Although the forest fire reduced the number of elves chasing the elf hunters, they were the cause of the fire. The wild elves were reluctant to pursue them at first, but because of the forest fire, the elves became angry.

Those who are running for their lives, those who are angry are still angry, and those who are pursuing are still pursuing.

The elf hunters are still under Bi Diao's surveillance. They can only rest. Once they want to leave the desert island, they will be beaten back by Bi Diao.

However, even if he wanted to leave, his six remaining elves were already exhausted from protecting him and blocking the chasing wild elves. They were unable to fight anymore and could not take him away.

And the forest fire he caused caused chaos to the wild elves, and also trapped himself. This is what he brought on himself.

Both elf hunters and their elves need to rest.

The leader of the Bi Diao tribe and the overlord Bi Diao also need to rest, and the remaining Bi Diao, Bobo, and other elves also need to rest.

In this way, the two sides fell into a certain tacit understanding. The intensity of the pursuit dropped, and the elf hunters got some breathing time. The wild elves took turns harassing the elf hunters, and everyone got some rest.

However, the forest fires that are getting stronger and stronger will not stop here. They are already spreading to the outside of the island. Many wild elves have come to the seaside to take refuge, or to the prairie in the center of the island.

If this forest fire is allowed to burn, everything on the island will be reduced to nothing.

Many wild elves will be burned to death, trees will be burned to death, and the homes of wild elves will also be burned down. The fire will burn everything on the desert island.

The lake water will boil, the grasslands will disappear, the forests will disappear, the sea water on the beach will also boil, and everything on the island will disappear, including Ukai and the others on the edge of the island, they will not be spared.

Even if you survive, you will suffer heavy losses. Don't think that you will be fine if you jump into the sea water. The fire will boil the sea water on the shore.

As more and more elves gather on the shore, this will be a feast for carnivorous fish elves. Megalodon sharks and fanged fish are waiting quietly in the sea. The unlucky ones who are squeezed out of the sea can be eaten tonight. Full.

After Yuhai and the others watched the battle between the Quasi-Tianwang and the King-level Bi Diao, and finally got a lose-lose result, they got down from the branches.

Yuhai was not very satisfied with this result.

Without him, because the overlord Bi Diao did not show his true strength of the king level at all, and because he was eager to save his son, he was ambushed by the elf hunter.

Only two elves from the elf hunter were killed, and in the end they were slightly better.

Overlord Bi Diao received so many attacks and took so many powerful moves.

Three abnormal states, chaos, poison, and electromagnetic waves.

Three fatal attacks, a poisonous blow directly to the vital point, a big explosion of naughty bullets, and the last thunder.

The overlord Bi Diao seems miserable, but he can't save the life of the overlord Bi Diao.

The reason why the Overlord is the Overlord is because the gap between the Heavenly King and those under the Heavenly King is really huge.

In the end, it was proved that the overlord Bi Diao, who had been attacked so many times, could still fly and command his tribe to fight without falling into a coma.

Perhaps because of anger or worry, the overlord Bi Diao was not allowed to fall into coma. Its child was still in the hands of the elf hunter. Even if it gritted its teeth and held on, it could not fall into coma.

Once it is defeated and falls into a coma, its tribe is likely to fall into civil strife, let alone rescuing its own children.

As for the elf hunter, although they seriously injured the overlord Bi Diao, they also killed three elves, the Big-billed Bird, the Big-needle Bee, and the Naughty Bullet.

It was precisely because of the large-billed bird's first attack that delayed time, and the sting wasp's poisonous attack that continued to delay time and also caused the overlord Bi Diao to be poisoned.

There is also the poison of the big-mouthed bat, which has almost blocked Overlord Bi Diao's most powerful weapon, and also eliminated the possibility of Overlord Bi Diao chasing them.

If the Overlord Bi Diao has no tribe, then the Elf Hunters will be victorious.

But the overlord has a tribe than the eagle, which means that the overlord is slightly better than the eagle.

When the overlord Bi Diao was severely injured, the elf hunter should have run away, but the elf hunter was greedy and missed the opportunity to leave the desert island.

Sealing Overlord Bi Diao's wings with poison also has the purpose of delaying Overlord Bi Diao's pursuit, but if you miss it, you will miss it.

If the overlord Bi Diao is not killed, the elf hunters will have endless troubles and will be hunted to death by the Bi Diao tribe.

Only by killing the overlord Bi Diao, the Bi Diao tribe will fall into civil strife fighting for the leadership position without the command of the overlord elf.

The Bi Diao group will not stop fighting among themselves until Bi Diao, the leader of the group, may even split the group.

This was also the best opportunity for the elf hunter to escape, but it was a pity that the elf hunter missed it!

If the overlord Bi Diao cannot be eliminated cleanly, there will be endless pursuit. Now the elf hunter will suffer the consequences.

Ukai, who was reminiscing about the battle, did not realize at this moment that the raging fire in the forest was approaching.

Originally, they were all ready to sleep, but the sudden forest fire and the wild elves that kept running towards the shore scared them so much that they didn't dare to sleep at all.

When he saw the wild elves running out of the fire and the forest fire gradually spreading towards them, they absolutely could not sit still and wait for death.

Even if the fire cannot be extinguished, the forest on his side must be preserved and the fire cannot be completely burned.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, long-winged gull, giant crab, use water guns to put out the fire." Ukai released the three giant crab elves and called the mosquito-repellent frog and three water elves to put out the fire. This was all he could do.

But the forest fire was so intense that the water guns of the three water elves were just a drop in the bucket and useless.

Ukai slumped on the ground helplessly, staring blankly at the forest fire rising into the sky, burning the night red, and murmuring to himself: "How could this happen? How could a fire happen..."

The raging fire has gone crazy, flying everywhere with the wind, and the red flames are like a ferocious mouth full of fangs, devouring everything without restraint.

The scorching heat and thick smoke that hit your face, mixed with the wanton whistling sound, made people feel deeply suffocated.

The flames quickly burned the trees, turning the green forest into charred black wherever it went.

"What the hell, you bitch, you fucking bitch, this scumbag should be thrown back into the belly of your motherfucker. He really deserves to be cut to pieces. He actually set fire to the forest..."

Ukai yelled at the elf hunter and vented his anger, but it didn't help at this point.

Only a villain can do this kind of thing, but in comparison, he actually became a good person.

At least he had never set fire to the forest, which was such an outrageous thing. Even if he faced life and death countless times, he had never thought of burning the forest.

"Hey," Yuhai looked at the raging fire and sighed deeply: "It's useless. Just three mosquito-repellent frogs can't put out the fire..."

Yuhai is also planning to let the three mosquito-repellent frogs come back. They can't put out the fire, save the forest, or save the wild elves on this small island.

"Mosquito-repellent frogs, giant claw crabs, long-winged gulls, come back, let it burn, come back, we alone can't put out the fire, come back, mosquito-repellent frogs..."

Yuhai shouted loudly into the sea of ​​​​fire, hoping that the three mosquito-repellent frogs could hear him. Since the fire could not be extinguished, he did not want anything to happen to the three mosquito-repellent frogs.

If the fire wants to burn, just let it burn. He doesn't want to let the three mosquito-repellent frogs die because of fighting the fire.

"Yobo, yobo," the mosquito-repellent frog heard Yuhai's cry and wanted to stop.

But when it saw the steady stream of wild elves escaping from the fire, as well as the wild elves on the shore who had just escaped from the sea of ​​​​fire, it was still frightened, with tears streaming from the corners of its eyes, looking at the sea of ​​​​fire and crying helplessly.

The mosquito-repellent frog felt that he should do something, and shouted to Yuhai with firm eyes: "Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

After the cry ended, the mosquito-repellent frog turned around without hesitation and continued to put out the fire. In doing so, it was not only saving the wild elves, but also protecting Ukai. It could not let the fire burn over, and it could not let the fire burn Ukai.

Seeing the tall and straight figure of the mosquito-repellent frog, many sad, helpless and crying wild elves were stunned.

At this moment, the three mosquito-repellent frogs were the most handsome rebels. They rushed to the front line of the fire, saved many wild elves on fire with water guns, and suppressed the arrogance of the fire.

The heroic performances of the mosquito-repellent frog, giant claw crab, and long-winged gull shocked many wild elves, making them forget to be sad and cry.

Many wild elves were infected and inspired when they saw the three mosquito-repellent frogs. The wild elves who could still move rushed forward to help the three mosquito-repellent frogs put out the fire and help them rescue the burning wild elves.

The three mosquito-repellent frogs and the three of them did not give up in the face of the raging fire, so how could they give up.

They also need to cheer up. They should save their own home!

"His beer," the giant needle bee flew forward and used its double needles to lift up the soil on the ground, preparing to use the soil to put out the fire.

"Kuai," Da Jia also stepped forward and shoveled the dirt with his big horn to put out the fire.

There are also Spearow, Bobo, Walking Grass, Trumpet Bud, Rattata, Arbor Snake...

They all went to the front line of the fire. The elves who didn't know how to use water guns used mud to put out the fire. Some used their feet to stamp on the fire, slapped it with branches, and some used moves to attack the flames.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent frog breathed a sigh of relief when he saw so many elves coming. He also knew that the three of them alone would not be able to handle such a big fire.

"Kuo Yi, Kuo Yi," Dajia saw the mosquito-repellent incense frog looking at him and immediately nodded to the mosquito-repellent incense frog. He was really embarrassed that they attacked the mosquito-repellent incense frog and the others.

It is an insect elf, restrained by the fire element. They can face the fire because the three mosquito-repellent frogs gave them courage and confidence, allowing them to face their fear and the fire that invades their homes.

The wild elves who came here officially declared war on the fire, and they wanted to put out the fire.

When Yuhai saw so many wild elves putting out the fire, he stood up. He knew that even though there were so many elves putting out the fire, their power was still too weak. He immediately hurried to the seaside, where many water elves gathered.

It would take a really heavy rain to put out the fire.

He looked towards the seaside, where the water elves were watching the forest fire. There was...

Giant claw crab, ink sea horse, sea spiny dragon, Gyarados, Magikarp, fluorescent fish, neon fish, agate jellyfish, stinging jellyfish, small sea lion, white sea lion, horned goldfish, goldfish king, starfish, electric lamp monster... …

He took Baddie to the shore and loudly asked the water elves in the sea, "Who can ask for rain? Which of you can ask for rain..."

"Beep touch? Beep touch?" Sea Spiny Dragon didn't understand what the human was shouting. He looked at the other elves and didn't know if any of the other elves could understand.

"Roar!!!" Gyarados noticed the gaze of Sea Spined Dragon, roared in response to Sea Spined Dragon, and shook its head. It didn't understand either.

"Badadie, tell them, ask for rain, ask for rain..." Yuhai stood on the shore, picked up the sea water and threw it into the sky, asking Badadie to tell these water elves to ask for rain.

"咒咒咿," Ba Da Die understood what Yu Hai meant, and immediately flew over many water elves, asking loudly: "咒咒咿, who can ask for rain, who can ask for rain..."

At first, all the water elves looked at each other in confusion, not understanding.

It wasn't until Baddie translated Yu Hai's words to ask for rain that any water elves raised their hands.

"Grrrrrrrr, me, me, me," the stinging jellyfish was the first to raise its tentacles, indicating that it would pray for rain.

"Whispering," the white sea lion also called out, indicating that it could do it too.

"Duosha," the goldfish king also called out, and he could do it too.

"Hey Qia," Haixingxing also said that he would pray for rain.

Immediately afterwards, more and more water elves expressed that they would pray for rain, and Baddie also flew back and nodded to Yuhai.

"Badadie, you are telling them to use Qiyu together," Yuhai continued to let Baddie translate his words.

"Bah, bah, bab, pray for rain, let's pray for rain together," Bada Die urged towards the water elves on the sea.

"Gulu," the stinging jellyfish understood and began to use the method to pray for rain.

"Wuwu," the white sea lion also understood.

"Beep Touch," and Sea Spinosaurus.

When the water elves heard this request, they looked at each other, closed their eyes and made their own cry for rain, or made various strange movements to pray for rain.

Seeing this, Yuhai secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he could pray for rain, the forest fire would be extinguished.

But the water elves each screamed for a long time and looked at the dark sky. The bright moon was still high, and there was no sign of rain in the sky. This made the water elves wonder why it hadn't rained yet.

"How come there's no rain?" Yuhai was also waiting for rain, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't see any rain falling. He felt desperate and stretched out his hand to pull his collar. He was covered in sweat and his mouth was dry. Roasted by high heat.

But he did not give up. His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about the reason why there was no rain. With so many water elves praying for rain together, there was no way there would be no rain. There must be something wrong.

"That's right, it's too dry." The movement of Yukai's collar reminded him of the reason why there was no rain.

He turned around and looked at the forest fire behind him, and his unsuccessful prayer for rain was all due to the fire.

With such dry air, it’s strange that praying for rain can succeed.

Many wild elves on the shore were hoping that the water elves in the sea would bring heavy rain, but no rain fell. Their hopeful eyes turned dim gray again, and they lowered their heads.

"Don't give up, everyone, there is still hope, please believe me," Yuhai stood up and shouted, cheering up the water elves on the shore who failed to pray for rain, and asked Baddie to translate what he said.

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