Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 108, Disadvantages of Moisture Sensing

The twenty-eighth day of survival on a desert island, sunny.

When Ukai woke up this morning and left the tree house, preparing to ask the elves to do their morning exercises, he found that the giant claw crab had shed its shell again and had grown in size again, almost catching up with the claw crab.

It only takes a few more molts, and the head should be bigger than the pincers, but the pincers are also getting bigger, but I don't know when the head will catch up with the pincers.

【Big claw crab】

[Attribute: Water]

[Gender: Male]

[Potential: 57%]

[Level: 13.56%]

[Characteristics: Strange Power Pliers/5.22%] [Hidden Characteristics: Force/0.53%]

[Mastery of moves: (Arm Hammer/0.22%) (Glare/0.43%) (Water Gun/8.85%) (Harden 84%) (Digging/4.54%) (Mud Shot/1.34%)]

The level of the giant claw crab has reached level 13, and its potential has also reached fifty-seven. The honey has increased the potential of the giant claw crab a little, but I don't know what the limit of honey is.

The upper limit of the increase in mosquito-repellent tadpoles is 4%. If you continue to eat honey later, it will not have much effect. They are all increases after the decimal point. I don’t know how much potential the giant claw crab can increase.

The proficiency of the strange force pliers increased by another one percent.

If you want to force a special trait, the Giant Claw Crab doesn't have a move to trigger the special trait yet, so you can only leave it alone for now.

As for moves, the proficiency of the water gun move has steadily increased, increasing by 1%.

Finally, the giant claw crab learned a new move, a ground-based move, Mud Shot, with a power of 55, which is a long-range attack move.

I guess I learned it when I saw other crabs using it when I was catching crabs yesterday.

The Giant Claw Crab has an additional long-range move against the enemy. This move can also trigger the force feature, which is not bad.

The crab's training was canceled this morning. He lifted the crab and put it in the basin, and found the remaining fish bones that the crab had eaten.

Make a fire and roast the bones, then mash the fish bones and put them in the water basin of the crab.

But this is not enough. Later, I have to catch a silly thing to replenish the crab with calcium, so that the crab can accelerate the hardening of its shell.

After letting the giant claw crab quietly absorb the fish bones and using the hardening move to speed up the hardening of the shell, Yuhai called the long-winged gull who was watching the morning exercise of Tadpole and Baddie.

"Long-winged Gull, you will learn the wave of water from the Tench in the morning," Ukai called Long-winged Gull to the bucket, and released the Tench and silly things from the elf ball.

"Uh-oh?" The long-winged gull landed on the bucket and tilted its head to look at the weak tench, Xiao Baitiao, in the bucket.

That's it? Xiaobaitiao is usually food. What can it teach yourself?

"Weak fish, use the wave of water," Ukai shouted to the weak fish in the bucket.

"Ugh," when the weak tench heard this, he immediately condensed a water energy ball near his mouth, somewhat similar to a Rasengan.

Anyone who has seen Zhi Ye’s Ninja Frog knows that Zhi Ye’s Ninja Frog can roll balls, which is the water wave move.

However, the wave of water condensed by the weak tench is much smaller, only the size of Ukai's thumb.

As for the power! Think about the feeling of a glass bead hitting your hand, and you can understand the power.

At most, skin injuries and broken bones cannot be cured.

"This is the long-winged gull. You need to learn the wave of water from the weak tench." Ukai took the wave of water with his hand, and a water energy ball exploded in his palm and turned into water droplets.

"Oh," the long-winged gull didn't understand the use of learning such a weak move, but it did not object to Ukai's arrangement, and instead learned the water wave from the weak tench.

It still doesn't know that the power of the move depends on who uses it. If it is a king-level water wave, anyone under the king can basically use it in one move.

If it is hard-wired, this is indeed the case. Even if protection is used, there are levels of protection.

Baby-level protective moves cannot withstand a king-level attack.

After arranging training for the three elves, Yuhai began to prepare breakfast. After the elves had breakfast, he set off for a run and exercise.

He was just jogging, retrieving the morning exercises he had lost for more than ten days. He would not be too tired from running. After all, he still had to prepare lunch for the four elves.

If he gets tired from running, who will make lunch for the elves?

After running on and off for two hours, Ukai stopped running, wiped the sweat from his body with water, and prepared the elves' lunch. He usually judged the time based on the shape of the shade of the trees.

It was almost lunch time, and his lunch was ready. If they had reserved food, they still had two buckets left. They were almost finished, and the next staple food would be crabs.

After all, it is not always possible to encounter a roaring whale. You also have to encounter a roaring whale hunting and driving the weak tench ashore.

They got a big deal last time, and this kind of thing is rare.

Ask the elves to stop training and come over for lunch. The morning training is over.

After lunch, there was a lunch break. After the lunch break, the elves began to exercise again in the afternoon.

Baddie's training remains unchanged, it's still telekinesis.

The giant claw crab's shell has been hardened at an accelerated pace in the morning, and it can now walk around. In the afternoon, we went to the beach to practice water gun training.

The long-winged gull's training is still to learn the fluctuations of water. After studying all morning, the long-winged gull has not learned the fluctuation of water, which makes the long-winged gull a little unconvinced.

It was just a water-type move, but it actually stumped it. It didn't believe it could learn it.

Throughout the afternoon, it pestered the tench and asked questions, which made the tench a little impatient and hid under the water not wanting to see the long-winged gull.

It wasn't until the long-winged gull brought food from the seashore, saying it was for the tench, that the tench was willing to see it and teach it the fluctuations of water.

Seeing this, Yuhai did not disturb the long-winged gull. This guy was just like a tadpole, so he just went with the long-winged gull.

Training tasks were arranged for the elves, and Yuhai also brought the mosquito-repellent tadpoles to the beach. He wanted to know whether the mosquito-repellent tadpoles could still enter the moisture sensing state and sense the shaking floating ball.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpole, do you remember the feeling yesterday?" Yuhai asked the mosquito-repellent tadpole with a rag in his hand.

"Yo yo," the mosquito-repellent tadpole nodded, indicating that it remembered it very clearly. After the vision was blocked, the feeling was very clear.

"Okay, you are trying it out to see if you can still enter that state of perception." Yuhai covered the mosquito-repellent tadpole's eyes again, placed his palms on the mosquito-repellent tadpole again, and said to the mosquito-repellent tadpole: "Mosquito-repellent tadpole, when you're ready Use the water gun to attack the swaying floating ball..."

"Yo," the mosquito-repellent tadpole shouted angrily, full of confidence in this.

But after the mosquito-repellent tadpole fell into darkness again, this time it saw nothing and felt nothing. If it hadn't been able to feel the warmth of Ukai's palm, it would have suspected that it had fallen into a dark cave.

Fortunately, with Yu Hai's hand, the mosquito-repellent tadpole didn't panic, but tried hard to enter the wonderful state of yesterday. However, after being silent for more than ten minutes, the mosquito-repellent tadpole still didn't sense anything.

"Yo yo," the mosquito-repellent tadpole sighed, a little frustrated. The whole tadpole wilted and sat on the beach. It didn't feel anything. The feeling it had yesterday was gone.

"Don't be discouraged, mosquito-repellent tadpole, you can try spitting a few shots of the water gun into the sky." Yuhai was very patient and stood there with the mosquito-repellent tadpole for more than ten minutes.

It wasn't until the mosquito-repellent tadpole sighed that he opened his mouth to remind the mosquito-repellent tadpole that if it was really the air humidity that made this place humid, he should be able to recreate yesterday's sense of moisture.

"Hey," the mosquito-repellent tadpole stood up again after being encouraged. Yuhai didn't give up on it, so how could it give up on itself!

Upon hearing Ukai's reminder, it immediately opened its mouth and spit out the water gun into the air...

"Use a few more shots of the water gun, just like yesterday," Ukai reminded again.

"Hey, puff puff puff," the mosquito-repellent tadpole then used its water gun desperately. There were mosquito-repellent tadpoles' water guns everywhere in the sky, on the shore, and around the floating ball.

Just like the sensitivity of the megalodon to blood, it is impossible for the megalodon to track a drop of blood for thousands of miles.

The moisture sensitivity of mosquito-repellent tadpoles is still very rudimentary and requires a certain moisture concentration to trigger it. If the air is too dry and the humidity is not enough, it will also not be able to trigger the perception of moisture.

"Tadpole, take a rest and slowly regain the feeling you had yesterday. Don't worry, just take your time to find it." Yuhai comforted him softly, his palm never leaving the tadpole.

"Yo, yo hoo," the mosquito-repellent tadpole nodded. It really needed a break. It had been vomiting for an hour, but it was still vomiting randomly, and its mouth was numb.

After it stopped, it immediately felt the violent beating heartbeat in its body, as well as Ukai's heartbeat, and the ripples of the floating ball.

"Yo," the mosquito-repellent tadpole was delighted. It finally felt the same feeling as yesterday. That feeling reappeared. It felt the ripples of the floating ball, this time it was clearer.

Not only the floating ball, it also sensed the outline of Ukai. The humidity where Ukai was standing was relatively high, which was probably due to sweating.

It also sensed Brother Crab training his water gun on the shore, as well as the three floating balls attacked by Brother Crab, and the water gun attack by Brother Crab.

In its perception, the water gun fired by Brother Crab was very strange. It was three very fast things that pushed through ripples and hit the floating ball.

In the world of perception, there is no water gun, only the water gun breaking through the ripples, like an invisible speedboat speeding on the sea.

In addition to Brother Crab's water gun, it also sensed that the ripples behind Ukai were very chaotic. The ripples there were irregular and fluctuated greatly.

There was a butterfly that was exercising its mind power. Sometimes the butterfly would flap its wings, sometimes fast and sometimes slowly, which made the tadpole's perception very confusing.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpole, remember your goal and don't be affected by other things." Yuhai saw the mosquito-repellent tadpole facing behind him, as if he was staring at something. When he turned around, he realized that it was Bada Die flapping his wings.

Yuhai immediately discovered the shortcoming of moisture perception, that is, it is easy to be interfered. If there are two targets, or multiple targets, the mosquito tadpole may not be able to tell where the target is.

But this is all a small problem. After all, future moisture sensing requires the use of both eyes and the heart's eye.

The eyes and the heart's eye complement the mosquito-repellent tadpole's ability to distinguish targets, and the moisture is specifically used to locate the target, so that the mosquito-repellent tadpole is not afraid of not being able to find the target and will not fall into confusion.

"Hey," after hearing Yuhai's reminder, the mosquito-repellent tadpole also knew that his target was the floating ball. Then the mosquito-repellent tadpole prepared for a while, stared at the shaking floating ball carefully, spit out the water gun, and attacked the shaking floating ball.

Puff puff puff——

For the first time, the mosquito-repellent tadpole spit out four bursts of water gun shots, all of which hit four floating balls.

In its perception, the ripples generated by the swaying floating ball hit the three stationary floating balls next to it, revealing the outline of the floating ball, and it immediately locked onto the stationary floating ball.

Now faced with the four swaying floating balls, the mosquito-repellent tadpole is not anxious, but is quite comfortable with it. In its perception, the trajectories of the four floating balls are clearly visible.

Puff puff puff——

The mosquito-repellent tadpole once again used a four-shot water gun, hitting four shaking floating balls one after another. It actually succeeded?

"Bah bang bang, mosquito-repellent tadpole, you did it," Yuhai saw that all four shots from the water gun hit, and he took off the rags from the mosquito-repellent tadpole's eyes.

"Yo yo," the mosquito-repellent tadpole jumped up instantly and threw itself into Yu Hai's arms, shouting excitedly. It had done it again, and done it again.

When it has a field of vision, its attack on the last floating ball will always be a beat slower, because it is difficult to visually lock four floating balls at once.

If it continues to train with the water gun, it will also be able to master four bursts, but it will not be that easy. It can fire four bursts instantly while blindfolded.

"Okay, okay, I understand, Mosquito-repellent tadpole has to keep working hard," Yuhai did not interrupt Mosquito-repellent tadpole's excitement. This is the praise that mosquito-repellent tadpole deserves.

Even though many elves will join their team in the future, Tadpole is definitely the one who works the hardest.

If there are elves who work harder, he would like it even more. As long as he keeps working hard to become stronger, he will not abandon any elves. On his way to the top, there will be no lazy elves allowed.

"Bah, bah, bah," Badadie saw Yuhai doting on the little tadpole so much, and hurriedly came over. How could it be absent at this time? It was obviously working hard, okay...

"Yes, yes, yes, I know, and there is Baddie," Yuhai put down the tadpole and reached out to rub Baddie's soft and waxy head. Baddie was the first high-potential elf he had ever encountered. How could he not like it.

"Kuo bang, kuo bang," the big claw crab saw the excitement here and ran over to join in the fun.

"Big Crab, the claws are your weapons, don't despise them." After touching the big butterfly, Yuhai turned to look at the Big Crab, stretched out his hand and knocked on the Crab's big claws. He felt that the pliers were very hard and big. The sequelae of claw crab molting are gone.

"Oh," the long-winged gull was very reserved. It just stood on Ukai's shoulder and rubbed its head against Ukai's cheek.

"Okay, okay," Yuhai was surrounded by four elves and hurriedly waved his hands and shouted: "Everyone goes back to training. It's not dinner time yet, no one is allowed to be lazy..."

As soon as these words came out, the elves flew away, the long-winged gull continued to learn the waves of water, Baddie was still competing for his job, and the giant crab returned to the shore to practice water guns.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpoles, remember the feeling just now. If you can't find it, just close your eyes and look for it. If you still can't find it, spit out more water guns around you, and then look for it slowly..."

"Yo yo, yo yo," Mosquito-repellent tadpole nodded, indicating that he remembered it. He watched Yu Hai pick up the old man and sat on the shore to throw a hook for fishing...

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