"Metagross, use all the power of"Destruction Light"」!"Cheng Taihua waved his hand and said


The claws of Metagross's four metal arms stretched out and firmly grasped the ground.

And the claws on Metagross' face"X"In the center, a ball of light gradually grows larger

"Mewtwo, we also use"Destruction Ray"」!"Fang Yuan said.

Chaomeng nodded, put his hands together, and also condensed a ball of light.

The next moment, Cheng Taihua and Fang Yuan issued instructions at the same time


"Let's decide the outcome with one blow!"

Two huge beams of light shot out from two different elves.

But the same thing is that they also exude powerful and breathtaking power!

In just a moment, the beams of light collided together.

The collision did not emit any light. There was no sound at all, but a strange silence.

The two light pillars seemed to be a complete whole, perfectly integrated, no matter from which angle they looked, it was impossible to tell what was going on at this moment. Which elf had the upper hand?

This kind of tranquility did not last long. I saw that somewhere in the horizontal beam, it suddenly began to expand.

The next moment, a huge sound came from the center of the field. , a big explosion occurred.

Even this venue, which was specially designed for high-level trainers to fight, was severely damaged.

Cracks started from the center of the explosion and spread like spider webs.

For a while, the sky was filled with dust. Blocking everyone's sight, the thick glass used to separate the space later shattered and fell apart in the sound caused by this fight.

No one expected that the two elves, Metagross and Chaomeng, would fight against each other at once. To be able to do this!

Fang Yuan and Cheng Taihua put their hands on their foreheads and stared at the center of the smoke, waiting for the result to be announced.

Even everyone in the audience panicked for a moment. The eyes are directed here.

Will Cheng Taihua, as the gym leader, win the final victory?...

Or will the new trainer Fang Yuan once again prove his strength with the results?

The venue was quiet except for the sound of nervous breathing.

At this time, a wave suddenly came from the center of the smoke.

Fang Yuan relaxed and a smile appeared on his lips.

Cheng Taihua sighed and smiled helplessly.

The performance of the two people made everyone in the audience have an answer ready to come out.

In the smoke, the wave became stronger.

The dust on the field seemed to be pulled by a force, gathering in one direction.

Soon, the situation in the battle was revealed to everyone.

Mewtwo, holding a spoon in his hand, floated quietly.

I saw it waving the spoon, and the dust gathered into a ball slowly fell to the ground.

In the half of the field opposite Chaomeng, Metagross fell to the ground, having lost its ability to fight....

[Defeat the quasi-king-level Metagross! Gain 120,000 experience!]

[Mewtwo Lv.36-Lv.38]...

"Metagross loses combat ability..."

The referee swallowed his saliva and his flag-waving hand felt a little weak.

"so...The winner is...Challenger Fang Yuan!"...

"The owner lost? Why lose?" Akita murmured.

Indeed, even the gym leader lost to Fang Yuan. No one will laugh at him in the future.

However, Cheng Taihua himself is also his belief!

The failure of his belief is a huge blow to him. Being called a noob is much more serious...

The previous group of people who came to join in the fun and wanted to see Fang Yuan challenge the seventh level of difficulty in the gym as a new trainer were also speechless for a long time.

Originally, they thought that Fang Yuan's success in challenging the silver level would cause a sensation in the entire city.

But now, Fang Yuan directly selected the strongest elves from the gym leaders and top people.

I'm afraid the entire alliance will be shocked by this news, right?

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly someone smiled

"It's ridiculous that I considered him an opponent before, but now I know that he is not even qualified to be an opponent!"

"yes! This gap, even thinking about it, makes people feel desperate!"

"Let's go! After seeing that there are people outside the world, and there is a world outside the sky, it is time to go back and work hard!"

"Do you think his name will be on the list in the future?"

"It will definitely happen, it’s just a matter of time!"...

"come back! Metagross! Cheng Taihua looked at the elf ball on his phone,"Thank you for your hard work, old man!""

"Come back too, Mewtwo!"Fang Yuan took out the Master Ball.

He walked towards Fang Yuan, Cheng Taihua couldn't help but said:"What a great match! Your Mewtwo is very strong!"

"Your Metagross is great too! If my Mewtwo hadn't been able to"deceive", I'm afraid the outcome would have been hard to predict!"Fang Yuan also said seriously.

「"Deception" is too strong for an elf like Metagross that is good at physical attacks!

"Being able to master more skills is itself part of strength! Cheng Taihua waved his hand,"Fang Yuan, can I ask you a question?""

Fang Yuan was stunned. Although he was a little confused, he still nodded.

"Were you the one who fought at the lakeside last night?"

Cheng Taihua looked at him expectantly. ps: The new book is about to set sail! Please give me flowers! Please give me evaluation votes! Please give me rewards!

This is the fifth chapter today! There are four more chapters tonight!

Let me ask you a question here. Can everyone see the pictures I posted in the chapter?

I didn’t pay attention to it before. I went back and looked through it again today and found that several of them were invisible. I don’t know if I am an exception or if you can’t see them either.

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