Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 193, water gun skills

To be honest, Yuhai doesn't know much about cultivating elves.

The proficiency panel told him to judge that the elf had just evolved, and the proficiency panel told him to judge that the elf had just evolved.

I'm really sorry to be misunderstood. He is just a breeder and trainer disguised as a proficiency panel.

"Come in, mosquito-repellent frogs," Yuhai and other mosquito-repellent-repellent frogs ran through the gate, beckoning the mosquito-repellent-repellent frogs to come over, ready to let the mosquito-repellent incense frogs show the thin man his unique skills with a water gun.

"Hey, oh, oh, oh, oh," the mosquito-repellent frog quickly stopped running, panting heavily and came to Yuhai's side, waiting for Yuhai's arrangements.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, attack the three empty bottles hanging over there with a water gun." Yuhai raised his hand and pointed to the moisture training field. While giving instructions to the mosquito-repellent frog, he shouted to the thin man: "Release the mosquito-repellent frog, raise your head and look carefully... "

As the thin man released the mosquito-repellent incense frog and looked up, the mosquito-repellent incense frog immediately spit out three water guns that looked like thin arrows and hit three empty bottles.

After the empty bottles were shaken, Yuhai shouted again: "Mosquito-repellent frog, continue to attack the three shaking empty bottles with your water gun."

"Well, 噗 ,," Mosquito coil frogs once again made three consecutive water guns, hitting the three empty bottles shaking.

These unique skills are all leftover from playing with mosquito-repellent incense frogs. The current limit of mosquito-repellent incense frogs is four consecutive shots while blindfolded.

Of course he wouldn't let the mosquito-repellent frog be displayed, otherwise there would be no explanation.

"Bah bang bang, that's it, mosquito-repellent incense frog, you go back and run," Yuhai clapped his hands and praised the mosquito-repellent incense frog, and then let the mosquito-repellent incense frog continue to run outside the door.

Seeing the mosquito-repellent frog's unique skill, the thin man was stunned on the spot, including the released mosquito-repellent frog, who also stood there blankly.

If it were the previous three fixed targets, Slim Man's mosquito-repellent frog was confident that he could master it with practice, but the last three water guns hit three moving targets at the same time.

Is this something a mosquito-repellent frog can do? Why does it feel like it's in a dream? It doesn't feel real at all.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, you go and try it," the thin man came back to his senses and realized how ridiculous he was just now, actually still questioning Yuhai's judgment.

It turned out that what the other party said was absolutely right. The elf was very good and healthy. It was not the elf's problem at all, but his problem. It was him who was too rubbish as a trainer.

In order to prove that it was not his problem, the thin man asked the mosquito-repellent frog to try it, and then he would know whose problem it was.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey," the mosquito-repellent frog looked at the trainer, as if looking at a fool, "As a trainer, don't you know that my water gun's aim is smashed!"

Puff puff--

But the mosquito-repellent frog spit out three water guns at the request of the thin man, but none of them hit the moving target. The mosquito-repellent frog looked helplessly at its trainer and asked the thin man with his eyes, "Are you satisfied now?"

"Cough," the thin man didn't have the nerve to look at the mosquito-repellent incense frog, so he could only cough to cover up his embarrassment, because he didn't think the mosquito-repellent incense frog could hit him, and he was very embarrassed now anyway.

However, he did not say anything, but encouraged the mosquito-repellent frog: "Mosquito-repellent frog, as long as you practice a few more times, you will be able to hit the moving target. Let's work hard together..."

"Yo Bo, Yo Bo," the mosquito-repellent frog was encouraged by the thin man and immediately started practicing with confidence.

After more than ten minutes, no moving empty bottles were hit.

You must know the original mosquito-repellent frog, but it took several days of practice and the foundation of practicing with stones to hit the same shaking floating ball with three water guns.

If this mosquito-repellent frog wants to learn it, it will take at least several days of practice. Especially if the trainer is not a human being, there is no telling when the mosquito-repellent frog will learn it.

After quietly observing the thin man and the mosquito-repellent frog for half an hour, Yuhai couldn't stand it anymore and started teaching: "Mosquito-repellent frog, if you want to hit the moving target, you need to predict the trajectory of the empty bottle and fire the water gun in advance."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey," the mosquito-repellent frog stopped practicing the water gun after hearing what Yuhai said, and turned to look at the thin man, who saw that the thin man had nothing to say.

The mosquito-repellent frog turned to look at Yuhai. It was very confused and didn't understand what Yuhai was saying.

"Big-billed gull, tell it what prediction is," Yuhai waved to the big-billed gull praying for rain on the wall of the courtyard, asking the big-billed gull to explain to the skinny mosquito-repellent frog what prediction is.

As for the moving targets of water guns, the large-billed gull and the giant crab are both three-shot sharpshooters, the kind that always hit the mark.

"Bah, bah," the big-mouthed gull first explained the prediction to the mosquito-repellent frog, then spit out three water guns, and demonstrated the prediction to the mosquito-repellent frog again.

Seeing this scene, the ignorant mosquito-repellent frog seemed to understand a little bit about prediction.

The thin man, who was unable to help, was shocked when he saw that the big-billed gull could fire three consecutive rounds at the moving target.

He originally thought that only the mosquito-repellent frog could master the accurate shot and the three-shot moving target skill, but he did not expect that the inconspicuous big-billed gull on the wall of the courtyard could also do it.

Seeing the surprised look on the thin man's face, Yuhai thought he could make this guy numb, so he shouted to the giant crab running by outside the door: "Big crab, come here, use the water gun to attack the moving target empty bottle with three bursts..."

Puff puff--

When the giant crab came over, it was still panting heavily. After taking a few breaths, the giant crab spit out three water guns in a row, successfully hitting three shaking empty bottles, and then was chased away by Ukai to continue running.

After finishing the fight with the giant claw crab, Ukai shouted to the two stupid things in the water: "King Carp, weak tench, use water guns to attack the empty bottles on the moving target..."

"Kalu kalu," King Carp rolled his eyes and glanced at the thin man, indicating that the water gun is just a moving target. It has been numb after watching mosquito-repellent frogs on the desert island for several trainings. It can't shoot three consecutive rounds, but it can still shoot with one water gun. middle.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The weak tench has also wanted to complain for a long time. It watched the water gun shooting in the water for half an hour. It was really a kind of torture. Now it is going to give the mosquito-repellent frog a little The little tench is shocked.


With two consecutive shots from the water gun, the weak tench successfully hit two moving targets...

King Carp and Tench hit their targets one after another, and even touched each other with their tails in the water. The splashing water in the pool was a celebration of their success in pretending.

They were very happy when they saw both the thin man and the mosquito-repellent frog in autistic state, squatting in the corner and drawing circles. They felt that the whole world had turned gray and this was no longer the world they were familiar with.

Who told these two guys to torture the fish with a water gun for more than half an hour?

"Are you autistic enough? I will teach your mosquito-repellent frog the combined attack skills used in the orphanage..."

Ukai originally wanted to teach Slender Man's mosquito-repellent frog the skill of climbing waterfalls as the core of his tactics, but before he could finish, he was interrupted by Slender Man.

"No, I want to learn this," the thin man rejected Yu Hai and raised his hand to point to the hanging empty bottle. He wanted to practice the accuracy of the mosquito-repellent frog water gun first.

It’s okay to be compared with mosquito-repellent frogs, big-mouthed gulls, and giant claw crabs. They were actually looked down upon by Magikarp. He expressed his dissatisfaction. He couldn’t swallow this breath no matter what. His mosquito-repellent frogs must first practice the water gun three times. Let’s talk about sending a moving target.

He felt that before, he was really a frog in the well, dominating the orphanage, and yet he was so proud and felt that he was so powerful.

In the eyes of others, he was just playing house with the elf. He felt that the first eleven years of his life had been in vain.

He also needs to reshape his three views, otherwise he will not be able to keep up with this teacher.

"Okay, if you have any questions, let the mosquito-repellent frog ask the big-billed gull. I still need to run," Yuhai explained the matter and started jogging again.

Since the opponent wants to practice his aim, he will not stop him. If he wants to learn combined striking skills later, he will also teach him.

Their relationship is just a personal relationship where the master brings them in and practice.

He will not be strict with this student, nor will he take advantage of him. If he wants to learn, he will teach him. If he doesn't want to learn, he will not teach. It's that simple.

Seeing that Ukai started jogging again, the thin man saw that the mosquito-repellent frog could also train alone, so he arranged for Dou Ligu to train the accuracy of his moves with the mosquito-repellent frog. He also started jogging with Yuhai in the small courtyard.

Seeing this, Yuhai nodded secretly. Without his request, he did not expect that the thorny head would follow him, and he did not continue to pay attention to the thorny head.

After all, this can only mean that the other party is determined to become a strong person, but it does not mean that the other party will definitely become a strong person.

The key to deciding whether the opponent can become a powerful trainer is persistence, which requires perseverance...

The morning exercise passed quickly, and after jogging until eleven o'clock, Ukai stopped jogging, went back to the house to take a shower, change clothes, and wash clothes to prepare the elves' lunch.

After the thin man stopped at Ukai, he also stopped jogging, panting and sitting under the eaves to rest. The mosquito-repellent frog and the mushroom were still training the accuracy of the water gun with the two stupid things like Tench.

However, there has been some improvement. The hit rate of a single-shot water gun on a fixed target is 90%, and the accuracy of a moving target can also be 60%.

As lunch was ready, Ukai invited the elves to come over for lunch. After the elves started eating, he also brought home-cooked food from the kitchen and placed two pairs of bowls and chopsticks on the table.

Then he called the thin man who had already taken out the bread to eat, and asked him to come over for lunch, "Xiaoying, come over for lunch..."

Yuhai heard the old dean call this little prickly head that way, and he called it that too.

When Xiaoying heard his name being called, he looked up and saw Ukai waving to him at the dining table. He got up and walked over, letting the mosquitoes and the others stay with Ukai's elves for lunch. He also gave his own elves Prepared energy cube lunch.

When he was served, he looked at the bowls, chopsticks, rice, and home-cooked dishes that were all delicious and delicious. He swallowed subconsciously, put down the dry and hard bread that he had taken a few bites, and picked up the bowl to grate. stand up.

Seeing that the prickly head had such a good appetite, he also started to grab it, fearing that he would be too late to use his chopsticks and the little prickly head would eat all the meat.

After lunch, the thin man was full and relaxed completely. He accepted Yuhai calling him by his nickname and even asked when the afternoon training would start.

"Don't worry, let's take a nap first." Yuhai also finished his meal, waved his hand to Xiaoying, and fell asleep on the sofa.

Seeing that Yuhai was asleep, Xiaoying also lay down on the single sofa and fell asleep. It was the first time for him to do morning exercises in the morning, but he was exhausted and he needed to rest for a while.

After the two fell asleep, the elves all ran to the swimming pool to take a bath. After soaking for a while, they came to the cool area of ​​the living room and took a nap.

Except for the scorching sun that shines from time to time, this seaside villa fell into silence.

It wasn't until the sleeping people and elves woke up from their naps one after another that the villa started to become lively.

After the lunch break, the afternoon training also began.

If the thin man is willing to learn, Yuhai can guarantee that the thin man will have a fulfilling day and the whole day will be clearly arranged.

As the training started in the afternoon, the mosquito-repellent frog needed to use the empty bottle training venue to train moisture perception, which occupied the training venue of the thin mosquito-repellent frog.

"The mosquito-repellent frogs need to be used there in the afternoon. There are empty bottles here. You can use the clothes-drying pole to make some moving targets for your mosquito-repellent frogs." Yuhai threw the clothes-drying pole, the empty bottles, and the rope to the thin man. Let the thin man be the target.

After the thin man made a good target, the mosquito-repellent frog's training also entered the state. The giant claw crab, armored rhinoceros, and green onion duck went for a run outside the door again.

Slowpoke and Baddie also used silly things to practice their telekinesis, and Orb Silk Spider also started shooting targets.

Everyone was caught up in busy training. After the thin man made a moving target for the mosquito-repellent frog, the mosquito-repellent frog and the mushroom also started training on the accuracy of their moves.

The thin man was still wondering why the other three elves were still running, but the mosquito-repellent frog did not need to run, but changed its training methods, and Yuhai stopped running.

It's understandable that Yuhai doesn't run, but what exactly is the mosquito-repellent frog training to avoid bottles? Is it training its dodge ability?

"Ask whatever you want," Ukai asked when he saw the thin man approaching, hesitant to speak.

"What are the mosquito-repellent frogs training for?" asked the thin man.

"Training dodge ability," Yuhai lied, but it wasn't actually a lie. If moisture perception was not considered, this training method could indeed improve the elf's dodge ability, but the improvement was limited.

"So that's it," the thin man looked at the mosquito-repellent frog that was constantly moving around in the empty bottle, and then looked at his own mosquito-repellent frog. After he got to practice aiming the water gun, his mosquito-repellent frog would also practice this.

"Your name is Xiaoying, right? Do you like fighting elves very much? Do you plan to specialize in fighting elves in the future?" Yuhai suddenly thought of the animation he had watched in his previous life and asked this question.

He was very impressed by that episode of animation, because Zhiye completely conquered the old fan in that episode, and it was assisted by a fast-swimming frog, and the trainer of this fast-swimming frog was named Xiaoying. Do you know if they have the same name or surname?

"I'm not very sure, these two elves were given to me by my grandfather," Xiaoying recalled the origin of the elves. They were given to him by his grandfather, and his grandfather bought the mushrooms from the old dean.

It seems that Xiaoying has not yet embarked on the road of fighting competitions, has not won the championship belt, and is not sure that the Xiaoying in the animation is this Xiaoying.

Whether Xiaoying is Xiaoying in the animation depends on Xiaoying's subsequent development. You must know that the fast swimming frog in the animation can withstand Pikachu's electric moves.

However, in the animation, Master Zhi is the protagonist, and Xiaoying is just a passerby who helps Master Zhi conquer the old troll...

I’ve changed the cover, so I’d better stick to my mother’s cover for peace of mind…

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