Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 146, try and die

"Little brother, what are you doing at the midnight bar? Can you tell me now?"

"Old man, do you dare to play tricks on me?" Yuhai did not answer the old man's question, but mentioned what happened at the beach just now.

This old man is the owner of this midnight bar, but he still wants to cheat him with a thousand alliance coins. He is just a shameless old fox.

When he came to this world, he saw for the first time what it means to be sinister in people's hearts.

"Little brother, please don't accuse me unjustly. This is a matter of love and I am willing to do it. I didn't force you or lie to you. You were looking for a midnight bar. Didn't I lead you to it?"

The skinny old man looked confident and made it clear that he was going to eat Ding Yuhai's little chicken. Who dared this guy to walk into the bar and follow him to his territory?

On his territory, it is not up to him to decide whether to flatten or round the chicken. The little chick with no hair on it can't afford to make any waves.

"You?" Yuhai also knew that if a conflict broke out here, he would definitely be detained here.

Just when he entered the bar, there were seven or eight vague glances directed towards him, with no concealment of hostility in their eyes.

Although he was fully prepared, his back-up plans were all false, including the elf hunter's elves and fake bombs.

The function of these two things is more of a deterrent. Once a conflict breaks out, the deterrence will be ineffective, and these people will also discover that he is strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

Yu Hai, who was thinking about how to achieve a deterrent effect, also heard the whispers and snickers of the drinkers around him, probably saying...

"I don't know where the captain deceived this silly boy. If he doesn't bleed heavily this time, I'm afraid he won't be able to leave this bar..."

"I don't know where this stupid kid came from. I can teach you a lesson this time. Don't come to a place like this next time. This is not a place where a kid should come..."

"Hahaha, I bet 10,000, this stupid boy only has his underpants..."

"I bet 20,000, maybe just a piece of cardboard..."

Listening to the ridicule and ridicule of the drinkers around him, Yuhai didn't take it seriously.

Since he can definitely be defeated, don't blame him for being ruthless.

He would make them all pay, especially the skinny old man known as the Captain.

"Orb Silk Spider, don't move around," Yuhai said to comfort the Orb Silk Spider. He looked at the thin old man who was smiling lewdly and said his purpose: "Old man, can you get a false certificate?"

"What certificate?" The old man thought that the other party was going to the black market, but he didn't expect that he was just applying for a certificate. He couldn't apply for a certificate here, but he could get it in the black market.

"ID card……"

"Did you buy it for fun? Can you still buy a boat ticket? Or is it entered into the alliance system?" When the old man heard the ID card, he gave him three levels of ID cards and let Yuhai choose.

"How real is the most real thing?" Of course Yuhai wants to enter the alliance system, and it is best to do it in one step.

"Are the ID cards and witness records from the orphanage real enough?" The old man smiled unscrupulously. It turned out that this kid was still a gangster, so things would be much easier to handle. No one would care about this kid even if he disappeared.

"Price?" Yuhai didn't talk nonsense. He just wanted to know how cruel the old man's knife was. He was also ready to be slaughtered.

"Fifty thousand, this is already the lowest price. Little brother, what are you going to do... let go, let go..."

The skinny old man originally wanted to continue talking, but Yuhai suddenly became violent and grabbed the collar of the old man's neck.

Because he really couldn't bear it anymore, he leaned forward and slowly approached the old man, and asked in a low voice in a hoarse voice: "Old man, you have one more chance to speak. You have to think carefully before you speak, otherwise you will never be able to speak again... …”

"Let go, let go, you brat, do you understand the rules here?" The old man was not in a hurry. When he saw all the drinkers in the bar standing up, he felt even more confident.

He didn't panic at all, everyone here belonged to him, so why should Yuhai fight with him?

"I don't understand the rules, why don't you teach me, old man," Yuhai noticed the drinkers gathered around him from the corner of his eye. He was also unfazed, holding Gyarados and the naughty Poke Ball in his hands. .

At worst, he would release Gyarados and die together with Naughty Bullet. With so many people buried with him, he would make a lot of money and not lose at all.

The Orb Silk Spider became nervous, turned around and bared its teeth at the strong men surrounding it.

"Boy, let go of the captain quickly. Since you don't understand the rules, we will teach you what the rules are..."

"Boy, I think you want to go out on your stomach..."

"Boy, you don't want Yaya anymore, do you?"


Yukai didn't even listen to the noise behind him, and immediately took out the Naughty Bullet and Gyarados' Poke Ball, smashed them on the bar, and let the old man see clearly what the two elves in the Poke Ball were.

He smiled calmly at the old man and said: "Old man, let them come up and try. You have to know that I will never lose money, but if the person is gone, no matter how much money I have, I can't spend it..."

"Haha, I'm not scared. Do you really think I'm defenseless?" The corners of the old man's mouth curled up slightly, and a mosquito-repellent frog came out from behind.

Seeing this mosquito-repellent frog, Yuhai immediately thought that due to the properties of moisture, self-destructive moves would fail. However, he did not panic, and he definitely could not panic, nor should he be timid. If he showed any signs of weakness, he would be eaten to pieces. Nothing left.

Putting down the elf ball, he slowly unzipped his clothes. The moment he unzipped his clothes, the old man's face turned green.

The bomb is different from the self-destruction of the elves. It is not affected by the characteristics at all. Seeing that the old man couldn't laugh, it was time for Ukai to smile, "Old man, if people are gone, there is really nothing..."

"This guy?" The moment the old man saw the bomb, sweat began to appear on his forehead, and he lost his usual calmness.

Seeing the smile in Yuhai's eyes, the old man suddenly understood. He was dazzled by the benefits he was about to gain from robbing customers. When he saw the bomb, he suddenly woke up.

He just remembered now that this guy didn't understand the rules here to begin with. He was just a stupid young eagle, a very tough guy, and he would really risk his life with them and die together.

Even if they can't die together, they won't feel good. Once the bomb explodes, he can't even think about opening his tavern. It will definitely lead to an investigation by Miss Junsha and even the alliance.

But with so many people watching, of course he couldn't back down, couldn't bow to the other party and show weakness, he had to deceive the other party. What if the bomb was fake?

The drinkers who saw the change in the expression on the old man's face stopped approaching because they felt something was wrong.

In the past, the old man always looked calm, and few things would make him moved. But what happened today?

The old man actually went out of his way and didn't let them swarm him, and then drank to his heart's content for free tonight.

Instead, it seemed as if he had seen something extremely frightening. He was so frightened that his eyes widened and he opened his mouth and dared not speak.

"Don't try to lie to me. I don't believe you dare to tie it to your body." The old man pretended to be calm, stiffened his neck, and sternly questioned whether the bomb on Yuhai's body was a fake.

Of course Yuhai knows that the bomb is a fake, but the old man is not a strong man but a weak man. At such a critical moment, the battle is who can compromise first.

Just like the US-Soviet struggle for hegemony in previous lives, whoever compromises first will lose and lose all initiative in the future.

Therefore, Yuhai looked at the old man, narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile: "Old man, why don't we all try it together? As long as I let go, you will know whether it is true or false..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuhai lifted up and unzipped the detonator, took out the detonator, raised the detonator high, and slammed it against the bar.

In fact, his purpose was not to detonate the bomb, but to release Gyarados, a quasi-king tyrannosaurus. A tyrannosaurus with quasi-king strength was angry, and he didn't believe this tavern could handle it.

The skinny old man was dumbfounded by Yu Hai's decisive action. He originally wanted to play around, delay for a while, and test whether the bomb was true or false.

He didn't expect this kid to be so vicious and wanted to detonate a bomb. He immediately put his hand on the bar and gave in instantly.

"Stop, stop, little brother, if you have something to say, we can discuss anything. Don't be angry. Don't be angry first." The old man gave in very quickly. If he really let Yuhai blow up this tavern.

Everyone else is gone, no matter how much money you have, it’s useless, you can’t spend it!

The family's grandson will be sent to an orphanage, and his inheritance will also be stolen.

He couldn't watch his grandson grow up. Even if his grandson was bullied, he wouldn't know about it, and he didn't want to see such a thing happen.

When the time comes, he will definitely hate himself for why he was so impulsive to anger this madman.

"Old man, I don't understand the rules here, can you teach me?" When the old man shouted to stop, Yuhai immediately stopped the car and did not really smash it, because if it did, his fake bomb would be damaged.

Seeing that the old man gave in first, it was time for him to laugh unscrupulously. The initiative now was in his hands.

"Don't dare, little brother, if you have something to say, please don't let go." The old man saw that Yuhai had no intention of detonating the bomb, but his thumb was still on the detonator. If he let go, the whole tavern might turn into rubble at any time. .

He is old and can't help but be frightened. I just hope that the young man can take it easy and never let go. He can't afford to offend him!

"Old man, you only have one chance to make an offer, so think clearly." When Yuhai said this, he also shook the remote control in his hand. The thing in his hand could explode at any time.

"Five thousand, little brother, this is the lowest price. It's really the lowest price. I can't do it. I need to find someone else to do it. I don't even want the errand fees..."

"Little brother, it's my fault that I just deceived you. From now on, you can come to my place and drink as much as you want for free. You can drink as much as you want. What do you think, little brother..."

The onlookers' jaws dropped when they saw the captain being so humble. They called the tavern owner the captain.

It's because when the captain was young, he was a famous sailor and later a captain.

Since opening this tavern, he also likes to be called Captain.

The captain is also a senior trainer of the water system. I heard that when he was young, he challenged the gym and fought on par with the gym leader.

These were stories they had heard over and over again, and after hearing them too many times, they believed them to be true. Even the captain himself believed them.

They believed that the captain was a senior trainer who could rival a gym leader.

It's just that such a captain actually bowed his head to a young man and took the initiative to seek peace with him.

"Haha, old man, you know that, unless you can abandon this tavern to prove that you are lying," what Yuhai wanted to express was simple.

If he gave up a tavern for five thousand alliance coins, if the other party was willing to give it up, he would have nothing to lose. If he was cheated, he would be cheated. The worst he could do was find another forger dealer who could issue fake certificates.

"Yes, yes, you are right. When do you want to get the things?" The old man was secretly relieved when he saw that Yuhai was finally willing to communicate and would not detonate a bomb at every turn and die together.

It turned out that he had made a mistake. This guy was not a chicken with no hair, nor was he a stupid young eagle, but a madman, a complete madman, a madman who could risk his life at any time.

He also encountered such people when he was young, and they made a deep impression on him at that time. Most of them appeared on pirates.

When he was young, he dared to risk his life with pirates, but now that he is old, he still has weaknesses.

He couldn't die inexplicably like this, otherwise he wouldn't be able to die because his grandson would have no one to take care of him.

"Old man, I wish I had spoken like this earlier," Yuhai helplessly spread his hands, just such a simple action.

The old man was so frightened that he became nervous. He was really afraid that Yuhai would accidentally release the detonator without holding it firmly, and everyone would be dead by then. Young people, please don't risk your life at every turn.

"It was all my fault before, I'm sorry, little brother," the old man saw that Yuhai finally relented, and apologized quickly, hoping that Yuhai would not be impulsive.

"Old man, do you need a deposit?" Yuhai still held the detonator in his hand and continued chatting with the old man.

The strong men behind him, after watching the confrontation for such a long time, finally realized that Yuhai had pinched the old man's weak spot, and the fist that refused to let go was probably a bomb.

Thinking of this, the drinkers slowly retreated towards the back, not daring to come forward at all.

Damn, that's a bomb. This thing is no joke. Once it explodes, it will at least cause minor injuries.

They are just here to drink, not to risk their lives. There is no need to provoke such ruthless people and life-threatening lunatics just to get a free meal.

"No, just leave your name and age, and you can come and pick it up anytime." When the old man saw the drinkers retreating, he knew that these guys were unreliable. It's okay to fight with a tailwind, but turn into a turtle with a headwind.

"My name is Ukai, my age is fifteen," Ukai lowered his voice and directly said his real name. Usually he would not use his real name at this time, but he did the opposite. Who can tell the truth from the lies? Deqing?

Anyway, no one knows him, he can be called whatever he wants, and he can be as old as he wants.

"Okay, I've written it down. Is there anything else, little brother?"

The old man just wants to send this lunatic away as soon as possible. No matter what the lunatic says, he will agree.

Except for a small amount of money...

Good guy, I'm numb. After writing this chapter, I accidentally saw that people in my childhood don't need ID cards, which are different from our ID cards.

Most of the things they need to prove their identity are a driver's license or some kind of health insurance certificate.

In fact, Xiaoli now has an ID card, which seems to be called a personal number card, but they are unwilling to apply for it, saying that it infringes on personal privacy.

However, during the epidemic in previous years, people with ID cards could receive money first. This was also an official attempt to stimulate residents to apply for ID cards.

So the alliance ID card here is not too obtrusive, so I won’t change it...

After all, everyone has an ID card...

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