At the end of the cave, there is a small nest made of dead branches and leaves. In the nest is a protected Pokémon egg.

The size of this egg is a bit larger than the egg of a creature called an ostrich before the 'Great Nirvana Period'.

As a pocket fan, Fang Yuan can identify almost all varieties of Pokémon.

But it’s a bit difficult for him to identify the type of Pokémon by the appearance of the eggshell!

As for why he was sure it was Bangira's egg... it was already in someone else's nest. Could it be the egg of another Pokémon?

"It turns out...this is why it tried so hard to keep me out!"Fang Yuan squatted down in front of the elf egg and thought.

Although Benjila is a ferocious Pokémon, it also possesses a gentle motherly nature when giving birth to offspring.

It is this maternal nature that makes Bangila Gila resisted his subjugation again and again!

If he hadn't noticed the abnormality and forcibly subdued the Banjila just now, the egg would probably have been abandoned here...

Thinking about it this way, Fang Yuan feels inexplicably guilty

"However, if you calculate it this way, I now have two Pokémon eggs, right?" Fang Yuan thought.

In addition to the egg that belonged to Bangila in front of him, there was also a mysterious egg from the old principal in his hiking bag. A deceptive egg that couldn't be hatched even though he tried his best.……

"Could that egg belong to a supreme-level Pokémon?"Looking at Bangila's egg in front of him, Fang Yuan couldn't help but secretly guess in his heart.

Bangila is also one of the famous quasi-gods, a legendary level Pokémon!

However, although there are some interesting things that can be seen in the egg in front of him, It is different from ordinary elf eggs, but it is incomparable to the mysterious egg in Fang Yuan's backpack!

Wait, no! What is this strange thing?

Fang Yuan is surprised. He looked at the egg in front of him uncertainly.

The aura lingering on this egg was a bit like the unique aura that only existed after the Nine-Tails and Charizard broke through.

But... although Bangira is of the legendary level, it is. The larvae of Yukira are only of epic level, right?

"Perhaps the appearance of the egg is influenced by the mother's body……"Fang Yuan thought,"Now, let's return to that mother as soon as possible. I've been here for so long, and it's probably time to get anxious!"

Fang Yuan put down his hiking bag, took out some clothes from it, and pulled Banji The eggs are carefully wrapped.

Holding the egg in his arms, Fang Yuan turned around and greeted the little Dream who looked like a curious baby, looking around in the cave.

"Let's go! It's time for us to go back!"


On this side of the valley, Banjila, who was exhausted, was still lying on the sand.

However, its gaze was always looking in the direction of the valley.

Time passed by minute by second, and its eyes couldn't help but become a little more anxious and a little cruel.


Banjira roared, exerting strength on all four limbs, trying to stand up from the sand.

However, the soft and fine sand that fit its attributes in the past, at this moment, completely offset the little strength it had left..

His limbs slipped on the sand, and Bangila fell back to the ground.

At this time, there was a slight sound of wind in the distance, and his eyes couldn't help but light up with hope.

Soon, in the distance. At the corner, Fang Yuan and Meng Meng's figure appeared.

It could see a familiar corner of it in the clothes Fang Yuan held in front of him, which instantly calmed its restless heart.……

"We're back!"

Landing steadily, Fang Yuan said softly.

On the way back, he was worried about Bangila's condition, so he didn't delay much. It seems that this decision was the right one.

Looking at the look in front of him, Bangila was probably going berserk. It's on the edge.

Although its physical strength has reached its limit, there is no reason for it to go berserk.

If it really wants to let it go berserk, it is estimated that even Mewtwo after Mega evolution wants to kill it without harming it. It’s a little difficult to control it!

"This is your child!"Fang Yuan carefully placed the elf egg next to Bangila.

It was hard to imagine that Bangila, who looked fierce and tall, had a soft light in his eyes.

He stretched out his paw and moved the elf egg in front of him. , in Benjila's eyes, it seemed that the only thing left was this elf egg.

Fang Yuan stood quietly, watching this scene.

Suddenly, his pupils dilated slightly at a certain moment. La seemed to have noticed something, and raised his head slightly.

He saw that the elf egg beside it lit up with a faint white light.

If Fang Yuan's eyes were correct, just now, the elf egg seemed to be shaking slightly. After a while?

Is this... about to hatch? ps: Don't worry about how an old man left this egg, otherwise the author will have to rack his brains to make up a story background...

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