"Cheng Taihua’s negative emotions +10010!"

The big man on the list was speechless for a long time. When Fang Yuan said such a sudden sentence, he lost his emotions.……

"Don't worry, I don't need Mewtwo and Mew, what do you think?"Fang Yuan was still working hard.

However, Cheng Taihua still shook his head decisively.

The boss's Pokémon cannot be judged by common sense, let alone the two powerful Nine Tails and Charizard.

Even the one that looks the most Cheng Taihua did not dare to look down on the weak Yukila.

He would not ignore the color of Fang Yuan's Yukira, which was a distinctive green color!

Fang Yuan looked at him with disdain. The cheeky skill was activated again, and after trying for a moment without success, Fang Yuan turned to look at the Mega Metagross in front of him.

"If I have a chance, I'll conquer a Metagross too!"Patted the golden color on Mega Metagross' face.‘X’, Fang Yuan said with a smile.

Cheng Taihua stopped pretending to be deaf and dumb:"You also think this type of Pokémon is good! You won't regret catching one!"

Quasi-god Pokémon are naturally an excellent group!

"Rhett! Rhett!"

Mega Metagross also waved his metal arm in agreement.

Fang Yuan smiled and did not answer.

He really liked Metagross, but it was not the blue Metagross, but the metallic silver Metagross!

That’s right, it’s the Metagross!

The Metagross looks the same from any angle. It’s much more high-end and classy,

not to mention the quality of it. Metagross will also be much better than ordinary Metagross in terms of grade!

"OK! If there's nothing else, I'll leave first!"After sizing up Mega Metagross for a moment, Fang Yuan said

"good!"Cheng Taihua nodded, and suddenly seemed to remember something,"Wait a minute! Fang Yuan, are you planning to go to the alliance headquarters after you return?"

The alliance headquarters is built in the city at the center of five hundred human bases.

Fang Yuan looked back at him, a little confused:"Yes! What's wrong?"

He has already made a plan and plans to get the experience package all the way there.

"It looks like you are going north, so be careful on the road over there.……"

Cheng Taihua said, suddenly slapping his head,"Well, I'm sorry, I can't help but treat you as an ordinary trainer.……"

There is no way, Fang Yuan is too young, it is easy for anyone to ignore his strong strength.

However, he said half of what he said, but it made Fang Yuan's mouth twitch uncontrollably:"Speaking like a human!"

"In fact, the road to the north is a little uneven! Cheng Taihua smiled,"But with your strength, there is nothing to worry about!""

Cheng Taihua's words successfully aroused Fang Yuan's curiosity.

"Specifically, what happened?"

"In fact, speaking of things, it happened before the beast tide happened.……"

Cheng Taihua recalled it and started to talk about it.

"From a certain point on, any trainer who passes through that area will suddenly lose consciousness, and when they wake up again, they will find that they are no longer in their original place!"

At this point, he paused before continuing:"However, the strange thing is that they were not harmed. The power that made them lose consciousness seemed to be just to get them to leave the area from the beginning.!"

"Is it a Pokémon?"Fang Yuan guessed.

If there is any unscientific phenomenon in this world, it will naturally not be some kind of metaphysics...

It is more likely that it is due to the incredible power of Pokémon and Warcraft.

And it can make people mistakenly enter that area. The trainer left unharmed, obviously it cannot be a Warcraft known for its destructive properties.

"This is what we all guessed, that area should be the territory of a Pokémon that has not been discovered by the alliance!

Cheng Taihua nodded:"After the news came out, many trainers tried to find it in that area, but they all failed without exception!""

Trainers who are not strong enough will lose consciousness shortly after entering that area.

But trainers who are strong enough, after setting foot in that area, the unknown Pokémon seems to feel threatened and will not appear at all..

There are also high-level trainers who put away their Pokémon before entering that area. Naturally, they lost consciousness before they even had time to take out the Pokémon balls.

"From what you said, it seems that even if I don't get along, I still have to go there!"Fang Yuan said with a smile.

The one who has the ability that Cheng Taihua said is naturally not an ordinary Pokémon.

Now that I've heard about it, why not give it a try?

…… ps: Wisdom odontitis, the pain makes my scalp numb...

Fortunately, it does not affect the coding...

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