Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 130, Too many good things

Once the armored tyrannosaurus is allowed to pass, it's hard to say what the outcome will be.

The armored rhinoceros hurriedly stopped the armored tyrannosaurus, saying that it would just go over and negotiate on its own.

If the armored tyrannosaurus kills that human, it will have no place to eat in the future.

Keep that human, they can come over and grab food at any time.

The armored tyrannosaurus, who was about to charge, was really convinced by the armored rhinoceros. He stopped pawing the ground with his feet and kicked the armored rhinoceros on the butt, signaling the armored rhinoceros to hurry over.

After being kicked, the armored rhinoceros was very happy and let out a long sigh of relief. It was good that the armored tyrannosaurus had calmed down. It quickly turned around and trotted to the mosquito-repellent frog, and shouted to the mosquito-repellent frog: "Snort, I want this, And that, we will go home right away..."

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog couldn't make up his mind. He looked back at Yuhai and raised his hand to point to the two large packages of elf food in white plastic bags and the honey in the glass jar.

When Yuhai saw these two things, his forehead was filled with black lines, and his fists were hardened. This big foodie didn't even forget to pack the food and take it away when he got home, and actually took advantage of it.

"Give it," Yukai sighed silently and nodded in agreement to the armored rhino's request. If the trouble could be solved with food, there was no need to use force. Getting this time bomb away quickly was the top priority.

Well, the most important thing is that they still can't defeat it. If they have king-level strength, they will definitely defeat this armored tyrannosaurus.

But they didn't. This is a flaw and an unsolvable problem.

After Yuhai nodded in agreement, the mosquito-repellent frog picked up the honey jar and put it in the bucket. Then it picked up the bucket and walked to the edge of the forest. When it came to the edge of the forest, it put down the bucket and ran back quickly for fear of being stepped on.

The armored rhinoceros dragged a bag of elf food back to the armored tyrannosaurus.

When the armored tyrannosaurus saw these two pieces of food, it raised its thick arms and easily grabbed the bucket and bag with its sharp claws. It barked twice at the armored rhinoceros before turning and walking away.

The armored rhinoceros followed the armored tyrannosaurus, still a little reluctant to leave Ukai and the others. When leaving, he took three steps and turned back until Ukai and the others could no longer be seen and completely disappeared deep into the forest.

Seeing that the tyrannosaurus finally left, Ukai's tense nerves relaxed again and he slumped to the ground helplessly.

The pressure put on him by this armored tyrannosaurus was no weaker than that of Overlord and Eagle. Both of them were king-level elves.

Fortunately, they all came to take away the cubs. He did not treat the overlord's cubs badly, but even gained a lot of favorability. Otherwise, he might have been crushed.

It's a pity that these two high-potential cubs, one of which could evolve into a handsome king-level eagle, and a king-level armored tyrannosaurus that is not weak to water, had no chance with him after all.

As the thumping footsteps gradually moved away, the elves experienced life and death twice in a row. They didn't dare to breathe. It was not comfortable at all.

But in the end it was all a false alarm, and they also knew the reason why Yuhai fed these two guys honey.

Just to prevent the parents of these two idiots from going crazy, the favorability level is just to help these two idiots say some nice things to them.

They are really good people, please don't be angry, Tyrannosaurus parents, adults don't remember the faults of villains, just treat them like farts.

The final result was good. The elves continued their morning exercises, and Yuhai continued to count the things of the elf hunters...

He reached into his backpack again and took out some banknotes and steel coins. The size of the coins was about the same as in his previous life, and the color was also similar. They were silver-white, but the patterns on the coins were different.

The coin has a Poké Ball on one side and an amount on the other, which is similar to paper money.

There was not much money in the backpack, just over five thousand alliance coins. According to the purchasing power in the previous life, it was only about two hundred and fifty yuan.

Good guy, this guy is really poor. No wonder he came to steal Bobo. It turned out that he wanted to make a fortune, but he ended up overturning.

Putting down the alliance coins, he continued to reach into his backpack and took out two books, namely...

"How to enhance the power of electric moves" "From Magikarp to Gyarados"

He first opened the first book, which was about strengthening the power of electric-type moves, and roughly browsed through the contents in the book. He could summarize the contents of the book in two words: "Charge."

Let the Electric Elf continue to absorb electricity, as much as it can absorb. By continuously increasing the upper limit of the electricity storage of the Electric Elf, you can increase the power of the Electric moves.

Continuing with this idea, Electabuzz can evolve into Electabuzz, but the person who came up with this method to strengthen electric-type moves probably didn't expect that Electabuzz can evolve.

However, if strengthened according to this method, the electric shock beast can evolve into the electric shock monster, and it will be discovered sooner or later.

If an electric shock beast wants to evolve into an electric shock monster, it only needs a power amplifier and a steady stream of high-voltage electricity.

Things like power amplifiers can be developed based on the enhancement principle of magnet props. They have not been found before and have just not been discovered.

He also briefly read through another book and concluded that it was how to improve the success rate of Magikarp's evolution.

The book only provides one method, which is to anger, anger Magikarp, prompting Magikarp to evolve into Gyarados, then defeat Gyarados, subdue the evolved Gyarados, and get Gyarados.

This method can ensure that the trainer can select a Magikarp from many Magikarp that can evolve into Gyarados.

But this evolutionary method also has great flaws...

First, you have to defeat the angry Gyarados. If you can't beat the Gyarados, you will probably be killed by the Gyarados's destruction, which will directly turn your bones into ashes.

Second, it is difficult to defeat such a Gyarados. Even if it is defeated and subdued, the anger of the Gyarados can easily get out of control, and its mood is not stable.

After all, it was a Gyarados that evolved after being provoked by its trainer. It was strange that it could give the trainer a good look, and it made it want to eat the trainer alive.

Third, if you are disobedient, even if you are subdued, Gyarados may rely on the trainer's power and may be obedient.

It's good that the trainer has always been strong. Once the trainer is weak, Gyarados is likely to escape, add insult to injury, or even switch sides.

He wouldn't dare to use such a Gyarados, but there are always people who take chances and take risks, just like the elf hunter who stole the cub of the overlord Bi Diao.

In addition to the method of using anger to evolve Magikarp in the book, there is also a matching anger training method, which is to use anger to enhance the combat effectiveness of Gyarados.

The book also mentions that if you want to maximize the use of Gyarados' anger and use anger to greatly enhance Gyarados's combat effectiveness, you need to learn the strongest move that can make Gyarados angry, reverse scale.

The reverse scale move is a dragon-type move. Unless this Gyarados has dragon bloodline and inherits the reverse scale move, or activates the dragon bloodline during evolution and learns the reverse scale move, don't even think about it.

After reading these two books, he came to the conclusion that these two books were of no use to him at all.

The first book is about how to enhance the power of electric moves. As a time traveler, these are all common sense!

Otherwise, how dare you call yourself a time traveler? How dare you say that time travel is a dimensionality reduction attack.

There is also a second book, which uses anger to promote the evolution of Magikarp. Anyone who has watched the animation knows this, Kojiro's evolutionary foot.

Just a kick and a "useless thing..."

Then Magikarp evolved, which is not too simple.

Anger increases attack power. Even if it is not Gyarados, humans will be all-round enhanced in strength, courage, and combat effectiveness because of anger.

That's it? Still need to publish a book?

Don’t all humans in the elf world have a nine-year obligation...

Um... It seems that people go out at the age of ten. Parents in this world are so big-hearted that they don't even tell their stupid children that water can conduct electricity.

Putting down these two useless books, Ukai reached into his backpack again to dig out something, and took out a blue water drop pendant and a magnet similar to the magnets on both sides of the Magnemite's body.

"This? Could it be the mysterious water droplets and the magnet props? There's still some dirt on them," Yukai took a rag, wiped the two items clean, and looked at them carefully.

The shape of the mysterious water drop is just that of a drop of water. Its surface is smooth and round, transparent and colorless. The material is not clear, it looks like glass. There is a clear blue liquid inside the water drop.

[Mysterious Water Drop: The elf carrying this prop can increase the power of water-based moves (enhancement 19%) (level 36%)]

[Note: It is valid at level 36 and below. Every time the elf exceeds level 1, the enhancement effect will be reduced by 1% until it is completely ineffective. 】

The panel of the mysterious water drop was displayed. Yuhai had seen the introduction of the mysterious water drop and raised his hand to call the mosquito-repellent frog: "Mosquito-repellent frog, come here..."

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog was running around the tree house. When he was called by Ukai, he immediately ran over and stood in front of Ukai, waiting for Ukai's instructions.

"Wear this and use the water gun. Can you feel if the power of the water gun is increased?" Yuhai hung the mysterious water drop on the head of the mosquito-repellent incense frog and asked the mosquito-repellent incense frog to try the mysterious water drop to see if it can really increase the power of water-based moves.

"Yobo?" The mosquito-repellent frog didn't feel anything when it first put on the mysterious water drop. However, after using the water gun to attack the big tree, it immediately felt the water energy in the mysterious water drop, which strengthened the power of its water gun.

"Yo Bo, Yo Bo..."

This surprised the mosquito-repellent frog. He stopped and looked at the gadget in front of him. Such a small thing could actually enhance the power of the water gun. This was the first time it saw such an interesting toy.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, has the water gun become more powerful?" Yuhai asked curiously.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog nodded in response to Yu Hai. The power of the water gun has indeed become stronger. If it used the water gun with the same power before, it would have to work harder, but now it takes much less effort.

"Okay, keep running," Yuhai took off the mysterious water drop after getting the test results.

This thing should belong to Gyarados, but the elf hunter was afraid of losing it, so he took it off and put it in his backpack.

He is not ready to give the mysterious water droplets to the mosquito-repellent incense frog now. First, the mosquito-repellent incense frog has no place to wear the mysterious water droplets. The mosquito-repellent incense frog has no neck, and secondly, it is easy to fall off if worn casually.

After arriving in human society, he planned to make the mysterious water droplets into a wristband and wear it on the arm of the mosquito-repellent incense frog to increase the power of the mosquito-repellent incense frog's water-based moves.

There is only one mysterious water drop, so of course he would choose the mosquito-repellent frog. As for the giant claw crab, let’s see more later!

If you can get good things, the next one is the giant claw crab. They come one by one, with the combat elves first, and the auxiliary elves second.

Wrap the mysterious water drop in a rag, put the mysterious water drop away, and then pick up the magnet. This thing is quite heavy.

The shape of the magnet is very similar to that of a horseshoe. Even the color of the magnetic poles is similar to the magnet on the little Magnemite. The only difference is the shade of color.

It is hard not to make people doubt that the magnet, an electric move-enhancing prop, may have fallen from the Magnemite family.

[Magnet: The elf carrying this item can increase the power of electric moves (enhancement 20%) (level 37%)]

The level of the magnet props is not much different from that of the mysterious water drop, and the introduction is similar, except that one enhances water-based moves and the other enhances electric-based moves.

But he doesn't have an electric elf, so it's useless to keep it. This magnet item should be from the electric beast, and his elf can't use it.

After entering human society, you can find opportunities to sell other things in your hands. It is useless to keep them anyway, so you might as well exchange them for something useful.

After putting away the two elf props, Yuhai continued to reach into his backpack and dig out something inside.

It's just that this time I took it out for a long time and didn't take out anything else.

Apart from some coins and something similar to a bank card, nothing could be taken out of the backpack.

All the things piled on the grass are all the elf hunter's belongings.

There are a pile of elf balls, a pile of clothes, pants and shoes, a pile of food, a pile of outdoor equipment, a pile of medicines, and the rest are maps, alliance coins, elf props, elf cultivation books, and...

"Hey, there really is something," Yuhai scanned the things on the grass one by one. His palms were still groping around in the backpack. He touched a round thing and found that he couldn't take it out with one hand.

He immediately put his other hand into his backpack, and together they took out the round thing in the backpack. Looking at the thing that came out, it was as big as his head. He was stunned for a moment and froze in place.

"This is? An egg? An elf egg?" Yuhai thought there was nothing left, but unexpectedly he pulled out an elf egg as soon as he touched it.

This thing was a bit beyond his expectation. The elf hunter actually had an elf egg, and he didn't know what elf egg it was.

The egg is mostly white, with some brown markings on the shell.

When I was watching animation in my previous life, someone said that the markings on eggshells were usually the colors unique to a certain elf.

Based on these patterns on the eggshell, you can probably guess the type of elf in the elf egg.

"Brown markings, let me think about which elves are brown. The elves of this color don't seem to be that good. They shouldn't be rare elves..."

Ukai looked down at the elf egg in his arms and began to think deeply, and soon thought of the elf with a brown body.

Unicorn, Bobo, Lada, Spearow, Pangolin, Gopher, Monkey Monster, Kati Dog, Dudu, Caracara, Bagosaurus, Starfish, Eevee, Odachi, Gugu, Nonsense Tree, Bear Baby, little wild boar, horned deer...

I found that one percentage could not explain the increase strength of the props, so I used two percentages. If you use high-level props with low-level props, the effect is not very good. But with low-level props, the effect can be fully exerted.

The props in the game are increased by 20%, but this is reality. The props all have quality problems, and the enhancement effect is not full. Even if it can be fully equipped, it is only 20% at most, which is not too outrageous.

He was buried today. Let me wait for two days and do double updates...

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