"This one is the last elf you will face in the challenge!"Taking out the elf ball, Akita said seriously

"The decision is yours! Armored Rhino!"

[Armored Rhino Lv.30]

[Category: Pointy Elf]

[Gender: male]

[Properties: ground rock]

[Features: Lightning rod]

[Items to carry: none]

[Grade: Rare]

[Combat strength: Bronze]

"Armored rhinoceros? Fang Yuan smiled,"The elf I want to send is still the Vulpix!""

Akita clenched his fists and secretly made up his mind, even if he still loses in the end, he will fight this Vulpix.

As a gym trainer, failure is actually common.

However, like Fang Yuan, who was not It was his first time to defeat a newcomer with the badge, and he defeated him in a crushing manner!

This is a stain on his life!

"Vulpix, use"Freezing Beam"」!"

"Armored Rhino, directly use"Super Horn Bump"」!"

The beam shot by the Vulpix fell directly on the armored rhino, which did not dodge.

However, the armored rhinoceros did not stop at all, and always ran towards Vulpix unswervingly.

"Vulpix is an elf who is not good at physical attacks! As long as my armored rhinoceros gets close, the battle will be over!" Akita secretly said

"Want to get up close? Fang Yuan understood Akita's thoughts,"It's not that easy!""

"Vulpix, using"Round Eyes"」!"

「"Round Pupil": Stare at the opponent with round pupils, thereby reducing the opponent's attack!

Vulpix's eyes lit up red, staring into the eyes of the armored rhinoceros.

The armored rhinoceros was stunned, and its progress slowed down unconsciously.

"not good! Armored Rhino, come to your senses and keep accelerating!" Akita said anxiously

"Vulpix, take this opportunity to use"Lightning Stone Fire" to get out of the armored rhino's attack range!"

A stream of light was dragged out from behind Vulpix, and it bypassed the armored rhino at an extremely fast speed and came to its side.

The armored rhinoceros had come to its senses under Akita's reminder, but the target in front of him had disappeared.

Akita reminded:"Iron-armored Rhino, Vulpix is on your right!"

The armored rhinoceros could only brake suddenly. After splashing a large amount of dust, it finally stabilized its body.

Without mobility, a bulky elf like the armored rhinoceros would have great flaws.

Fang Yuan naturally didn't Will miss this opportunity and say to Vulpix:"Vulpix, use"Ice Breath" to end the battle!"

「"Ice Breath": Blow the icy breath towards the opponent to attack, and it will definitely hit the vital point!

The disadvantage of this skill is that the hit rate is not high, but it is the most suitable skill right now!

Before the armored rhinoceros could get up, Vulpix's skills came one after another, making it inevitable to avoid it.

Being hit in the vital part, the armored rhinoceros let out a cry of pain.

It had been attacking with Vulpix's"Freezing Beam" before, but now it received another"Ice Breath" that hit its vital point.

Especially when the attributes are restrained, the physical strength is directly exhausted and I can never get up again....

[Defeat the bronze-level armored rhinoceros! Vulpix (the appearance of Alola) gained 3764 experience!]


"Very good, we are only one level away from reaching the silver level!"Fang Yuan is very satisfied.

"The armored rhinoceros has lost its fighting ability! Vulpix wins!"

The midfield referee waved the flag

"Gym trainer Akita, all three elves have lost the ability to fight!"

"Therefore, the winner is - challenger Fang Yuan!"

Akita sighed. In the end, he still couldn't get rid of the Vulpix. He was penetrated three times by a new trainer. This is a huge embarrassment.

"Thank you! Armored Rhino!"

Put away the armored rhinoceros, Akita walked towards Fang Yuan and took out a badge

"This is for you, this is the badge that proves your challenge is successful!"


The spectators who watched the whole battle were in an uproar.

"Is this a successful challenge? Isn’t it too easy?"

"It is estimated that the city will go crazy tomorrow. A trainer without a badge directly challenged the seventh level of difficulty and actually won!"

"His Vulpix is really strong! One wears three!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone around them woke up, didn't they?

Not only did he choose to challenge the high difficulty level, but from the beginning to the end, Fang Yuan only used one elf!

"Look at Vulpix, he barely suffered any injuries from the battle!"

"real...It's really too strong!"

"When did such an outstanding new trainer appear in the city?"

"I'm afraid even in the entire league, there aren't many newcomers who can compare to him, right?"

Some trainers couldn't help but look at Fang Yuan with envy, as if they were imagining that one day they could be like that.

Some trainers with good abilities looked at Fang Yuan with scrutiny.

According to the rules of the alliance , after obtaining eight badges, you can participate in the alliance competition.

Judging from Fang Yuan's performance today, as long as he wants to participate in the alliance competition, it can be said that he will be their biggest enemy in the future!

There are also some female trainers. He looked at Fang Yuan with red eyes, maybe he would pounce on him in the next second.

Fang Yuan's outstanding performance just now, and his cute Vulpix, made them blush and their hearts beat.

Xiaoguang felt a strong sense of crisis and could n't help but hug Fang Yuan's arm tightly. Even though Fang Yuan didn't notice that his well-developed figure was pressed against Fang Yuan's body, he felt at ease. Enjoying this sudden benefit, I couldn't help but move my elbows. Wow, I didn't realize that Xiaoguang

's figure turned out to be so good!

Making the girl run wild, Fang Yuan reluctantly stopped, but he didn't notice that the blush on the girl's face had already spread to her neck....

Fang Yuan coughed dryly and turned to look at the staff member who led them in and then acted as a referee.

"Ahem, that...I have a heartfelt request!"

As soon as these words came out, even many trainers who were about to leave stopped, wanting to hear what this special challenger had to say.

"you...Can you let me challenge the silver difficulty level?" ps: The new book has set sail! Please give me flowers! Please give me review votes!

The second day of the new book period! The ninth update of the day!

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