[Emperor Nabo Lv.42]

[Category: Emperor Pokémon]

[Gender: Female]

[Height: 1.7m]

[Weight: 84.5kg]

[Attribute: Water Steel]

[Characteristic: Torrent]

[Carrying Items: None]

[Level: Epic]

[Combat Power: Gold]

[Introduction: Emperor Nabo can swim in the water at extremely fast speeds. In addition, its hard wings can easily cut through ice floes. The three horns extending from its mouth are A symbol of strength, the leader’s horn is the largest]

"Nabo! Nabo!"

Emperor Nabo waved his arms, looking excited.

Looking at each other with the long-tailed monster, the two little guys, who already had the ability to protect themselves, stepped directly towards the group of monsters.

They have been riding on their experience, this time Once again, they will come on their own!

"These two guys! Fang Yuan shook his head helplessly,"Chaomeng, please help take care of me!""

[Do not worry]


The diamond-level Nine-Tails is on its own, while the Fire Dinosaur, Emperor Nabo and the Long-tailed Monster are on both sides of Mewtwo.

Let the quasi-king-level Mewtwo take care of them at any time to prevent the diamond-level existence in Warcraft from causing serious damage to a few little guys.

If these monsters had encountered an ordinary adventure group, they would have been forcibly killed by their numerical superiority.

However, they happened to meet the systematic protagonist Fang Yuan.

Not to mention the existence of Mewtwo, a quasi-king turret whose output is almost king, there is also something like a cheat to deal with protracted battles, such as the extremely fast stamina potion.

Even though there are many monsters in this area of the abandoned city, they cannot withstand such consumption!

"Is it almost over?"Fang Yuan looked far into the distance.

At the end of the street, there were not many Warcraft that were still coming.

Perhaps, the Warcraft in front of them were already all the Warcraft in the entire area.

If they were further away, it is estimated that the Warcraft would also be there. You may not be able to detect the movement here

"So let’s end it here today!"After looking at the sky, Fang Yuan made a decision.

Naturally, it is impossible to spend the night in an abandoned city. Safety is not the most important issue.

The main thing is that if you really want to camp here, you probably won't have to sleep all night.

Just when Fang Yuan was slightly distracted, the number of monsters in front of the Fire Dinosaur and Nine-Tails had already reached an outrageous level.


The fire dinosaur roared, and used its"claws" to directly plunge into the group of monsters for the final clearing.


Even Kyuubi, who was not good at melee combat, sped up with his light body and used the"Ultimate Impact"』

"Ding! Kill the platinum level monster! Fire Dinosaur gained 54978 experience!"

"Ding! Fire Dinosaur Lv.45-Lv.46!"


"Ding! Kill the diamond-level monster! Kyuubi (the appearance of Alola) gained 64397 experience!"

"Ding! Kyuubi (Alola's appearance) Lv.54-Lv.55!"


"It only took one day for a few little guys to make such a big improvement……"

Looking at the levels and combat power data of several Pokémon on the panel, Fang Yuan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"So what would happen if I directly destroyed the entire abandoned city?"

Although it is unclear how big these human cities built before the 'Great Nirvana Period' are.

However, it is obvious that Fang Yuan cannot complete them by walking today.

In other words, the monsters he killed today , probably not even one percent of the total number of monsters in the entire abandoned city!

If he really destroyed the entire abandoned city, wouldn’t the experience and points he could gain make him feel free every minute?

"Hiss~ There is a lot of potential for this! Fang Yuan's eyes lit up,"That's it!""

In this abandoned city, all the surviving monsters suddenly felt their anus tighten.

However, when they raised their heads and looked around, they found nothing.


"Ding! Kill the diamond-level monster! Mewtwo gained 6549 experience!"

"Ding! Mewtwo Lv.39-Lv.40!"

"Ding! Mewtwo Combat Power: Quasi-King-King!"


[Mewtwo Level 40]

[Category: Genetic Pokémon]

[Gender: No gender]

[Height: 2.0m]

[Weight: 122.0kg]

[Attribute: Mewtwo]

[Characteristics: Feeling of oppression]

[Items to carry: Mewtwo’s Curved Spoon]

[Grade: Supreme]

[Combat Power: King]

"Has Chaomeng successfully entered the battle force of the king?"Fang Yuan suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Chaomeng.

There is only one word difference between the quasi-king and the king. Even if the difference in strength is not huge, the gap is bigger than most people imagine!

Chaomeng's breakthrough this time is absolutely It was a qualitative leap!

At this time, Chaomeng also looked at him, and when their eyes met, Chaomeng showed a faint smile for the first time.

Fang Yuan took a breath and couldn't help but rub his eyes..

Chaomeng just...actually smiled?

Seeing Fang Yuan's actions, Chaomeng's smile slowly faded and returned to his previous cold and indifferent appearance.

"Oh, are you still arrogant?"Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows and said jokingly.

Chaomeng simply turned away and didn't look at him.

[You have time to look at me, why not think about how to get these monster corpses on the ground into your special space?" ]

Fang Yuan was startled and turned his gaze to the ground.

After they had penetrated a certain distance, they had established a stronghold. With them as the center, all they could see were corpses like a hill of monsters.

, in the direction they came from, the corpses of the monsters were connected, and the end could not even be seen...

Fang Yuan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, you know...

He thought that he would definitely go back the same way at night, and run away in the middle of the battle. The danger in the group of monsters was too high.

He didn't even collect the corpses of monsters along the way!

Fang Yuan couldn't help but feel a little pain in his waist...

But these were just points. , if he didn’t throw it into the system, he would feel at a loss!

Oh my old man!

Maybe this is the trouble of happiness! ps: Chaomeng vaguely knows that the protagonist has a secret, this should not be considered poisonous. ?

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