Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 149, Breaking the promise

On the third day after arriving at Hasa Island, it rained lightly.

This morning, just like this light rain, many people are not in a very good mood.

This includes Yu Hai, because the light rain means that he can't go anywhere that day. He can only stay in the tent and lie down, watching a few mosquito-repellent frogs play in the water in the woods.

There is also the old man in the midnight bar. The punctured wall has been repaired, but his pub also received an uninvited guest.

He knew that what was supposed to come would still come. This kind of thing could not be avoided, but it was much easier to deal with the coming person than Yuhai.

A strong man who looked very similar to the strong man last night came to the old man's bar and sat down. He also attracted the attention of many morning drinkers, and the conversation among the drinkers became much quieter.

They had all heard about what happened last night. The brawny man's younger brother provoked a vicious man, and the murderous man struck him and the elf, seriously injuring him. The elf was also taken away.

If the old man hadn't come forward to save the strong man's brother, the strong man's brother would have died long ago.

"Old man, here are two hundred thousand," the strong man sat down, took out a stack of alliance coins from his pocket, pushed it towards the old man, and continued: "I want to buy all his information..."

"Let's settle the bill first. This is the wine money your brother borrowed on credit." The old man did not answer the brawny man's question. He wiped the wine glass and took out a bill from under the bar, which contained the consumption details of the brawny brother.

The strong man took the bill and took a look at it. He glanced at the various fine wines on the bill, and finally looked at the number at the end of the bill, which was a total of three hundred thousand alliance coins.

Seeing the total amount of the bill, the strong man's eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked up at the old man. Could it be that his brother was an idiot, and he actually drank so much wine? He didn't believe it.

But now he has to believe it even if he doesn't believe it. If he wants to get the information about the elf murderer who injured his brother and took away his brother, he has to pay this money.

As for being like Yu Hai, risking his life on the old man and forcing him to reveal Yu Hai's information.

Don't be ridiculous, not everyone dares to risk their lives, especially those with a certain status.

The strong man glanced at the mosquito-repellent frog in the bar. Many drinkers who were drinking and causing trouble were invited out by the mosquito-repellent frog, including the drinker's elves.

It can be seen that the mosquito-repellent frog is a very strong elf, not to mention that the old man has more than one mosquito-repellent frog.

Once he takes action, he can guarantee a 50-50 chance, but just like what happened to Yuhai yesterday, he will be attacked by a group of people.

For today's free bill, for the sake of the old man's face, many drinkers will give him a favor.

Fighting alone, drinkers are not good at it. There are many people who can bully the minority, but drinkers are very good at it.

What's more, he didn't bring any explosives, and they won't die together. He still has a good life, and there is a young model in the club. He doesn't want to die yet, and he hasn't enjoyed enough, so how can he risk his life.

Thinking of this, the strong man did not argue with the old man about the bill. He directly took out 300,000 alliance coins and pushed it towards the old man again.

However, he did not let go, his eyes suddenly became sharp, he stared at the old man, and made it clear to the old man word for word: "I want to get all his information..."

"Okay," the old man first took away 200,000 and gave the strong man a positive reply. After the strong man let go, he took another 300,000 alliance coins and then mentioned last night's Yu Hai to the strong man.

"He is 1.7 to 1.8 meters tall. His body shape is unknown. He wore very thick clothes last night. He was dressed in black from top to bottom. He also covered his mouth and nose, so his appearance cannot be seen clearly..."

"The other party is here to apply for a fake certificate. His name is Yu Hai, he is fifteen years old, and he is probably a pseudonym. You know that no one uses his real name when applying for a fake certificate. If you want to find it, you can only find it through this fake name..."

"Tian Da, let me give you a piece of advice. That guy has more than one life on his hands. I advise you not to investigate him. Unless you risk your life, don't mess with that kind of person."

"Thank you, captain. Thank you for saving my brother. I know it well." The strong man got the information he wanted, turned around and left, preparing to go to the hospital to see his brother.

When the old man saw the strong man leaving, he put all the five hundred thousand alliance coins he had just received into his pocket, feeling very pleased with himself.

The 100,000 yuan he paid for his life came back, and he also had the money to repair the wall, and he also got 100,000 alliance coins in vain.

In fact, he had falsified the bill of the brawny brother, but not too much. He quietly added 100,000 alliance coins, which was regarded as compensation for breaking the table, chair and bench last night.

This hundred thousand is not the money the strong man got for free, it is considered the money the strong man bought to buy news.

It seemed that he gave the strong man a lot of information, but in fact he gave the strong man nothing. He was just a tall man, 1.7 meters tall, dressed in black, which was not much in the black market.

Most of the wild trainers who hang out in the underground world cover their faces. Among a hundred people, there are fifty men in black and ninety masked men. With this vague description, where can strong men find people.

There is also the name and age. This thing must be a fake name. Even if the certificate is obtained, it is hard to say whether the other party will use it, let alone use the name to find someone.

There are also the other party's elves, mosquito-repellent frogs and orb silk spiders, which the old man hasn't mentioned yet.

There were many witnesses last night. Even if the old man didn't tell, the strong man could still ask others.

Don't ask the strong man why he didn't inquire about when Yu Hai would come to collect the false evidence, such meaningless questions.

Could it be that if the old man just said a time, the strong man would guard the old man until Yu Hai came to collect evidence.

Don't be ridiculous, everyone is not a fool, only the old man is willing to cooperate with this kind of thing.

Even if the old man is willing to cooperate, Yuhai will be stupid enough to get false evidence and then fall into a trap?

That is of course impossible.

So the strong man didn't ask, the old man didn't say, and Yuhai wasn't that stupid.

But this does not mean that the strong man will not spy on the old man or the bar.

As long as Ukai appears, someone will notify him and he can intercept Ukai.

If Yuhai dares to come here openly, he will only want the monkey monster.

If Yuhai didn't dare to show up, or came over cautiously, he would take them all.

This kind of thing is easy to judge, and the old man is a good reference. He can't beat him if he's honest, and he's definitely not as good as if he's sneaky.

From this we can judge the strength of the person who injured his brother.

There is too little information about yesterday's blow, so it is difficult to judge.

If just one blow could seriously injure one person and one elf, his Elf Fiery Monkey could also do it.

This is basically the case for every senior trainer who bullies new trainers. This is the strength gap between new trainers and senior trainers.

His younger brother was undoubtedly a newcomer, and the monkey monster was about to evolve before he could reach the threshold of a senior trainer.

After the monkey monster evolved, he recently prepared a second elf arm for his brother. He originally wanted to give his brother a surprise, but he didn't expect what happened.

As the strong man left, the surrounding drinkers began to whisper again, and the discussion was naturally about the two brothers.

"If you ask me, these two brothers have hit the wall this time..."

"I was at the scene last night. If it weren't for the old captain, his brother would have died long ago..."

"Why did the captain stop him and let the two brothers meet a more ruthless one? Isn't it okay for dog to eat dog?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, they may hear you and come to beat you again and steal your things..."

"The fun has just begun. We'll find out as we wait. It's best if both brothers are killed by that person..."

"Two brothers were killed? Aren't you afraid of that person?"

"What are you afraid of? We don't have any conflicts with each other. Just don't mess with that kind of people. These two brothers bullied us and grew up. They steal things without concealment and their reputation has long been ruined."

"That's right. After borrowing so much wine money, the old captain didn't dare to speak..."

"Tian Da is a senior trainer. I don't know if that person can take revenge..."

"Don't worry about it. Tian Da is just a gangster at best. I think that guy is a desperado. His aura last night was so strong that he scared me so much that my legs are still weak even now..."

"Hey, I think you ordered two yesterday..."

"Haha, no way!"

"The gangsters are definitely more cruel to the desperadoes, so what are we?"

"We are... drinking and drinking..."

Damn it, we can't continue talking today, even the little gangsters can't be beaten, they are worse than the little gangsters.

The strong men are at least gangsters, but they are wild gangsters.

At the same time, Yu Hai, who was lying dead in the tent, still didn't know what happened in the tavern.

The old man in the tavern sold him without hesitation for money, and he sold him very simply.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care. He never believed the old man from beginning to end.

Judging from the strength of that strong man, even if he had helpers, he wouldn't be that good.

The strength of a strong man who is willing to help is definitely not good, and the strong man who does not want to help cannot be hired.

If he had money and strength, a strong man wouldn't hang out in a place like a tavern, with his strength still so poor.

She has been a young model in the club for a long time, and she will be accompanied by female companions. She goes to high-end places instead of teasing waitresses and girls in pubs.

If you want to use the black market as a springboard to jump up your class and enter high-end places, you shouldn't do it in a tavern, but in a training ground.

Unless you are born into a noble family, you can become stronger by eating, drinking and having fun, and have a lot of servants to serve you and help you become stronger.

Otherwise, there would be no such good thing. It would be too easy to become stronger just by drinking and having fun. He wanted it too.

He has long wanted to be a flat chicken, but the struggle is really too hard. He doesn't want to be a struggling chicken, he just wants to be a flat chicken.

Things like class are created for enjoyment, money, power, status, powerful elves...

They are the most primitive demands deep in people's hearts, and they are also the desires that people pursue tirelessly. They want more after they get it, and want more after they get more.

Including himself, although the original intention is the same, the purpose is different, because he just wants to lie down and fish, and does not want to think about too complicated things.

Those are just by-products that appear during the process of lying down, and they can help him lie down better.

The same was true for the heavy rain outside the tent. Whenever the rain stopped, he would move.

He didn't let the elves train either. Only the mosquito-repellent frogs were running on rainy days and the giant claw crabs were training by lifting their pincers.

The wounds on the mosquito-repellent frog haven't healed yet, so it's not advisable to train them too strenuously, and the same goes for the armored rhinoceros. He used wound medicine spray on these two guys two days ago, but it rained today, so he didn't spray it anymore. .

The armored rhinoceros finally came out to have fun, but he was stared at by the big-billed gull and couldn't run too far.

For lunch, Ukai made it in the tent. Everyone had something to eat and then started their lunch break. The big armored rhinoceros took back the Poké Ball again, as well as the Tench and Magikarp.

There are six elves left outside, mosquito-repellent frog, big butterfly, big-billed gull, giant claw crab, Slowpoke, and orb silk spider.

He hugged Slowpoke and fell into a lunch break. If the elves wanted to avoid the rain, they would take a lunch break in the tent.

With light rain accompanying him to sleep, Ukai slept soundly, and it was evening when he woke up.

After a quick dinner, it was getting dark, and he had to prepare to go to the port for an appointment.

At this time, the light rain finally stopped. It had been raining all day, and he could do nothing but sleep.

It would be great if there was a large training ground that could provide shelter from the rain. When I get rich, I would definitely rent one in the city so that I could train elves and take shelter from the rain.

Putting away the wet tent and moisture-proof mat, Yuhai put on his backpack, with the Orb Silk Spider lying on his shoulders. He sat on the Big-billed Gull and prepared to go to the old place mentioned by the old man, under the street lights by the seaside of the port.

He didn't know whether the old man would set up an ambush. He had to observe clearly from the air whether there was an ambush in the old place.

If the old man goes to the appointment truthfully and does not ambush, let the elf get his ID card...

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