Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 128, learn to let go

The thirty-sixth day of survival on a desert island, sunny.

Today is another sunny morning, but not a beautiful one.

Yuhai and his elves all know that there is a very important thing to do today, which is related to their lives and safety, and that is to send the overlord Bi Diao's cub, Bobo, home.

In this regard, the elves are well prepared. They have to face the Overlord Bi Diao, who has chased the Elf Hunters to the sky and nowhere, and the Overlord Bi Diao's tribe.

After being consumed by the elf hunters, the number of the Bi Diao tribe is still very large.

As long as the overlord Bi Diao cannot be defeated, the sky overlord, the status of the Bi Diao ethnic group will not be shaken.

Faced with such a group of eagles, Yuhai had no choice but to take one step at a time and get up early to prepare breakfast. After breakfast, they sent Bobo home, and he didn't plan to keep the armored rhinoceros either.

Let these two guys go home and stop bothering him. He just wants to leave the desert island safely, and he doesn't know where all the trouble comes from.

It’s the Elf Hunter, the fire, the Overlord BiDiao and the Overlord Tyrannosaurus, it’s really tiring.

It's not easy to live in fear all day long. He just wants to be a quiet fisherman. Why is it so difficult?

While he was complaining, breakfast was also ready. He returned to the treehouse and asked the elves to get up and have breakfast. Everyone was present today.

The main elves are mosquito-repellent frogs and giant claw crabs.

Auxiliary elves, big butterflies, long-winged gulls, orb silk spiders.

Silly thing, Magikarp, weak tench.

Don't dare to accept it, armored rhinoceros, Bobo.

There were nine elves in total, and he couldn't afford to keep them anymore. Fortunately, Armored Rhino and Bobo would be sent back later.

There is no need to cultivate these two silly things, as well as the orb silk spider, just let them go free.

Baddie and Long-winged Gull are both auxiliary elves, so don't hold on too tightly. They are elves that assist in survival, transportation, and training.

Mosquito-repellent frogs and giant claw crabs are the main force in the battle and need to be cultivated. Most of his energy will be devoted to these two elves.

After calling the elves out for breakfast, everyone sat on the floor around a rag dining table.

Yuhai glanced at the happy elves on the table one by one. It would be great if time could be frozen at this moment. Everyone was happily eating honey and food, which were all the food of the elf hunters.

In addition to honey, there are also some tree fruits, bread and meat, which looks like beef.

But he knew that time could not be frozen, and Armored Rhino and Bobo would eventually be sent away.

"Bobo, armored rhinoceros," Yuhai called to both of them, attracting the attention of all the elves, and then continued: "After this breakfast, you should go home. I will let Bada Die and Chang Winged Ou will take you back."

"Boo, boom," Bobo looked at the armored rhinoceros who was also called, and asked with his eyes what the armored rhinoceros thought, whether Yuhai really let them go.

"Woohoo, if you want to go back, you can go back by yourself. If I don't leave, there will be no honey to eat." While the armored rhinoceros was immersed in cooking, he did not forget to respond to Bobo.

"Hey," Bobo rolled his eyes angrily when he heard this. He knew that this guy was voluntarily subdued because he was greedy, just to stay here and eat and drink.

But it’s good to be able to eat honey here. The last time it ate honey was the honey brought back by its mother.

"Bobo, after we go back, I hope you can tell Bi Diao that we will leave the island within a week and will not step into the center of the island. Bi Diao can send elves to monitor us until we leave the desert island..."

Ukai rescued Bobo and while increasing his favorability, he also asked Bobo to help him with the message.

If he went to make a promise to Bi Diao, Bi Diao would definitely ignore him and even beat him to death with his wings.

But if it were Bobo who said it, the result would be different.

"Hey, we are leaving. We just want to leave the desert island. I hope you can tell Bi Diao this news when you go back," the mosquito-repellent frog translated.

"Boobo," Bobo looked at the elves sitting in a circle around Ukai on the dining table. It turned out that they were leaving the desert island. This news really surprised him. He thought they would stay on the island for a lifetime. Woolen cloth!

"Bobo," Bobo immediately nodded to the mosquito-repellent frog, indicating that he understood. When he saw Bi Diao's mother, he would tell his mother the news, and he would not let his mother embarrass the mosquito-repellent frog and them.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog received a positive reply and nodded towards Yuhai, indicating that the deal was settled.

Seeing the mosquito-repellent frog nodding, Yuhai secretly breathed a sigh of relief, finally gaining Bobo's friendship.

Relying on Bobo's lobbying, the probability of gaining the friendship of the overlord Bi Diao would be higher. He would also have some confidence in surviving, at least a 50-50 chance!

It is better than not knowing when death will come and waiting for death.

Next, the elves just eat, and he distributes the food specially. They want to eat well this morning, and even if they die, they will be a well-fed ghost.

Just as they were happily eating breakfast, a sharp bird song sounded in the jungle.

"Beep, beep..."

This sharp bird song woke up all the flying elves in the forest, and they all flapped their wings and left the forest.

This bird song was the cry of the overlord Bi Diao. The overlord Bi Diao woke up and hurriedly flew to the place where the elf hunter stayed last night, and saw the elf hunter lying in a pool of blood.

When I saw the dead elf hunter, there was nothing around him. The black backpack was gone, the elf was gone, and the elf ball was gone.

After overlord Bi Diao recalled it carefully, he thought of the other human he saw last night before he fell into coma. He knew who that human was, and probably knew who had taken away the elf hunter's belongings.

It had seen that human being, a young man who was trying to survive on the beach. The last time it attacked the territory of the Needle Bee and snatched the honey, it had seen him when passing by. Apart from the elf hunter, there was only one human on this island. .

Thinking of this, Overlord Bi Diao immediately fluttered his wings and soared into the sky, flying to the southwest of the island and heading towards the tree house where Ukai was.

Ukai and the elves who were having breakfast heard the chirping of birds, and Bobo also heard it.

But when they heard the birdsong, their reactions were different. Ukai and his elves stopped eating breakfast one after another, stood up and faced the direction of the sound, and stood ready.

The two silly fish were afraid and hid at the bottom of the bucket. The armored rhino didn't care and continued to eat his breakfast.

Bobo was a little excited. He could finally see his mother. He immediately fluttered his wings and flew up to meet the huge figure getting closer and closer to the sky.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog saw Bobo flying away and was about to step forward to stop it, but suddenly a big hand appeared on his shoulder. It was Yuhai who held the mosquito-repellent frog.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, don't go," Yuhai shook his head gently and stopped the mosquito-repellent frog. Facing this overlord Bi Diao, they could only passively wait for the result and accept the result. Other than that, there was no other way.

If they can't beat him, they can't beat him. The difference in strength is really too big. They can't shake the overlord Bi Diao, and he can't muster the courage to fight.

"Boo, boom, boom," Bobo shouted while flying, so happy.

"Serge," the overlord Bi Diao saw his child and sped up a bit. He came to the canopy at the edge of the tree house and landed on it. He spread his broad wings and let the child stand on his shoulders. He also used a doting expression. He rubbed his head against Bobo and asked him what happened after he was caught.

"Bo, they saved me and gave me a lot of delicious food," Bobo answered truthfully.

"Beep, them? Humans?" Overlord Bi Diao looked at Yu Hai with murderous intent. He already hated human beings deeply and was unforgivable.

"Boo, boom, they said they would send me home after breakfast," Bobo also felt Bi Diao's murderous intention and hurriedly explained to Bi Diao.

"Serge, what is that?" Overlord Bi Diao did not listen to Bobo's explanation. When he looked at Yuhai and his party, his eyes noticed the armored rhinoceros who was cooking.

"Bo, that's Uncle Tyrannosaurus's child," Bobo explained.

"Serge, is it also captured by this human?" Overlord Bi Diao turned to look at Bobo. If the armored rhinoceros was caught, it would immediately use the wind blade to cut Yuhai into pieces and save the armored rhinoceros.

This human is much easier to deal with than the elf hunter who stole Bobo.

"Hey, it was subdued voluntarily. It wanted to stay here and eat honey." When Bobo said this, he felt quite speechless. This foodie was too deceived.

"Serge? Honey?" Overlord Bi Diao once again looked at the armored rhinoceros who was immersed in eating. He was speechless. This kid is good at everything, but he is a bit greedy. He has the same character as that silly tyrannosaurus.

"Beep, beep," the overlord Bi Diao immediately spread his wings and let out a high-pitched bird call, trying to retrieve the armored rhinoceros below, and then casually cut the human below into pieces to put an end to his worries.

Now that the child is back and the elf hunter is dead, the poaching will subside and the forest will return to its original state.

But the premise is that there are no humans on the island, and no humans are allowed to land on the island.

Knowing what Bi Diao was going to do, Bobo fluttered his wings and flew to the eyes of the overlord Bi Diao, blocking the way of the overlord Bi Diao, and begged to the overlord Bi Diao: "Boo, boom, don't hurt them, I feel they are all fine." , they didn’t hurt me, and gave me a lot of delicious food..."

"Uuhu, purrul," the armored rhinoceros was still immersed in cooking, but when he heard the bird song so close at hand, he suddenly woke up.

It turned around and saw Overlord BiDiao spreading its wings, as well as a few mosquito-repellent frogs blocking Yuhai. It also quickly ran in front of Yuhai and shouted to Overlord BiDiao: "Hulu, Hulu..."

What the armored rhinoceros is probably trying to convey in its cry is that this is its long-term meal ticket. If you kill this human being, where will I get free honey?

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog felt the aura of overlord Bi Diao exuding, and cold sweat continued to break out on its forehead. It felt the powerful terrifying aura. The aura of overlord Bi Diao exuded was nothing but powerful.

Just the strong wind caused by the overlord Bi Diao's wings almost blew them away. It was impossible for them to defeat Bi Diao, but it would not flinch, because Yuhai was right behind it, and it would fight to the end.

Not only the mosquito-repellent frogs and giant claw crabs in front were nervous, but also the big butterflies and long-winged gulls flying on the left and right, the orb silk spider lying on Yuhai's shoulder, and Yuhai were nervous, trembling, and scared...

Even standing under the scorching sun, Yuhai's legs were shaking non-stop, shaking uncontrollably, his hands and feet were cold, his forehead, palms and back were all covered in cold sweat, and the strong wind blown by Overlord Bidiao was even more icy cold.

He was not imaginary, he was afraid. His eyes were always on Overlord Bi Diao, fearing that Overlord Bi Diao would unleash a storm and cut them into pieces.

"Beep, beep," Overlord Bi Diao saw the child's obstruction and the armored rhinoceros barking continuously below. His sharp eyes were fixed on Yuhai and his elves, and he slowly folded his huge wings.

"Bobo, we can leave the tribe to monitor them. They told me that they will leave the island soon and will not step into the center of the island." Seeing that the anger in Bi Diao's heart had calmed down, Bobo immediately explained and conveyed What Ukai just said.

"Beep, beep," the overlord Bi Diao faced his child's request. He finally glanced at Yuhai and his elves below, and called out to the surrounding Bibi birds: "Beep, there are two Bibi birds left. Monitor this human being and return the rest..."

When the cry ended, the Overlord BiDiao flapped its wings and flew into the air, calling Bobo home, and took Bobo away.

With the departure of the overlord Bi Diao, there were only two Bi Diao left in the forest on this side of the tree house. They landed on the tree crown and stared at Ukai and the mosquito-repellent frogs under the tree.

The remaining Beebirds and Bobo flew away, some returned to the rocky mountain nests, and some returned to the nests in the woods.

Watching Overlord Bi Diao leave, Yuhai and the elves all breathed a sigh of relief. All their strength seemed to be drained, and they fell limply to the ground. Their hanging hearts were finally relieved.

It was so scary just now. They thought they would be killed by the overlord Bi Diao. Yuhai was already prepared to let the mosquito-repellent frogs run away as long as they could and jump into the water to avoid the overlord Bi Diao's attack.

Fortunately, the Overlord BiDiao did not attack them, leaving only two BiDiaos to monitor them. His words were conveyed by Bobo.

Although he didn't get the friendship of the overlord Bi Diao, he got the friendship of Bobo, and the danger of his life was relieved. Everyone was happy.

When Ukai and the elves returned to the dining table, their heads hurt when they saw the armored rhinoceros cooking on the dining table.

"Dong dong dong, armored rhinoceros, Bobo has left, why don't you go home," Yuhai raised his hand and knocked the armored rhinoceros on the head, why doesn't this guy go home! Do you want to stay here forever and never leave?

After being discovered by the overlord Bi Diao, he realized that he could no longer take away the armored rhinoceros quietly.

This guy was lost. It could also be said that the armored tyrannosaurs were too slow and careless to notice that the cub was lost.

But after the Eagle Clan returns, they will definitely notify the Armored Tyrannosaurus Clan that their overlord's cub is here. It would be strange if they haven't discovered that this guy is missing.

On the other side, Overlord Bi Diao, who was taking Bobo back, saw the Armored Tyrannosaurus basking in the sun by the lake when passing by the island. He dropped down and shouted to the Armored Tyrannosaurus.

"Serge, you silly guy, your son is missing, didn't you notice?"

"Huh? Son? Do I have a son? Which brat are you talking about?" The armored tyrannosaurus yawned. It was a little unhappy to be woken up, but it didn't get angry when it saw that it was Bi Diao.

Because it’s useless to be angry, it can’t fly, it can’t hit Bi Diao, and it can’t defeat Bi Diao.

"Go and see for yourself, at the seaside, with that human being," Overlord Bi Diao dropped these words and returned to his stone pillar bird's nest.

"Boom, boom, boom," Bobo landed on the edge of the bird's nest, looking worriedly in the direction of the tree house. The armored tyrannosaurus had entered the woods, and he didn't know what would happen to them. It could no longer help them...

Looking backstage today, someone was struggling with the issue of praying for rain.

1. Meat-eating fish are not included in Qiu Yu, at least the megalodon is not included.

2. Praying for rain is not the result of the protagonist alone. The protagonist is at best an organizer who integrates the power. It is also written in the article that extinguishing fire is everyone’s strength, the protagonist’s elves, wild elves, water elves, eagles, giant claw crabs, armored tyrannosaurs...

3. Why do water elves obediently ask for rain? Elves are not humans. Please do not transfer human indifference to elves and nature.

Faced with such a fire, at the request of the protagonist, the water elves will help to pray for rain to put out the fire.

Also, the protagonist is requesting, requesting, requesting, not ordering... Don't get confused...

It also means, "Please believe me..."

Instead, I order you...

So, can some book friends please stop reading and just say blah blah, blah blah...

It’s impossible for a book to suit everyone’s tastes, but it suits most book lovers, and I’m satisfied...

Also speaking of embarrassment, as long as the protagonist is not embarrassed, you will be the ones who are embarrassed.


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