[Darkrai Lv.50]

[Category: Dark Pokémon]

[Gender: no gender]

[Attribute: evil]

[Traits: Nightmare]

[Items to carry: none]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: Diamond]

[Introduction: Use the power to lure the opponent into deep sleep to make people and Pokémon have nightmares, but"causing nightmares" itself is just a defensive behavior, not an intentional vicious behavior]

"A diamond-level Darkrai?"Looking at the panel in front of him, Fang Yuan secretly thought.

In fact, he had already vaguely guessed it when Cheng Taihua provided him with the limited information.

It's just because those trainers who passed out did not have the symptom of falling into nightmares. , which prevented him from drawing a conclusion immediately.

After all, in addition to its powerful power, the Nightmare God Darkrai is most famous for its ability to create nightmares.

"However, creating nightmares is determined by Darkrai's own will.……"Fang Yuan didn't think much about it,"Maybe it didn't intend to make the trainers who invaded its territory fall into nightmares!"

We won't go into the specific reasons for now, but the most important thing now is that Fang Yuan did not miss it!

Darkrai didn't appear many times in the original work, but the few times he appeared made him gain huge popularity.

Whether it was the Darkrai that intervened in the battle between Dialga and Palkia... or the Darkrai used by the Divine Beast Man Dakto in the Sinnoh Alliance Suzuran Tournament... it is estimated that It made countless pocket fans feel itchy after watching it!

Fang Yuan is originally a 'philanthropic' person...

He likes Chaomeng, Menghuan, Kuailongshengpeng...

Maybe the degree of love varies, but he likes many, many Pokémon!

Naturally, Darkrai is also one of them!

"bring it on! Come out of the shadows and join me in a battle to conquer!"Fang Yuan murmured in his heart.

As if he heard Fang Yuan's thoughts, Darkrai's figure hidden in the shadow gradually became clear.

A black shadow spread out from the shadow, and then became three-dimensional in the air.

After a while, the black shadow transformed into Darkrai!

Darkrai is a black, shadow-like Pokémon with white hair-like parts that are constantly rolling like fog. Most of its face only showed a pair of bright blue eyes.

There was a red jagged collar-like object around its neck, and a long black rag-like thing hung on its shoulders.

Its palms were shaped like claws. , has three claws, and the overall shape is a bit like an hourglass.

Normally, Darkrai has no legs, and floats in the air like a ghost.

"What kind of Pokémon is this?"

Unlike Fang Yuan, who basically knows everything about Darkrai, the surrounding members of the adventure group know nothing about it.

In other words, there are only a few trainers in the entire alliance who know enough about Darkrai.

But they at least Be clear, they are not allowed to interfere with the battle that is about to take place!

Under the instructions of Captain Wang, his team members slowly moved closer and retreated.

Darkrai did not pay attention to their small movements.

From beginning to end, it was placed on Fang Yuan's body, or on the body of Little Dream floating above Fang Yuan's head.

A voice came out, Darkrai put his hands together, and a black and purple ball appeared.

The energy of the circle condensed.

The next moment, with the push of Darkrai's palm, the black and purple energy flew out in the direction of Fang Yuan.

Once Darkrai's exclusive skill"Dark Hole" hits!

Will cause the target to fall into sleep!

"Meow meow!"

When the black and purple energy was running halfway, Xiao Mengmeng stretched out a finger and waved it gently.

The black and purple energy was directly torn apart by an invisible energy!

Captain Wang and the others had not yet recovered from Darkrai. After recovering from the shock of being able to speak, they were shocked again by Xiao Meng.

They knew that the energy fluctuations on Meng's body were very strong just because they were in a semi-conscious state when Xiao Meng first started. There is no intuitive understanding...

But now, it actually moved its fingers to eliminate the attack of the Pokémon that had always made them feel extremely powerful?

How powerful should this dream be for them? The height it looked up at?

Darkrai's pupils also shrank slightly, and he galloped away into the distance without any hesitation.

In front of the dream, it had no chance of victory at all...

But when it flew out more than ten meters, it... Hitting an invisible wall.

This is the spiritual barrier set by Dream!

…… ps: After looking through the videos and information, I don’t know if Darkrai in Beast Boy can speak, but in the movie version of Pearl vs. Diamond, Darkrai can speak. Although in the game Darkrai and Mew They both have a race value of 600 and are both phantom beasts. However, considering the performance in movies and the number of races, the tentative grade is the same as the three holy beasts Yandi and the others, which are top-grade legendary beasts.

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