The vibration of the entire earth lasted for several breaths, almost the same as an earthquake in nature.

When the shock subsided, Pu Mu and the others patted their chests with lingering fear and breathed a sigh of relief.

If they continue to vibrate like this, they will begin to doubt whether the ground under their feet can bear it.

After triggering the ruins mechanism before, the ground was crumbling inch by inch before my eyes, but it was not long ago!

However, they all had unconcealable joy on their faces.

They have also seen the fighting power of Mega Mewtwo X.

As long as you work steadily, it is not difficult to defeat the remaining two stone statues one by one!

However, their joyful expressions froze on their faces at this moment.

They saw that in front of them... when the body of the Rock God Pillar statue turned into rubble and powder, and fell one after another... the figure of the previously covered Ice God Pillar stone statue was revealed.

Between its hands, a huge electric ball surrounded by arcs was emitting strong fluctuations.

This is an"electromagnetic gun"!

After being unable to stop Mega Mewtwo

Its target is suddenly the Mega Mewtwo X floating in the air in front of it!

Almost as soon as its figure was exposed, the electric ball in its hand came out and bombarded Mega Mewtwo X like a cannonball.

The speed was so fast that it even produced a sonic boom in the air!

The golden ball surrounded by electric arcs arrived in an instant, and it was too late for Mega Mewtwo X to dodge.

At the critical moment, under the worried eyes of Pu Mu and the others... a thin pink translucent mask condensed with mental power appeared on the surface of Mega Mewtwo X!

The huge momentum carried by the electric ball hit the light shield, instantly knocking Mega Mewtwo X back, flying backwards and hitting the stone wall above the ruins.

There was a loud noise, the stone wall cracked, and gravel and dust fell into the air.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, what was revealed was a huge cavity in the stone wall above, and in the cavity... the unharmed Mega Mewtwo X!

The Ice God Pillar is the only one among the three God Pillars that has output, and its output is only relative.

To be honest, the positioning of the Three Divine Pillars is more focused on human shields and tanks.

Even though this"electromagnetic gun" has been charged for a long time, it still failed to break through Mega Mewtwo X's mental energy shield.

"Since you made the first move, let’s get rid of you first!"Fang Yuan looked at the Ice God Pillar statue,"Chaomeng, use the"pointed stone attack"』!"

Mega Mewtwo X nodded slightly, and then his eyes lit up. Next to it, countless sharp boulders appeared out of thin air.

As Mega Mewtwo X waved his palm, sharp boulders shot out like arrows.

The rain of arrows from the sky fell towards the Ice God Pillar statue below.

At this time, the Steel God Pillar statue took a step forward to protect the Ice God Pillar behind it, just like the Rock God Pillar statue before.

"It seems that they also know that only by protecting the Ice God Pillar statue can they threaten Chaomeng!"Fang Yuan was stunned for a moment, understood, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"But can you stop it?"

Just when the rain of arrows was coming, the claws of the Steel God Pillar statue lit up with metallic luster, and they grabbed at the sharp boulders coming from ahead.

『Metal Claw!

Supported by its huge weight, although the physical attack of the Steel God Pillar statue is not strong, the strength in its hands is considerable.

With one claw, several sharp boulders were directly shattered and fell downwards.

Seeing that the interception was effective, the claws on the other side of the Steel God Pillar statue also lit up with metallic luster, crushing the approaching boulders one by one.

However, just as Fang Yuan thought, it simply couldn't intercept them all.

A sharp boulder pierced its rocky body, and the momentum carried by it made it stagger.

This pause caused subsequent boulders to continue to fall on it, leaving deep pits and cracks on its body.

When all the rain of arrows fell, the stone statue of the Steel God Pillar had been transformed into a hedgehog by the sharp boulders.

Their bodies are made of rocks, but the stones that are pierced into the body of the Steel God Pillar statue contain the energy belonging to Mega Mewtwo X... which prevents these boulders from integrating into the body of the Steel God Pillar statue.

Unless the Steel Goddess statue pulled out these sharp boulders, the mysterious energy would not be able to repair its damaged body.

"Mewtwo, use"Zhenqi Fist" to defeat it!"Fang Yuan said in his heart. Mega

Chaomeng , Mega Chaomeng Chaomeng The light instantly engulfed Mega Mewtwo

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