"Yukira, use"Rock Seal"』!"

After Flash Yukila took down the"Shadow Ball", Fang Yuan did not hesitate and issued the command


The flash from Kira nodded slightly, stretched out his little hand forward, and an invisible rock attribute power was activated.

At the same time, in the sky above Darkrai, several huge stones were produced out of thin air.

In the flash from Kira Under the combined action of the force and gravity, the boulders fell hard with unparalleled power. The boulders were faintly blocking each other in all directions of the space, trying to imprison Darkrai inside. Immediately, Darkrai's body suddenly swayed slightly, and his body became insubstantial, turning into a translucent soul.

The boulder fell on Darkrai's body, but it just passed through it as if it didn't touch anything. In the past, it fell heavily to the ground.

At that moment, the ground seemed to tremble slightly, and dust was scattered.

Several boulders came close to each other, forming a hill-like pile of rocks on the ground.

However, the mountain wanted to imprison it. The object was floating above the hill unscathed.

At this time, Darkrai returned to his normal appearance from the translucent soul form.

"How could I forget this?……"Fang Yuan's eyes narrowed,"Although Darkrai is an evil type, his body can switch between reality and reality like a ghost type!"

This is also a very special point about Darkrai... it looks like a ghost, but it is not a ghost type. , but evil system.

But it happens to have many similar characteristics to ghost Pokémon!

"What happened just now? Why can this Pokémon transform into a shadow-like state?"

"have no idea! Is this not only an undiscovered Pokémon, but also possesses undiscovered attributes?"

"I think it's very possible! Do you remember how it looked when it came out of our shadow?"

"Yep! It's so elusive, and its image is just like a legendary ghost!"

Compared to Fang Yuan, the members of the adventure group who lacked knowledge were talking a lot.

Perhaps it is because Pokémon appeared not long ago on this continent.

There is no concept of ghost type in the alliance's information, no wonder No wonder they were so surprised.

If Cheng Taihua were here, he probably wouldn't have performed much better than them!

Here, Darkrai opened his arms after dodging Yukila's"Rock Seal"..

The next moment, a purple cool wind emerged, stirring up sand and dust, sweeping towards Kira.

This wind blew, making people feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts. This chill did not come from the low temperature...... but it comes from another creepy and eerie feeling that makes people run cold.

There seems to be whispers in the sound of the wind...

The ghost skill"Strange Wind".』!

"『Strange wind? ’" Fang Yuan murmured in a low voice, and then said:"Well Yukila, let’s use ‘Roar Loudly’』!"


Shining Kira opened his mouth, and there seemed to be energy brewing in his throat.

Less than half a breath later, Shining Kira roared loudly.

The energy brewing in his throat surged out instantly, forming a circle A circle of energy ripples rushed towards the purple cool wind.

The energy ripples collided with the purple cool wind.

At that moment, the aftermath of the collision caused the dust on the ground to explode. The ground shook.

Then circles of dust were rolled up, moving towards the distance. The two sides were still supplying energy to their skills, and the energy ripples and the purple cool wind couldn't help but collide and melt.

There was a stalemate, and no one could do anything about it.

The aftermath of the collision was painful for everyone in the adventure group. Flashy Kira's"loud roar" was okay, but Darkrai's was still bearable. The"strange wind" was blowing by

, and even the male members with good physical fitness were stiff, let alone the weaker women...

Becoming a trainer will not improve the physical fitness! continue……

"This can't go on like this!"Fang Yuan secretly said.

Yukila is different from Bangila's 'serious partiality', the gap between its attack and special attack racial values is not particularly big.

But compared with Darkrai, who has the same combat power and excellent special attack racial values, That would be a little inferior

"We must find a way to fight Darkrai in close combat!"Fang Yuan's eyes wandered, searching for a suitable opportunity.

Darkrai's ability to transform into a virtual entity is quite restrained for little Yukila.

Only by getting close can one have a chance to catch Darkrai. Yi didn't have time to transform into an incorporeal body and inflicted heavy damage on it!

…… ps: In the original book, ghosts are immune to normal and fighting types, but sometimes they can pass through various obstacles. This is a bit difficult to figure out.

In Darkrai's Theatrical Edition, they can also pass directly through soil and rocks. This book is like It's immune to physical attacks when it's weak.

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