Yuhai, who had already arrived outside the Elf Center, didn't even realize that the strong man came after him left.

If they had met at that time, they might have started a fight. It was a pity that he missed a good person who supported his career as a trainer.

At this time, he had already entered the elf center. After waiting in line for a while, he was also in line. He immediately took out ten elf balls and his ID card and handed them to Miss Joy.

"Miss Joy, please give these ten little guys a full body examination..."

Miss Joy took the elf ball, slowly put it into the medical cart, and asked Ukai: "Is it a basic examination of 1,000 yuan, or a more detailed full-body examination? The cost is 3,000 yuan."

"A more detailed full-body examination," Yuhai definitely wanted the best.

"Okay, trainer, you can go and wait on the bench," Ms. Joy made notes on the medical cart. She needed medical services for the elf, and asked Gilly Egg to push the medical cart away.

"Please don't let the green onion duck out for medical examination. I haven't completely conquered the green onion duck yet," Ukai hurriedly explained when he saw that the lucky egg was about to leave.

"Don't worry trainer, I've already written it down," Miss Joy smiled.

"Thank you," Ukai thanked him, took back his ID card, and came to the bench of the Elf Center to wait quietly. In fact, he was not idle, but checked the wanted notice in the Elf Center.

He found that he was still hanging on it, and his contribution points had actually increased. He didn't continue to commit crimes. Could this thing still increase? Is it because the reward hasn't been caught yet, so the reward amount has been increased?

"Have you heard that more and more new trainers have been robbed recently..."

"Yeah, I don't know when the spider robber will be caught, so my family won't let me go out at night..."

"I don't know when Miss Junsha will be caught..."

"Didn't you say you caught it last night?"

"Only one was caught, and many more appeared..."

Ukai sat on the bench, listening to the discussions of the trainers around him, and secretly called out to him, "It turns out this is the reason why the bounty has increased."

Then if he comes out now and says that he is a spider robber, no one will believe what he says.

He is the real spider robber, those are all fakes, fakes...

But this is good, it just distracts Miss Junsha. After all, it is no longer important who is the real spider robber.

What matters is how to clear out this group of unsettled elements and combat the skyrocketing crime rate in the city, which has not been done for a long time.

After sitting and waiting for another half hour, Yuhai heard someone calling his name.

"Trainer Ukai, trainer Ukai..."

"Here," Ukai hurriedly stood up and came to the shouting Miss Joy, and asked, "I am Ukai, what can I do for Miss Joy?"

"Your ten elves have been checked. They are all healthy. It's just that the green onion duck has many minor injuries. We have treated the green onion duck. You can't let the green onion duck fight anymore. The green onion duck needs to rest for three to five days. recover……"

"Okay, I understand, thank you, Miss Joy," Ukai thanked Miss Joy and then asked, "Ms. Joy, how much does it cost to treat an elf?"

"伱 is a more detailed full body examination. The cost is 3,000 per elf, ten is 30,000. The treatment fee for the green onion duck is 5,000..."

"Then when can I take away the elves?" Yuhai asked again.

"You can go through the discharge procedures for Elf now," Ms. Joy pointed to the small fee window on the right for Ukai, where you can go to go through the discharge procedures.

Then Yuhai went to pay 35,000 alliance coins before taking away his ten elves.

The other nine elves are all in good spirits. Only the Green Onion Duck is bandaged. It seems that Miss Joy has released the Green Onion Duck.

However, Green Onion Duck was still in a coma, and he must have been hypnotized. As long as he didn't get into trouble, he was afraid that Green Onion Duck would get into trouble, and he would definitely have to lose money again.

Now that the elves were all healthy, he left the elf center and bought some meals and some quick-heat food in the supermarket, which was enough for him to eat for a week and cost him 10,000 alliance coins.

After shopping, he took the Gull back to his house on the beach.

The big-billed gull landed directly in the yard. When he came down, he took out the elf ball and released eight other elves. Even the green onion duck was released by him.

Let the green onion duck lie in the yard. The gate of the yard is locked anyway. Unless the green onion duck wants to fly away, he will not stop it.

However, he also warned the mosquito-repellent frog: "Mosquito-repellent frog, if the green onion duck still wants to fight, don't fight with him, he needs to recuperate..."

"Yobo, yobo," the mosquito-repellent frog looked at the green onion duck, which was covered in bandages, with a miserable look. It was all injured by it. Of course it knew very well, so it nodded and accepted Yuhai's instructions.

Ukai let the elves play in the water-replaced pool, while he went to the empty kitchen and put the freshly bought ingredients, fruits, vegetables, meat, rice and other foods into the refrigerator to keep them fresh.

Then I came to the living room, sat on the sofa and turned on the TV...

"Congratulations to the chief trainer, Yongci, for once again defeating the challenger who won four cross-star badges..."

"Yongji?" As soon as Yukai turned on the TV, he saw a trainer with a black back and a red sleeveless jacket. On a battle field similar to the ancient Roman arena, he used his dragon to defeat the four pieces that had been collected. Trainer with the Cross Star Emblem.

Seeing this guy, Yuhai also remembered who this guy was...

Yongci, the chief trainer of the Orange League, was betrayed by the animation production team and lost to Zhiye's Yongci.

But this guy is not the Orange League champion, which is interesting.

After seeing this guy, he also realized which elf world he was in.

Orange Islands is a new map created by the animation production team for Mr. Zhi after the end of the Muji Chapter. It is to give fans of Mr. Zhi the dream of realizing the regret that Mr. Zhi failed to win the top 16 in the Quartz Conference.

Although the title of the Orange Islands champion is not as valuable, it is still a champion at least. It is Zhiye's first championship, and Zhiye is also the first trainer to defeat Yongji, so this guy is said to have let go.

Seeing that this guy has won again, if he wants this guy to lose, he probably has to wait until Master Zhi comes!

If it is the animated version of the Elf World, that is to say, he can meet plot characters such as Master Zhi, Xiaoxia, and Xiaogang.

I'm really looking forward to it a little bit, but I'm not too excited. After all, I've traveled through time, and Master Zhi has to step aside. He is the protagonist.

When he thought of this, Yuci's game had already finished, and he also changed the channel. It was another elf battle, and it had just started.

"Next is the semi-finals of the Quartz Conference. Who can stand at the end and enter the finals between contestant xx and contestant xx? Please let us wait and see..."

"Oh, it's actually the Quartz Conference. It feels so familiar. It's the alliance regional conference that Master Zhi participated in for the first time as a torchbearer." Yuhai put down the remote control and looked at the battle on the TV.

The semi-finals on TV were a 6v6 battle between all members. The passionate confrontation between the two trainers on the battlefield gradually attracted the elves from the yard, and they all gradually became fascinated by it.

In the end, the finale was a fire-breathing dragon, which defeated the trainer of the coconut egg tree and achieved the final victory.

After watching the whole battle between all the players, he felt that the gold content was quite high, but this kind of battle was nicknamed the Baby Cup in the post bar of the previous life, and some people didn't even bother to fight it.

In fact, it is called the Baby Cup because Zhi Ye only won the top 16, while Xiao Mao faced a strong opponent and only won the top 32.

If you want to talk about Zhi Ye Shui, you can still understand it.

But Xiaomao is a trainer who has received systematic elf education, and he was defeated by them all, which is enough to show that the gold content of the game is still very high.

The two protagonists were eliminated without entering the finals. The production team didn't bother to draw how the remaining supporting characters would fight and compete for the championship. They directly booked the championship. Even the championship directly copied Xiaogang's silhouette. So lazy.

Judging from the intensity of the battle just now, both sides were at least at the senior level, barely enough to be used as cannon fodder, including him.

Even this kind of battle is very valuable. If he were to play in the competition now, he would probably only be able to reach the top eight, which would be the limit.

He basically couldn't defeat the two trainers he just fought against on TV. Most of the elves of these two trainers were second-stage or even third-stage evolved elves.

Especially the fire-breathing dragon, which is at least level 40 or 50, and is very powerful. Even with reverse attributes, it can hang him up and beat him.

After the game, the TV program also entered the commercial break. When he came back to his senses, he found that the elves were surrounding him, especially the mosquito-repellent frog and giant claw crab, who never took their eyes away from the TV.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, do you want to participate in such a competition?" Seeing that the mosquito-repellent scented frog was fascinated, Yuhai asked aloud.

"Yobo, yobo," the mosquito-repellent frog pointed at the TV and then at himself, asking Yuhai if he could do it too.

"Of course, because I want to participate too. Otherwise, why are we training so hard? Isn't it just to make a splash in the conference? It's just that we can't participate in the competition now. We are too weak and we need to work harder... "

Ukai nodded first, then shook his head. He really wanted to participate in the competition, but in such a competition, he either didn't participate, or he had to win the championship if he participated.

If he couldn't win the championship, the competition would be meaningless to him as an orphan. It would be of no help at all and could only serve as a backdrop.

He had to be the most handsome boy on the field. This was the goal he set for himself and the elves. Otherwise, this time travel would become boring and meaningless.

His goal is not just the championship, but the Four Heavenly Kings. If the championship has a chance, he can also rush for it.

If you want to lie flat when the time comes, the King of Heaven is strong enough.

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