Pokémon: Angler's Rainy Day Team

Chapter 102, discovered by the armored tyrannosaurus

The twenty-fifth day of survival on a desert island, sunny.

Today there is no plan for the day in the morning, only a scary meeting ceremony like a horror movie.

The ferocious and brutal appearance of the armored tyrannosaurus scared all the elves drinking water by the lake and fled in all directions, not daring to get close to the armored tyrannosaurus.

Even the crabs that were still basking in the sun by the lake quickly crawled into the lake. They only dared to pop out their heads to check the situation on the lake. The crabs that the armored tyrannosaurus ate came from the sea. Relatives!

"Gudu, Gudu..."

This scene frightened Yu Hai even more. He and the tadpole hid behind the tree, holding each other tightly and shivering, their throats kept trembling, and they swallowed in fear.

Every time the armored Tyrannosaurus stomped down, his trembling legs could feel the earth shaking, the trees shaking, his body shaking, and his little heart trembling even more, almost jumping out of his throat.

This force that makes the earth tremble is really too powerful. This is just a simple stomping of the feet. It has such great power without using the earthquake move. If it uses earthquake.

He could feel the earthquake at the edge of the island. The earthquake could be transmitted from the island to the shore. One can imagine how powerful the earthquake was.

Until this moment, he finally remembered where the uninhabited desert island he was on was.

Orange Islands, Dafen Island, overlord Bi Diao, overlord Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus, these two overlords hate intruders extremely. Once an intruder is discovered, they will attack the intruder and drive the intruder off the island.

He had an impression of this episode. The combination of Bi Diao and Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus was so recognizable.

Moreover, the elves on this island are all extremely large, much larger than other ordinary creatures of the same kind, namely the extremely large eagles and the armored tyrannosaurs.

Officially, Kirby's height is 2.1 meters.

Officially, the armored Tyrannosaurus is 1.9 meters tall.

But the armored tyrannosaurus here is actually taller than Kirby. It's hard to say whether it's 2.3 meters or 2.5 meters. In short, it's much taller than similar animals.

"Damn it, the sense of oppression brought by the armored tyrannosaurus is too strong, and my legs can't obey me." After Yuhai hid, he wanted to leave here as soon as possible, but for some reason, his legs didn't obey him at all.

No matter how much he slapped or pinched with his fingers, there was no feeling in his legs. This was only indirect oppression, not direct oppression.

If it were direct pressure, he would definitely be frightened to pee, and his stool would be stepped out by the armored tyrannosaurus.

"Damn it, move it," Yuhai shouted in his heart, but his mind couldn't control his trembling legs.

It wasn't until Badadie flew over, grabbed Yuhai's shoulders with his small claws, and dragged him towards the forest that Yuhai breathed a sigh of relief.

A cold sweat broke out on his back, and he felt a little exhausted, but he still opened his mouth and thanked Badadie: "Thank you, Badadie..."

"Bah, bah, bah," Badadie saw the ferocious appearance of the armored tyrannosaurus. At that time, she was also afraid and hid behind a tree. She was so scared.

This was the first time it had seen such a cruel elf. It was so fierce and it was so scared.

Later, when I thought that I could fly but the armored tyrannosaurus couldn't, I wasn't afraid anymore. The armored tyrannosaurus couldn't catch it yet.

For this dangerous place, it just wanted to leave here as soon as possible. When it saw Ukai's legs going weak, it immediately stepped forward and grabbed Ukai and left. It didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpoles, don't be in a daze. Let's leave here immediately. It's too dangerous here. It's safer to go to the beach..."

Yuhai hurriedly reminded the mosquito-repellent tadpole to leave quickly. The mosquito-repellent tadpole was also frightened. Like him, they didn't want to stay here any longer, and they didn't want to...

Boom, boom, boom——

Suddenly the thumping sound sounded again, it was the sound of the armored tyrannosaurus moving. Every time the armored tyrannosaurus stamped its feet, it was like stepping on Yuhai's heart, and his heartbeat would beat faster and faster.

As the thumping sound got closer and closer, his face suddenly turned pale, and his forehead and palms were covered in cold sweat.

"No way! No way! Is the Armored Tyrannosaurus coming towards us?"

Yuhai was frightened to death by the speculation in his heart. He hurriedly asked Bada Die to put him down and let Bada Die fly out of the jungle to see the purpose of the armored tyrannosaurus' movement.

Ukai, who fell to the ground, was finally able to walk. Although he was still scared, he could still walk with a cane.

He hid behind a tree and looked out of the jungle. At the edge of the jungle where they had been, there was an armored tyrannosaurus sniffing frantically, as if it had discovered their scent.

Seeing this scene, Yuhai felt like he was going to fight. The armored tyrannosaurus discovered their scent. Just when he was hesitating whether to escape, the armored tyrannosaurus suddenly fell down, and a butterfly, Bada Die, appeared.

"咒咒咿," Baddie flew in the air and used the armored tyrannosaurus's crazy smelling behavior to secretly release sleeping powder and paralysis powder, paralyzing the armored tyrannosaurus.

"Did you do it? Baddie," Yuhai asked quickly when he saw the armored tyrannosaurus falling and Baddie flying towards him.

"Bah, bah, bah," Bada Die nodded, it was it that hypnotized the armored tyrannosaurus.

"Okay, let's get out of here quickly and return to the tree house." Yuhai wanted to take advantage of the armored tyrannosaurus to sleep, call the mosquito tadpoles and the big butterfly, and quickly leave the center of the island.

Don't even think about throwing the Poké Ball to subdue him. As long as he dares to subdue the armored tyrannosaurus, the armored tyrannosaurus will tear him alive and tear him into pieces when he wakes up.

This wild, violent-looking, powerful wild elf cannot be restrained by a Poke Ball. He is not that naive. He thinks that throwing the ball will get the recognition of the armored tyrannosaurus. He is just thinking nonsense. .

This is not a place for people to stay at all. It's too scary. It could kill him at any time. He doesn't want to stay for a second longer.

The seaside is safer. As long as you don't step into the territory of giant needle bees, you won't be attacked by giant needle bees. Large claw crabs also have their own territory. As long as you don't provoke them, you'll be fine.

Unless he has something to attract giant claw crabs, he will deliver food when the crabs come less often, and run away when they come more often.

It wasn't until they were far away from the center of the island that the two elves relaxed and sat under the tree to have a good rest.

Hiss, hiss——

"Where did the hissing sound come from?" When Yuhai was still confused, the mosquito tadpole spit out three water guns at the top of his head.

Puff puff--

"Yo yo, yo yo," Mosquito-repellent tadpole hit Abo Snake with a water gun and tried to sneak attack. He immediately reminded Yuhai and Baddie that there was Lao Liu who wanted to sneak attack.

"咒咒咒," Badadie hurriedly grabbed Yuhai and kept him away from Abai Snake's attack range.

This thing is very poisonous. Once poisoned, you will definitely die.

"Damn it, Arbo Snake, there are so many snakes, have I entered a snake den?" Yuhai stood up with his crutches and let Bada Die lead the way, and they quickly left here.

The mosquito-repellent tadpoles are left behind to prevent Arbor snakes from attacking again.

After leaving Arbor Snake's territory, they were chased by Rattata again. It was ridiculous that he was actually bitten by a mouse.

After being chased by the rats into the Spearow's territory, the Spearow's anger was aroused, but the Spearow did not chase them, and instead went after the mice.

Finally, they also saw the Dajia tribe sucking sweet tree sap. Dajia saw Yuhai and the others who suddenly broke into the territory, and started to chase Yuhai and the others...

Before noon, Yuhai finally rushed back to the tree house with his two little ones. The situation here was hard to describe. If I could describe it in one word, it would be chaos.

There are still some crabs here that haven't left, and it's too late to leave now. Who told these guys to make his house look like a chicken coop, in a mess.

"Badadie, quietly hypnotize them and treat them like lunch."

One person and two elves, they ran for half the night and all morning, without getting any water, and they were all starving.

After the little tadpole saw the tree house, he lay on the ground and didn't want to get up.

Baddie couldn't fly either, but at Yuhai's request, he still hypnotized five or six giant crabs.

All the remaining giant crabs ran away, and in the end he only hypnotized five giant crabs. He didn't need the elf ball to pretend to be there, it was too troublesome.

Anyway, the potential is not as high as that of a small crab, so it is boiled directly.

The stove was not destroyed, nor were the dry firewood piled next to the tree house, but it was just a little messed up.

He lit a fire on the stove and started cooking crabs. He didn't lose the stew pot, which was buried in the soil next to the tree house, and he dug it out again.

He also boiled a pot of hot water in a stew pot to drink, first to quench his thirst.

For elves, it's okay to drink raw water directly. After all, they can't wait for hot water.

He also released the little crabs from the Poké Ball, as well as Magikarp and Tench.

The little crab was alone in the water basin. The water basin was not damaged, but the edges were cracked, not to the bottom of the basin.

But many buckets were destroyed, and most of the buckets near the tree house were destroyed. The giant crab also left a few buckets of fresh water for them. After all, it was all water and nothing, so the giant crab would not destroy all of them.

However, this results in mosquito-repellent tadpoles and stupid things being squeezed into a bucket.

Yuhai also took a look inside the tree house. There were foam fragments everywhere, fine sand on the ground, and dry firewood piled in the corner. They were all in a mess. Their home had been plagued by giant claw crabs, but this was still a mess. It's all little things.

Apart from being a little messy, there are no problems in the tree house. The only problem is that the wooden door is broken and needs to be nailed to a new piece of wood. The door bolt has also fallen off and needs to be nailed to the house again.

When I came outside the tree house, I saw the pitted grass around the tree house. There was no complete piece of grass anymore and there were potholes everywhere.

It's the crabs digging holes here, digging holes in the grass. It's impossible to see. How can obsessive-compulsive disorder bear this?

"Little crab, use digging to repair the holes in the grass." Yuhai saw these holes and thought of the little crab's digging skills.

Baddie and Mosquito Tadpole ran with him all day and are now resting. Only Little Crab has been staying in the Poké Ball, so they are not too tired. The job of filling the holes is left to Little Crab.

Once the holes are filled with soil, the grass will grow back.

"Kuo Bang, Kuo Bang," the little crab received the task and looked at the sleeping mosquito tadpoles in the bucket and the big butterfly sleeping on the tree trunk.

It knew that Bada Die and the others were exhausted from protecting Yu Hai, so it immediately crawled out of the water basin and began to move soil and repair the potholes on the grass.

When there is too little soil in the grass to fill the holes, it will dig holes to transport the soil.

If the hole is too big, go to the shore to carry stones, cover it with a layer of soil, and then fill the hole.

As the crab was cooked, its work was stopped by Ukai, "Big claw crab, wake up the mosquito tadpoles and come over for lunch, and then start working after lunch..."

"Kuo bang," the giant crab stopped filling the hole, patted the bucket with the crab, and woke up the mosquito tadpoles. Then he came to the tree trunk and called out to the big butterfly, waking up the big butterfly. .

"Yo yo," After the mosquito tadpole woke up, he saw Yu Hai waving, so he ran over and sat on the dining table to prepare for the meal.

"Bah, bah, bah," Badadie said the same thing, but he didn't have much energy to eat.

"Uh oh, uh oh..."

Just then, the long-winged gull came, just on time.

Yu Hai even wondered if this guy had been watching them all the time, otherwise why would he be so punctual every time it was time to eat.

But he still made the long-winged gull's lunch, and what was originally his lunch was shared with the long-winged gull.

He cooked three crabs and five tench.

The crabs were given to tadpoles, butterflies, long-winged gulls...

He divided one fish and crab legs, and the remaining four fish were given to giant claw crabs.

When he went to get the fish, he also checked the buckets. They were not damaged. All five buckets were intact, but now they became four buckets. He only had four buckets of fish left.

After lunch, the mosquito-repellent tadpoles rested for a while, and then they were all assigned to fill holes.

He took the wooden door and re-nailed the wooden boards. He was going to repair the wooden door and re-nail the door bolts of the tree house.

Although this broken door is useless and cannot block the giant claw crab's claws at all, it can still protect it from wind and rain.

It's just that I can't fish this afternoon. Just cleaning up the messy tree house, looking for the foam board mattress again, and retrieving the messy things that were turned over by the giant crabs took up the afternoon.

They just restored the tree house to its original appearance, with almost everything missing. They got the fishing rod back, the lighter, the flower, the folding knife, and the four pokeballs, all still on them.

There were a lot of broken buckets, but there were a lot of them and they were everywhere on the beach, so there was no shortage at all.

The tadpole's rice bowl and pan are still there, and the lifebuoy, rope, hourglass, iron cup, and ladder are all there...

The collected rags, rainproof plastic, firewood, and plastic bottles are basically still there.

It's just that the rice bowls of the big butterfly, giant crab, and long-winged gull are gone, and they can make another one when the time comes.

However, the fresh water is almost bottoming out, and there are still five barrels of fresh water. I hope God will rain and give him some fresh water.

He wasn't too worried about fresh water. Since he went around the jungle, he discovered many streams, all flowing from the large lake on the island.

When the time comes, let the crabs dig holes and create a branch from the stream, so there will be no shortage of fresh water.

After he nailed the door bolt again, he started to make dinner. A few mosquito-repellent tadpoles were still filling in the holes. There were too many holes in the grass. If he worked overtime after dinner, he should be able to fill all the holes today.

Dinner was quickly prepared. They cooked the two remaining crabs from lunch, grilled some tench, and then went to the beach to gather some aquatic plants for Silly Things. Their dinner was basically ready.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpoles, big butterflies, giant claw crabs, and long-winged gulls are back to have a rest and have dinner..."

"Yo yo, here it comes," the mosquito-repellent tadpole immediately put down the work of pulling stones with its mouth, went to take a bath in the bucket, and then sat on the dining table waiting for the meal.

"Bah, bah, bah," Bada Die also put down the hanging frame used to transport stones on his paws, and rushed back to eat.

There were also giant claw crabs and long-winged gulls, which basically spent the whole afternoon transporting stones.

Yuhai didn't expect that the long-winged gull would actually take the initiative to help. This is also a good thing. After getting familiar with it in the future, he will naturally be able to conquer the long-winged gull.

When they leave the desert island, they can take the Long-winged Gull with them, but it's a bit uncomfortable not to see the Long-Winged Gull's proficiency panel.

Mosquito-repellent tadpoles and bad butterflies eat crabs.

Giant claw crabs and long-winged gulls eat fish meat.

After all four elves finished their dinner, they continued their work of filling in the holes. They worked for several more hours before filling in the remaining holes.

While the elves were filling the hole, Yuhai prepared another midnight snack.

After the four elves filled the hole and had a supper of grilled fish, he began to treat the wounds on the soles of his feet.

After walking all day today, he had a lot of blisters on his feet. He pricked them one after another. New injuries were added to old ones, and injuries were added to injuries. He didn't know when they would heal.

The scab on the wound was about to fall off, and the blisters were all minor injuries. After treating the foot injury, he expressed his gratitude to the long-winged gull again and took the three elves back to the tree house to rest.

Everyone is exhausted today. They are not energetic when eating and eat less than usual. It is better to go to bed early...

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