The small town at the foot of the mountain is full of peace and tranquility.

There is a considerable distance between the houses and they are in order.

It looks like an ordinary rural town.

But, in the century of destruction where Warcraft is raging, where are there any rural towns on the entire continent?

Not to mention a small town like the one in front of me, surrounded by mountains!

"Shouldn't I be transported directly to another world?"

Such an idea came to Fang Yuan's mind.

The [Diamond Orb] and [White Jade Orb] he held in his hand had disappeared when he passed through the space tunnel.

As with Dialga and Pallu Items related to Qia, the two gods of time and space... the two orbs also have a little power of their own, which can be seen from their influence on the surrounding environment, time and space. With the blessing of the power of the unknown totem, it is not impossible to cross the Wangyang Sea in one breath and send him to the other side of the planet.

"But if this is really the other side of the world……"Fang Yuan thought to himself,"Then what is the reason for the unknown totem to do this?"

If the unknown totem, like the three pillar statues, shoulders the responsibility of guarding the ruins... even if Fang Yuan teleports them into the space turbulence , is not a strange thing.

For what reason did they directly transport him to this side of the world?

"However, it is not yet certain that this is another world……"Fang Yuan murmured,"Maybe this is just a pure land on the continent that the alliance has not discovered.……"

That's what he said, but in fact, Fang Yuan already had a vague answer in his heart.

Because even the air here seems to be a little purer!

Maybe the people who live here don't feel it too much, but Fang Yuan, who has lived in a continent with the existence of magical beasts, feels it particularly clearly.

Perhaps, the lack of filth in the air here is caused by Warcraft!

While thinking, Fang Yuan's footsteps did not stop, and gradually he could see the edge of the town.

"Mewtwo, Mew, use mental power to scan the town. I want to know the strength level of the trainers in this town!"Fang Yuan said softly.

He needed to determine something based on the number of strong people in this town.

The town is not big, and it is basically at a level that Chaomeng and Dream Mental Power can easily cover.

Soon, Chaomeng's voice came. Fang Yuan's mind rang.

[On one side of the town, there are a few auras belonging to masters and kings. Apart from that, there are not many above the platinum level.]

Hearing this, Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes and couldn't help it. Taking a deep breath:"This... is the Pokémon world!""

Although there are several master-level and king-level Pokémon in a small town.

But if this is really in the wilderness area, they will not be able to protect the people in this town from the attack of Warcraft!

More Not to mention that he can still maintain the current peace and tranquility!

At the moment when he was completely sure, Fang Yuan had a vague premonition in his heart... maybe he was just a passerby this time, and he would have to go back to his original world soon!

"so……"Fang Yuan raised his eyes to the sky,"Actually, are you asking me to come here to let me know something?"

There was no one in the sky, and naturally no one would answer Fang Yuan's question.

Looking away, Fang Yuan couldn't help but smile.

Thinking about it now... whether it was someone who attacked after crossing the line, like some kind of test of the Three Divine Pillar Stone Statues whose combat power reached the quasi-god level... or someone who seemed to have gone through a discussion later and then teleported Fang Yuan here. The unknown totem... seems to indicate that the appearance of that ruins on the mainland is probably not an accident!

"So, apart from telling me that there is a world here, what else do they want to tell me?"

Recalling the two eyes he felt in the space tunnel, Fang Yuan secretly said

"Maybe I can only explore it myself while I stay in this world!"


Walking in the town, although I didn't see anyone along the way, I could feel that the town seemed to have a different atmosphere today.

Perhaps, today is a special day for the town.

At this moment, footsteps and a voice came from behind Fang Yuan, but Fang Yuan stopped.……

"Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander, any one of you will do! You must wait for me!"

Fang Yuan's lips couldn't help but bring up a smile. He turned around and looked...

What he saw was a half-grown child in pajamas!

It's been a long time!

Silly thing - Xiaozhi!

…… ps: There are still some pitfalls in the original world, so it’s impossible to just stay here without leaving, but it can be regarded as the beginning of the trip to the Pokémon world!

Regarding the conflict between the birth time of Mewtwo and the departure time of Xiaozhi, it is not a bug. You will know it when I fill in the pit. This pit also appeared in this chapter.

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