Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 168, a phone call

"Why?" Manager Mustache asked subconsciously. After asking, he regretted it. He had fallen into the rhythm of Yuhai's conversation.

Yuhai was very satisfied with the reaction of the mustachioed manager. He narrowed his eyes with a smile and said with a smile: "I beat him..."

Of course, Manager Mustache would not think that it was the mysterious quasi-king trainer in front of him who beat him, but the opponent's quasi-king elf. If the energy level was knocked down, it is not impossible.

"By the way, I starved it for half a month. It's normal for the test to be inaccurate. Do you want me to let it out, eat something and then test it again?" Yuhai joked and reached for the elf ball. He really wanted to Let the electric beast out to eat.

"Don't let go, sir, I already understand the situation," the mustachioed manager quickly stretched out his hand to stop Yuhai from letting go of the electric beast.

This electric shock beast is obviously not the opponent's elf. He is not afraid of the opponent being a Quasi-King of Trainer, but he is just an ordinary person. Even if the electric shock beast is not a Quasi-King of Heaven elf, he cannot withstand a senior-level electric shock beast.

If he releases the electric shock beast, he will probably be killed as well, and he will definitely faint in the toilet from crying.

"I know the hunter I killed. This electric beast definitely has the strength of a quasi-king. Not only does it have the strength of a quasi-king, it also inherited the fighting-type moves Explosion Fist, as well as powerful moves such as flame fist, freezing fist, thunder fist, and thunder. ," Yuhai chuckled, looking very relaxed.

After all, it is indeed easy to kill the elf hunter, but the mustache manager doesn't know this.

He could also see the electric beast's proficiency panel, which was more accurate than the opponent's bullshit instrument.

There is no doubt that the electric beast with a potential of fifty-five has the potential to become a quasi-king elf.

However, the electric beast without the elf hunter will never be able to take the step of becoming a quasi-king, but the mustache manager opposite does not know this.

Unless the electric shock beast undergoes the third stage of evolution and becomes an electric shock monster, it may become a quasi-king elf, or even a king-level elf.

"This, this, this," the mustachioed manager was speechless. He pulled out the silk scarf from his front pocket with trembling fingers and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Being in the same room with a would-be king trainer was really too stressful.

He couldn't be sure of the other person's temperament. If the other person was unhappy, he would kill him, and the store's security wouldn't be able to save him.

Even when he asked the other party about the price of the electric beast, he had to be careful, for fear of angering the vicious person who could kill the would-be king trainer.

"Sir, how much do you plan to sell this electric beast for?"

"Fifteen million," Yuhai said loudly, which was higher than the price offered by the masked stall owner who came to sell the electric beast before.

"Sir, please give me a reasonable price. The price of 15 million is too high. Even if this electric beast knows many powerful moves, our store will not recycle this electric beast." When the mustache manager heard the offer, he said My fingers no longer tremble.

After all, there is nothing to be afraid of if the deal cannot be negotiated.

"Okay, you make a price, how much do you want to spend to buy the electric beast," Yuhai spread his hands, lying on the sofa and letting the other party set the price at will.

After all, it's a business, so there's no way to bargain.

The mustachioed manager just felt that the negotiation was impossible and was about to be tough. Unexpectedly, Yuhai actually kicked the ball. He could only bite the bullet and quote. He did not dare to quote too low, for fear of angering the mysterious man Yuhai. The quote was too high and he was out of luck. Can be fished.

"Sir, what do you think of seven, seven million?"

"Too little," Yuhai shook his head and gave Manager Mustache a look. He believed Manager Mustache would understand.

But the mustachioed manager spoke calmly and expressed regret to Yuhai: "Sir, seven million is the highest price I can give. My authority only has so much. I'm sorry, sir..."

When the mustached manager said this, the expression on his face was very sincere, and there was no playful smile on his face. It didn't look like he was faking it.

Yuhai didn't have a good way to deal with this. He couldn't force the other party. Unless he was willing to use seven million to attack the electric beast, he would have no choice but to leave the electric breeding house.

After all, Manager Mustache has shown off his cards. He has no choice but to lower the price and can only accept Mustache’s offer of 7 million.

The masked stall owner just now must be facing the same situation as him!

Faced with an offer of seven million, Yuhai also fell into deep thought, thinking about whether to accept the offer and take action on this electric beast.

Once he accepts this offer, it is impossible for other elves to exceed 7 million. The electric beast is the most valuable elf in his hand, and it is also the capital for negotiation.

Dong dong dong, dong dong dong——

Suddenly, there was a knock on the soundproof door, and the mustachioed manager went to open the door. It was the shopping guide lady from before.

The shopping guide girl held a mobile phone with only buttons in her hand and said to the mustache manager: "This is the phone number of the main store..."

"Give it to me," the mustachioed manager reached out to take the phone and apologized to Yuhai: "Sir, I'm sorry, you can think about it here, or you can leave on your own. I'll go take a call first."

As expected, the moustache manager left without closing the soundproof door to prevent any misunderstanding.

Watching the mustachioed manager leave, Yuhai was still thinking about whether to take action against the electric beast.

Manager Mustache was also asking if there was something urgent that the head office called.

"Fat Jin, did you reject a senior electric beast today?" There was a young man's voice on the other side of the phone.

"Yes, general manager, that person wanted 10 million, so I refused," the mustached manager answered the general manager's question truthfully.

"Find that person and buy the electric beast from him for 10 million..."

"What?" The mustache manager was immediately shocked. Was the general manager transferred, or was someone else pretending to be the general manager? How could the general manager agree to such an outrageous price?

"This is an order from the head office. Just follow it. The bottom line is 10 million. Whatever is left is your commission. I only have one request. Buy that electric beast..."

When he heard that there was still a commission, Manager Mustache was instantly happy, but suddenly he thought of a quasi-king electric beast in the box, so he fell silent again, wondering whether he should tell the general manager about this.

"What? You don't want it?" The general manager didn't hear the mustache manager's reply for a long time. This fat man is usually very greedy for money, so why didn't he say anything.

"No, general manager," the mustache manager quickly denied, and then hurriedly explained: "He is such a general manager. In addition to the electric shock beast that he rejected in the afternoon, another electric shock beast that would be a king came to the store, but I tested To pass the energy level, only the senior level peak..."

"The mysterious person who wanted to sell the Electric Beast mentioned that the Electric Beast had been starved for half a month. It was also detected that the elf was very weak, but it could still measure the energy level of the peak senior level. It should be a quasi-king of Electric Beast."

"The other party also mentioned that this electric beast inherited the explosive fist, and also learned the three punches of fire, freezing, thunder and lightning, and thunder. According to the energy level measured by the electric beast, it can use the thunder trick, but the other party offered a thousand Five million, I also refused..."

After hearing these words, the general manager on the other end of the phone fell into silence. It was not until the general manager took a deep breath that he cursed out loud: "Idiot, don't let that person go. Even if it's fifteen million, it's not enough." I have to buy that electric beast."

The voice on the other end of the phone was trembling because he was so excited.

At such a critical moment, a quasi-king-like Electric Beast appeared, as well as an Electric Beast with inherited moves. It's hard not to be excited.

The quasi-king's electric beast, just get that electric beast and evolve it again.

It is almost a king-level electric shock beast. No, it should be called electric shock monster.

Even if it is not a king-level, it can still be promoted as a king-level electric monster.

Their electric-type breeding house has electric monster cubs produced by king-level electric monsters. They are going to make a fortune!

Just the dividends from the breeding house can make me laugh out of my dreams at night: "Hahaha, hahaha..."

The moustachioed manager didn’t know why the general manager was so crazy. He was cursing just now, and now he was laughing. Could it be that all the ups and downs in life were happening all at once.

But no matter whether the general manager is crazy or not, spending fifteen million to recycle an electric shock beast is a huge loss no matter how you think about it.

He was also afraid of being scapegoated, so he decided it would be better to ask clearly, so he cautiously asked the general manager: "Well, general manager, can I ask why?"

"It's okay to tell you, but you have to keep it a secret. If you dare to leak it, there will be another corpse on the bottom of the sea to feed the sharks..."

"Yes, yes, I understand," the mustachioed manager kept raising his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead across the phone. He actually dared to inquire into the secrets of the head office. He was really desperate.

Next time, he must not talk too much, and he must not say anything too much. He knows that too much can kill people. He doesn't want to become a cold corpse in a stinking ditch with no one paying attention.

"The evolved form of the electric beast was discovered by the research institute in the Sinnoh region. This is an opportunity for our electric breeding house, and it is also an opportunity for you and me. Do you understand?"

This statement has made it very obvious. It just means that I like you very much. If you want to hang out with me, I guarantee that I will give you glory, wealth, good food and spicy food.

"I understand, general manager, I promise to complete the recycling task and buy those two electric beasts." Manager Mustache was extremely excited when he heard the news and the general manager's appreciation.

I didn't expect that the already so powerful Electric Beast would have an evolved form.

How powerful, popular, easy to sell, and valuable will the re-evolved Electric Beast be?

He could no longer imagine what it was like, it was like a dream.

This is the time to take off. You will get a promotion and a salary increase, you will be hugged to the left and you will be hugged to the right. When the time comes, you will be paired with a long-legged secretary with bulging front and back. Everything will be yours. The mustache manager is already happy in his heart and in his mind. The villain in the middle also laughed, hahaha...

The mustache manager's eyes suddenly became fierce. Let's see who dares to look down on him when the time comes, and who dares to call him a fat man or a dwarf behind his back...

However, the premise of all this is that the tasks assigned by the general manager must be completed, it must be perfect, and the general manager must be able to see his usefulness and his shining points.

"Ten million and fifteen million are the bottom line, and the rest is commission. Buy these two electric beasts as soon as possible. I will personally come to receive the goods. If you can't do it, your manager won't do it either. , go back and start as a breeder..."

"Yes, yes, I will definitely get everything done before you come..."

Finally, the mustachioed manager responded repeatedly and hung up the phone.

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