"Where to go next?"

Fang Yuan pulled out the map he got from William. Speaking of which, he had never opened it before.

After all, in the beginning, he just had to walk deeper into the wilderness area.

It was not enough. When he got here, The importance of the map begins to show.

If you want to get points as quickly as possible, you must find the nearest abandoned city!

Opening the map, Fang Yuan couldn't help but be slightly surprised by how detailed it was. It was far beyond his imagination.

At first, he thought that the maps of these adventure groups were just some simple dots and lines. However, he got it from William.

This map has detailed records of the distribution of Pokémon in each area. Unlike some weak Pokémon

, all Pokémon with a little strength can divide their territories.

, as long as they do not die or be subdued, there will basically be no change in the territory, because at this level, they are not easy to be killed or subdued, and they can be used as road signs after recording their types and strengths.!

Fang Yuan, for example, easily found his current location on the map through the Boscodora he just conquered.

Judging from the mottled marks on it, the map is still in real time. Under update

"but..."Fang Yuan's expression was slightly strange,"For a large area on this map, the original records are probably going to be invalidated!"

He had fought and conquered all the way.

Several gold-level Pokémon marked on the map are now lying in the hiking bag behind him....

"Ahem, sin, sin..."

Fang Yuan couldn't help but cough dryly, feeling a little embarrassed...

Now that you have determined your location, the problem is easier to solve.

Fang Yuan began to search for information on the abandoned city closest to here on the map.

The somewhat mercenary adventure group that William is a part of is different from the adventure group that specializes in hunting monsters for profit.

They mainly bring new people, so they will not easily approach an abandoned city filled with countless monsters.

However, this does not mean that there are no records of abandoned cities on the map.

After all, even if you consider avoiding the problem, you still have to record it!

In fact, there was no need to search deliberately, Fang Yuan quickly discovered a unique area.

In one corner of the map, there is a gray area.

Next to it is the word 'DANGER' in big letters.

Needless to say, this must be an abandoned city deep in the wilderness area!

As for the structural routes within the abandoned city that are not at all above, that is not a problem at all.

Fang Yuan didn't go to the city to find anything specific, so why did he need a road map?

Forehead...No, he was looking for this thing called Warcraft. etc! Warcraft is not a thing!

Fang Yuan continued to look at the map without worrying about whether Warcraft was a thing for too long.

Focus on looking for places marked with characters and patterns of different colors, trying to find more useful information from them.

In an abandoned city, do you still need to find Warcraft?

In that place where monsters are everywhere, it would be nice if the monsters don't come looking for you.!

"What does this area mean?"After constantly browsing, Fang Yuan really discovered an unusual place.

It was an orange area, and the annotated character was 'Unknown Elf'.

And below 'Unknown Elf', there was a line of small words.

"There is a strong sense of threat and I dare not go deep - William!"Fang Yuan said softly.

Can it be called a Pokémon that is so powerful that even William, a gold-level trainer, dare not take a look at it?

Will it be a diamond-level? Master-level? Or a higher king-level?

Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly,"Or is it a legendary Pokémon?"

This is not an impossible thing!

In the alliance, many trainers said that they were lucky enough to witness the figure of the mythical beast in the wilderness area.

Excluding some people who are sensationalizing, this statement still has a certain degree of authenticity.

Of course, the whole This continent is either a human base or a wilderness area.

If the legendary Pokémon doesn't stay in the wilderness area, why not stay in the human base? emmm ?...

"Go to the abandoned city first, wait until Chaomeng reaches the king level, and then go to this place!"Fang Yuan pondered for a moment and made a decision.

The legendary Pokmon, that is, the mythical beast!

This has great attraction for a trainer.

However, in contrast, it is the powerful combat power of the mythical beast.

It is true that Pokémon co-founded the Elf Alliance with humans under the leadership of the mythical beasts decades ago, but this does not mean that the mythical beasts are absolutely friendly to humans.

There is a price to pay for the territory!

No one knows the specific strength of the Pokémon in that area, if there are really mythical beasts there....

Not to mention the king level, even the appearance of the quasi-god level is not a surprise! ps: Chapter 7 today! Two more chapters to go!

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