You must know that the lowest selling price of this Dark Stone in the store is five million. Even if there is a discount, it is 15% off. The rest will be regarded as his supply to the other party. When the time comes, it will be directly deducted from the commission and a little will be added to the bill. Just do some tricks on it.

Fortunately, he called for the discount early, otherwise if he gets a 20% discount on four million, he will lose all his underpants. It seems that he will have to sell more things later to get his money back...

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