Under the influence of the old principal, Fang Yuan couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Stretching out his hand and holding the old principal's hand, Fang Yuan said excitedly:"Are the old principal going to introduce me to my beautiful granddaughter of the right age?"

The old principal shook his hand and couldn't help blowing his beard and staring. When will he? Have you ever said such a thing?

He was clearly asking if he wanted to be an elf trainer, right?

However, when he saw the smile on Fang Yuan's face, the old principal also knew that this was Fang Yuan's 'revenge'!

"You kid!"

He wasn't annoyed and laughed together with Fang Yuan.

This is why the old principal, despite having such great strength, still lives in a small corner, just being a principal.

When I stay with these children, I feel much younger!

"To tell you the truth, I do have a beautiful granddaughter as old as you! It’s just that it’s hard to say whether you can get her approval!"

The old principal withdrew his hand, raised his eyebrows, and said provocatively.

Fang Yuan was about to reply with a few words, but a pleasant voice came from his ears.

"Fang Yuan, so you are here!"

Fang Yuan and the old principal looked out at the same time, and saw a pretty girl running towards this side in small steps.

Seeing the girl's face clearly, a warm smile appeared on Fang Yuan's face.


However, he didn't notice that the expression of the old principal beside him became strange.

Looking at Fang Yuan, and then at the pretty girl who was trotting over, the old principal couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Hiss~ This kid must have been thinking about my granddaughter for a long time, right?"

Especially looking at the girl's heartfelt smile, the old principal felt a little toothache.

"Forget it, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, let these children go!"

Finally, Fang Yuan's first impression was good. The old principal planned to wait and see what happens.

The girl came to stand in front of Fang Yuan. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she checked Fang Yuan carefully.

Until she confirmed that Fang Yuan was fine, the girl Just relax

"Where did you just run? I'm worried to death!"The girl said coquettishly

"Do not worry! What can I do if the principal is here?"

Fang Yuan decisively pulled out the old principal who had been forgotten aside.

"ah? headmaster?"

The girl seemed to have just realized that there was someone next to her, and couldn't help being startled.

The old principal had been watching with his eyelids twitching, but now that he saw the girl like this, he felt like crying.

Such a living person standing here, Did you just realize it now?

Moreover, even if he is small, he is still holding a fire-breathing dragon next to him!

"Lord...school...Hello principal!"The girl said nervously.


Fang Yuan glanced at the old principal, this last name is so strange?

The old principal waved his hand, turned to Fang Yuan and said:"I will be in the principal's office these days, when you are free Just come to me!"

After saying that, he greeted Charizard and turned around to leave.

There is no room for him as an old man here.

Somehow, Fang Yuan always felt that the old principal's leaving figure was a bit sad and desolate.

On the back of Charizard, the old principal could not bear the pain. I can't help but sigh with emotion

"It’s great to be young! Thinking about when I was young, that was also..."

Just as he was talking, his wife's face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. The old principal, who had tracheitis, couldn't help but shuddered and almost fell off the back of the fire-breathing dragon.

"Ahem, a good man doesn’t mention his bravery in the past...."...

After the old principal left, Xiaoguang obviously relaxed a lot.

"Why! What did the principal just tell you?"

Xiao Guang said curiously after touching Fang Yuan lightly with his shoulder.

"Nothing, just the principal said that he has a beautiful granddaughter and wants to introduce her to me!"Fang Yuan laughed.

"screw you! Nothing right!"

Xiao Guang suddenly blushed, slapped him angrily, and avoided looking at him.

"how? Jealous?"

Fang Yuan said with a playful smile, but he didn't realize that the girl was obviously not jealous.

"who...Who will be jealous of you!"

Xiaoguang turned around proudly, with her back to him, but her face became more and more rosy.

"Okay, okay, you're not jealous."

Knowing that the girl was thin-skinned, Fang Yuan followed her and said.

The two of them have been going to the same school since childhood, and they can be said to be childhood sweethearts.

However, no one knows when the relationship between the two happened. Changes.

I only know that from a certain period of time, when the two of them were alone, they began to have an unexplainable feeling , without breaking the thin layer of paper.

The couple's fight like this is just a microcosm of daily life.

When the shame dissipated, the touching blush on Xiaoguang's face slowly faded, and the girl became relaxed and generous again.

"Fang Yuan..."


"Are you not planning to go to elf school again?"

Xiaoguang's big bright eyes looked at Fang Yuan nervously.

"Um!"Fang Yuan nodded.

In his current situation, staying on campus is not the best choice.

The place that can improve his strength is outside the city, the forbidden area in the eyes of countless people - the wilderness area! ps : Regarding the character Xiaoguang, the background of the character has been modified for the sake of the plot. Please don’t mind.

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