Unlike ordinary people who don't know these legendary Pokémon, high-level trainers like them know a little bit about them.

Back then, it was this group of legendary Pokémon that led the rest of the Pokémon to establish the current alliance with humans.

The top leaders of the alliance did not disseminate their information to the ordinary people, but the basic information was also retained in the archives.

A Pokmon with a childlike nature like Meng would naturally not get involved in the establishment of the alliance.

But Lightning Bird was one of the ones that appeared that year and was among those recorded.

Although there is still a certain gap between Fang Yuan's Lightning Bird and the Lightning Bird that appeared back then, it still belongs to the same race!

The height that the Lightning Bird could reach back then could also be reached by the Lightning Bird in front of him as long as he was well trained.

But that height is beyond the reach of his Pokémon!

"Why? Why could he get such a Pokémon?"

Ding Zhiyong's eyes were filled with jealousy.

"Am I inferior to him in any way? I'm not convinced!"

After he knew about these legendary Pokémon, he traveled all over the continent! He almost lost his hands to the monsters several times, and he could not see the shadow of these legendary Pokémon.

Especially before thinking of Fang Yuan After taking out Darkrai, which was probably also a legendary Pokémon, Ding Zhiyong felt so jealous that he was about to go crazy!

"Gyarados, use"Destructive Death Ray" to knock it down for me!"Ding Zhiyong gritted his teeth and said


The white light in Gyarados' mouth condensed, and the light gradually became stronger.

The next moment, strong light spewed out from its mouth and headed towards the Lightning Bird high in the sky.

"Want to go head-to-head with Lightning Birds? Fang Yuan chuckled,"Lightning Bird, 'Thunder'"』!"

The Lightning Bird let out an eagle cry, and lightning surrounded its golden body.

A huge bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket fell downwards from the Lightning Bird.

In the roar like thunder, huge lightning and strong light collided fiercely.

At the moment of collision, an invisible wave of air spread out and swept towards the surroundings.

On the battle field, circles of dust were rolled up and moved toward the auditorium.

Countless spectators were coughed by the dust, but no one looked away from the battle field.

The huge yellow lightning and the strong light are still in a stalemate, but it can be clearly felt that the yellow lightning is swallowing up the white light bit by bit.

『It is true that"Destructive Death Ray" is a skill with a power of up to 150 in the game...

However, facing the Lightning Bird, which has a higher special attack racial value, the already powerful"Thunder" with the power bonus of this system is used.』……

Gyarados'"Destructive Death Ray" is still a little bit underwhelming!

It didn't take long for the strong white light to show its obvious decline, and was continuously compressed and retreated by the yellow lightning.

At a certain moment, the intense light was torn apart by yellow lightning, turning into light spots all over the sky and dissipating in the air.

The yellow lightning, which was no longer blocked, fell straight on the Gyarados below.

The electric skill"Thunder" has up to four times the effect on water + flying Gyarados!

Even though a lot of energy was consumed in the collision with the"Destruction Light", it should not be underestimated!

Gyarados' whole body was shrouded in lightning, and its entire body twitched involuntarily, letting out bursts of painful roars.

When the lightning dissipated, although Gyarados did not lose its fighting ability immediately, its aura quickly weakened.

"Lightning Bird, use"One Hundred Thousand Volts" again to end the battle!"Fang Yuan said calmly.

Lightning Bird nodded, and lightning appeared on its body again. A bolt of lightning that was slightly smaller than before, but not much smaller, fell towards the Gyarados below.

"Gyarados, avoid it!"Ding Zhiyong said anxiously.

The attributes of Gyarados make it extremely disadvantaged when facing Zapdos! Let's fight again?

Now that Gyarados is in such a bad state, doing so will only accelerate the failure.

However, , even if Gyarados avoids this attack, it seems that it will only die slowly? What's more, it's impossible to avoid it at all when Ding Zhiyong gives the order. He came to Gyarados and wrapped it in the electric light. When the electric light dissipated, the Gyarados had a faint smell of burning... After standing upright for a moment, it fell heavily with a loud noise. in, splashing with dust

"Ding! Defeat the quasi-king-level Gyarados! Lightning Bird gained 137469 experience!"


"Ding! Lightning Bird Lv.60-Lv.62!"


The whole place was silent!

…… ps: All Pokémon in the game will be unable to move for one round when using"Destruction Death Ray", but according to the illustration, Gyarados can continuously use"Destruction Death Ray", so use"Destruction Death Ray" at the beginning , no problem.

Then the bonus of this system means that when an elf uses a skill with the same attributes as its own, there is a damage bonus.

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