Yuhai took a taxi outside the hotel. As soon as he arrived at the department store, he went straight to the backpack store and spent 7,000 alliance coins to buy a 50-cubic black backpack.

This time I got a small pendant for the big-billed gull, which finally fulfilled the big-billed gull’s wish.

He went to the clothing store again and spent one thousand to buy five black face towels to replace the elf hunter's black face towel on his face. He also spent three thousand to buy three pairs of pants. He couldn't always wear a pair of stab-proof pants. .

Then I went to a watch store, bought a black mechanical watch for 10,000 yuan, and put it directly on my wrist.

Then I went to an outdoor goods store that likes to sell fakes and met the old faker again.

When the old man saw the stab-proof clothing he had just patched yesterday, he knew who was coming. "Young man, what do you want to buy this time?"

"Do you know me?" Yuhai asked without answering,

"Clothes, young man," the old man explained with a smile.

"It turns out they are clothes." Yuhai looked at the clothes on his body. There were many patches on them, and then reached out and pulled off the scarf. The boss had seen his appearance, so there was no need for him to cover up.

"Boss, let's take a look at two pairs of black hiking shoes. I want them in size 42." Yu Hai came over just to buy hiking shoes.

The cloth shoes on his feet are fine for wearing in the city, but not suitable for going out into the wild. They are also inconvenient to run and are not suitable for him.

"Okay, wait a moment, young man." The old man left the counter and rummaged for a while, found out two pairs of hiking boots, and introduced to Yu Hai: "These are all good products, young man..."

"Is it stab-proof?" Yuhai asked as he picked up the hiking boots.

"Of course, feel free to try it. There are steel pieces added to the toes to protect the toes," the old man explained.

Then Yuhai tried it on and found that the two pairs of shoes were indeed stab-proof and the toe caps were very hard. He then asked about the price, "How much do two pairs of hiking shoes cost?"

"Forty thousand," the old man raised four fingers to indicate the price.

"Twenty-five thousand, or you can take it back if it doesn't work out," Yuhai directly gave the purchase price and stopped haggling with the old man. He had more than 20 million in his bank card, so he didn't need to bargain.

"Chengchengcheng, can't I give it to you?" The old man waved his hand and stopped arguing with Yu Hai. He didn't lose 25,000.

Yuhai changed his shoes on the spot and they fit him perfectly.

The old man brought another stab-proof backpack and asked Yuhai: "Young man, do you want 20,000?"

"Are you willing to lower the price?" Yuhai couldn't help but tease the old man when he saw the backpack.

"I can't help it. My expenses have been too high recently. I'll give you 20,000 yuan if you want it." The old man put the backpack on the counter, hoping that Yuhai would buy it.

But Yuhai directly rejected the old man, shook his head and said: "Sorry, I have five backpacks..."

"Ahem," in fact, the old man had seen it a long time ago, so he could only put away his backpack in embarrassment, and asked: "What else does the young man need? I have all the outdoor supplies here, you can choose whatever you want..."

"Can you make clothes here?" Yuhai felt the giant tooth shark skin in his bag and was going to let the old man make a stab-proof suit.

"Okay, I wonder what kind of clothes the young man wants to make?" The old man nodded repeatedly. He is professional in making clothes.

Then Yuhai took out the giant tooth shark skin and placed it on the old man's counter.

Seeing this piece of shark skin, the old man's eyes widened. He hurriedly came to the door of the store and closed the iron door directly. Then he turned back and reminded Yukai: "Young man, if you want to use shark skin to make clothes, you have to remind the old man. , I was almost scared to death by you."

"Isn't it possible?" Yuhai asked curiously, but he didn't think it was a big deal. After all, the old man sold contraband himself.

"It's possible, but it's not good for others to see it." The old man reached out and touched the rough shark skin. He felt that the material was not bad. Then he opened the shark skin, spread it flat on the counter, and used his fingers to calculate the size of the shark skin.

The old man finally got a result and asked Yuhai: "Young man, this piece of shark skin can barely make a coat and trousers. I charge you 10,000 yuan for labor, can you do it?"

"Okay," Yuhai nodded, leaning on the counter with his arms folded, just watching the old man making clothes.

The old man didn't want to make any small moves. After getting Yu Hai's approval, he carefully looked through the shark skin for a while, then pulled out an identical shark skin from under the counter, placed it on Yu Hai's shark skin, and asked Yu Hai:

"Young man, let's take a look at this shark skin. If there's no problem, I'll use this one to exchange for yours and make clothes for you..."

"Why?" Yuhai reached out and touched it. The shark skin the old man took out was the same as his own shark skin, but much softer than his own.

"My fish skin has been softened. Yours is too hard and needs to be reprocessed. It will take a week to make clothes." The old man did not mean to hide it and explained the reason to Yu Hai seriously.

"Okay," Yuhai carefully inspected the old man's shark skin and nodded in agreement with the old man's proposal.

"Okay, young man, it can be done in an hour, don't worry," the old man then started to work directly, the sewing machine started to use sparks, and the coat and trousers were finished in more than an hour.

The fabrics are all ready-made. The old man only needs to cut them into shapes, then sew on the rainproof fabric, and the clothes and pants are ready.

It was done right under his nose, so Yuhai wasn't worried about anything wrong with the clothes.

Finally, the old man carefully inspected the clothes and pants. He had finished sewing them and found no flaws, so he threw the clothes to Yuhai.

Yuhai took the clothes, checked them carefully, put them in his backpack, and shouted to the old man: "I'm getting two black stab-proof T-shirts. Counting hiking shoes and labor costs, I have two stab-proof T-shirts. Here is fifty-five thousand..."

"Okay, okay, I'll give it all to you, young man." The old man didn't bargain too much for ten thousand stab-proof T-shirts. They had all been sold before, so what else could he say now?

When the old man brought him a short-sleeved stab-proof T-shirt, Yuhai poked it with a dagger and confirmed that it was correct before handing over the fifty-five thousand alliance coins to the old man.

At this point, the change of clothes is finally settled.

He was also going to say goodbye to the old man and go buy something, but the store door was still closed.

The old man also noticed this, collected the money, opened the door for Yuhai, and asked Yuhai to come back next time if he needed anything. Everything in the store was guaranteed to be genuine.

Yuhai thought for a while, and it seemed that there was really something he needed to ask the old man, "Old man, do you know where I can process the pendant?"

"Pendant? Is it the tooth of a megalodon?" the old man asked curiously.

"How did you know?" Yu Hai felt strange, how did the old man know that he was going to process the teeth of the megalodon.

"There has been a legend circulating in the Orange Islands that if you carry the teeth of a megalodon, you will not encounter an accident on the sea, so many people will process the teeth of the megalodon into jewelry and wear them on their bodies..."

"I know where the person you are looking for is. I'll give you an address." The old man returned to the counter, wrote an address on a piece of white paper, and handed the paper to Yu Hai.

Yuhai got the white paper with the address of Chengxi written on it. He folded the paper, thanked the old man and left the outdoor store.

Then he went to the super value supermarket and bought some daily necessities, wash basins, towels, toothbrushes and toothpaste, as well as pots and pans, elf rice bowls, and some small things for daily life, which cost him five thousand alliance coins.

Then there was nothing more. He left the department store and took a taxi to the west of the city. It was not that he was going to process the teeth of the megalodon.

But he wanted to rent a house in the west of the city. It happened that the craftsmen who processed jewelry were in the west of the city, the orphanage was also in the west of the city, and the seaside forests were all in the west of the city. So he wanted to rent a house in the west of the city and planned to live on the island for a while before making plans.

Moreover, the port is in the southeast of the city, the black market is also in the southeast of the city, and the elf center is also in the east of the city. It is better to stay away from these places.

After all, where there are trainers, there are also the most disputes. This sentence is not wrong at all.

He has only been to the black market twice, but he has not seen many cases of murder and smuggling.

At that time, he was flying in the sky and witnessed it all with his own eyes. He should go to such a chaotic place as little as possible.

The car stopped in the west of the city, and he started looking for a house. After walking around here, he found that there were more single-family villas here, especially near the seaside.

He found a real estate agent here and planned to rent a house on the beach. This place was not in the city center but on the outskirts of the city. Only tourists who came here would rent houses, so the houses were not very expensive.

"Sir, do you have any needs for a house?"

This was the first question Yuhai asked the real estate agent after he met him.

"Being close to the sea, quiet, and with a swimming pool," Yuhai chose to be close to the sea because it was convenient for him to fish. He was quiet because he didn't want to be disturbed and to prevent anyone from prying into his secrets.

He wanted a swimming pool not because he wanted to swim, but because the six water elves wanted to play without a swimming pool...

"Sir, there are many houses near the sea. No one comes here. It is basically quiet. The houses near the sea have swimming pools. There is no need to worry about this. You want a house with many..."

"The rent for the house here is 100,000 Union Dollars per month. No deposit is required. The rent is not refundable after check-out. Furniture and appliances are all priced. Damage must be compensated according to the price. Water and electricity are paid monthly. How many do you want to rent, sir?" A house for a month? Sir, you can think carefully before renting a house..."

"Three months," Yuhai thought for a while and decided to rent it for three months first. If it is still there then, he can renew the lease.

In order to rent a house, he first went to an ATM machine and withdrew 990,000 yuan in cash, leaving 27 million yuan left in his bank card.

Don't ask why it's still a round number, because he was hacked by the alliance for another 10,000 alliance coins. In order to make up the round number, he deposited another 10,000 in his bank card, so the money he took out became 990,000.

Three months' rent, which is 300,000 alliance coins, can only be stayed for 30 days if converted to a hotel in the city center.

In addition to water and electricity bills and other miscellaneous expenses, renting a house is the most cost-effective and he can afford it. After all, he is now a wealthy man worth tens of millions.

Although there is some inflation in this tens of millions, it is still tens of millions...

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