"Could it be that the existence of Charizard made it hide?"Fang Yuan thought.

The Charizard is no longer the little Charmander that was only Level 5 before.

It is now also a powerful elf that can reach king-level combat power without Mega evolution!

And that mysterious elf, obviously It cannot reach the level of king

"It seems I can only put the old spray away!"Fang Yuan made a decision.

However, this area looks small, that's because Fang Yuan is in the air now.

If he had to land on the ground and walk on foot, this area would probably take a day to walk. Not finished.

At this time, Fang Yuan noticed from the corner of his eye that there seemed to be a group of people passing by below.

"Maybe ask them if they have encountered anything strange!"Fang Yuan's eyes lit up.

He patted the fire-breathing dragon. The fire-breathing dragon leaned over and quickly fell to the ground.

"come back! Charizard!"

After landing, Fang Yuan put away the fire-breathing dragon.

Of course, considering safety factors, little Meng Meng still lay quietly on his head and dozed.

As for whether Meng Meng on his head would scare away the mysterious elves......

Unless that mysterious elf has seen Meng Meng before, if it can break through Meng Meng's mental power and sense the quasi-god-level power in Meng Meng's small body, then Fang

Yuan will just give up, right?

There was a rustling sound on the dead leaves on the ground. Fang Yuan walked around the criss-crossed fallen trees in front of him and walked towards the group of people.

From their appearance, it seemed that they were planning to set up camp here and prepare to rest.

"who! ?"

Hearing the movement, they all raised their heads and looked here warily. Many people's hands were already pressed on the elf balls around their waists.

However, when they saw Fang Yuan's young face, Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then became increasingly vigilant.

There must be a monster when something goes wrong. It is obviously not easy for a young trainer like Fang Yuan to walk in a dangerous wilderness area.

"This friend, I don’t know what’s the reason for coming here?"

A middle-aged man walked out of the crowd and looked at Fang Yuan with a smile.

In the wilderness area, as Fang Yuan realized before, sometimes the most terrifying thing is not necessarily the monsters, but humans.

They It is not difficult to understand their vigilance.

Although Fang Yuan was strong, he did not intend to provoke their sensitive nerves.

It was obvious that many people were slightly relieved when he stopped about ten meters away from them.

"My name is Fang Yuan, what do you call me?"Fang Yuan laughed.

"My surname is Wang, you can call me Captain Wang!"The middle-aged man replied,"I don't know why Fang Xiaoyou is here.……"

It turns out this is also an adventure group!

"I happened to be passing by here and I have some questions. I want to ask you a question!"Fang Yuandao

"If you have any questions, little brother, just ask and I will tell you everything!"

"Did you encounter anything different after entering this area?"Fang Yuan looked into his eyes

"Something different? Captain Wang was slightly startled,"Sorry, we didn't encounter anything different.""

His expression is very natural and does not seem to be fake.

"That's it……"Fang Yuan was mentally prepared and was not disappointed,"Then I'm disturbing you!"

It seemed that he really could only search inch by inch.……

"Little brother, wait a minute!"

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, Captain Wang's voice sounded.

"It's getting dark, if you don't mind, little brother can stay with us for a night!"


Before Fang Yuan could say anything, a woman of average appearance next to him became anxious.

"His origin is unknown, how can you take him in casually?"

As she spoke, the woman's vigilant eyes continued to glance at Fang Yuan.

However, every time her eyes passed over Xiao Mengmeng, there would be a fluctuation in her eyes.

The same was true for other female trainers in the adventure group. Obviously, Little Dream’s cute appearance is full of lethality!

"She can't speak, but she has a good heart!"Captain Wang stopped the woman and smiled apologetically at Fang Yuan,"Little brother, don't argue with her!"

Captain Wang thought more. He has traveled all over the country for so many years, and his eyesight has long been developed.

He can see that Fang Yuan is extraordinary. If such a person really wants to be disadvantageous to them, there is no need to beat around the bush.

He might as well be generous. Be more calm.

Fang Yuan smiled and said:"Thank you for your kindness, but no need!""

As for what that woman said, Fang Yuan didn't take it to heart.

It's human nature to be cautious when going out, especially in the wilderness area!

However, when Fang Yuan turned around and left, his eyes condensed slightly.

This faint feeling of dizziness in my mind... is the appearance of the mysterious elf!

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