Fang Yuan opened his palms and stretched them in front of Little Dream. On top was a [Master Ball].

He never thought of using the [Master Ball] to directly capture Little Dream

【The exact description of Master Ball should actually be 100% chance of catching, not conquering.

The difference is not difficult to see literally.

For Pokémon that he liked more like Mew, he was more inclined to let it follow him 'willingly'.

Little Dream looked at the [Master Ball], her little face wrinkled, and she was a little confused.


Looking at Fang Yuan and then at Chaomeng, Little Dream shook his head tentatively.

Fang Yuan's smile did not change, the light in Chaomeng's palm flashed, and he took another step forward~.

Little Dream, little His body trembled, and he looked at Chaomeng nervously.

"You have to think about it! If you don't follow your brother, if it bullies you, your brother won't be able to help you!"-Fang Yuan is a good guide


Little Dream glared at Fang Yuan angrily. It was full of childlike innocence, but not stupid. There was no way to tell that one of them was playing a good role and the other a bad face.

It was clear that they had no intention of letting him Come on, where does it say"willingly"?

Do you have any misunderstanding about"willingly"?

""Meow meow~"

Mewtwo is getting closer and closer, and Little Mewtwo's expression changes.

It is definitely impossible to beat it. It is a Pokémon that doesn't like to fight. How about using its head to fight Mewtwo who was born for fighting? It is also certain to run. He couldn't run away. He was competing against Chaomeng, who had a terrifyingly high speed race value. What a joke!

For the first time, Little Dream felt the dilemma caused by having an overly average race value.

Seeing that Chaomeng's palm was about to rise, Looking at the interlaced arcs above, Mew finally made a decision.

"Meow meow~ meow meow~"

A pair of small hands kept gesticulating in front of them, and Meng Meng made a meow like a kitten.

Fang Yuan couldn't understand what it said, but when he saw that Chaomeng had put away his skills, he knew that things were going to happen.

It said that it can go with you, but it doesn’t want to stay in the elf ball. Fang

Yuan glanced at it with some surprise. Is this a child that doesn’t like to stay in the elf ball just like Master Zhi’s skin god?

However, considering the nature of a dreamy child, it is not difficult to understand that it is indeed a bit difficult for the lively and active creature to stay in the Poké Ball.

"I can grant your request, but this [Master Ball] is still for you!"Fang Yuan handed over the half-purple and half-white [Master Ball].

It's not that Fang Yuan is worried that the little guy will escape, but it is still necessary to give the little guy an environment where he can stay when needed.

【The reason why the Master Ball has a 100% capture success rate is that it is made of extremely strong material.

Only the [Master Ball] can accommodate a supreme-level Pokémon like Mew without having to worry about it breaking into pieces one day.

Little Dream tilted her head and looked at him, as if to confirm the truth of his words.

"Meow meow!"

After a while, Little Dream stretched out his little hand and clicked on the button in the center of the [Master Ball]

【Master Ball] opened and took the dream inside


【The Master Ball shook slightly in Fang Yuan's hand a few times, and finally stabilized after a few stars lit up.

Fantasy Lv.60

Category: New Pokémon

Gender: No Gender

Height: 0.4m

Weight: 4.0kg

Attribute: Super Power

Feature: Synchronization

Carrying Items: None

Grade: Supreme

Combat Power: Quasi-God

"I conquer...Dream!"

Lifting the [Master Ball] high above his head, Fang Yuan smiled happily.

"Sure enough, only when you have conquered the Pokémon you want, doing this kind of Zhi Ye's exclusive middle two moves is exciting enough!"

Chaomeng's body on the side lit up with colorful lights, and his body gradually returned to its original appearance.

···0 flowers requested······

Chaomeng didn't have much feeling about Fang Yuan conquering Meng Meng.

As Tong Fangyuan said, the way an individual is born does not mean superiority or inferiority.

Perhaps, Mewtwo is indeed a Pokémon created by humans using dream genes.

But from the moment when he let go of his heart, communicated with Fang Yuan, and evolved through the bond of Mega... it, Chaomeng, is a unique existence in this world!

No longer a copy of anyone, and no need to prove it to anyone.

Looking at the problem from a different perspective, its vague disgust and resistance to dreams will disappear..................

From now on, Little Dream will only be one of its companions, not the same race from which its genes are derived.

"Everyone, come out!"

The battle is over, the danger has been eliminated, Fang Yuan directly released all the Pokémon






Mew's distinctive cry instantly attracted the attention of other Pokémon.

"Let me introduce to you, this is our new partner, Dream!"Fang Yuan smiled, turned around and introduced his original Pokémon to Meng one by one.

Emperor Nabo looked at Meng's small body, and his eyes lit up. Has the male master finally conquered a Pokémon that is weaker than it?

In line with the sense of responsibility to care for the younger generation, Emperor Nabo stretched out his hand and pressed it on Meng Meng’s head.


Dreamy mouth pouted. It had just been 'willingly' subdued and was feeling depressed!

The electric arc flashed on its body, and with a snap, Emperor Nabo twitched and fell to the ground.

A smoke ring came out of his mouth, Emperor Nabo looked at the star-studded night sky and began to doubt his life.……

…… ps: Get up and get excited! This is chapter five!

There was a small bug in the previous chapter. Mega Mewtwo's X speed and race value should be the same as Mewtwo's.���Such entry. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-

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