【The value of Silver Feather] staying with Cheng Taihua is far less than that of staying with Fang Yuan!

Lugia lives in the ocean!

And the monsters in the ocean will only be more numerous and powerful than those on the road!

In recent years, we haven't heard much about the threat of the ocean to the entire alliance. This is just because the monsters transformed by the sea creatures are the same as before the mutation and cannot easily leave the water.

It doesn’t mean that the ocean is really without threats!

In fact, the ocean has always been a more formidable no-go zone than the wilderness areas!

With Cheng Taihua's strength, even if he goes to the next level and enters the ocean, there will be no return.

【If the silver feather stays with him, it may just be used as a decoration.

Fang Yuan is different. He has always had the idea of going to the other side of the world to take a look. The ocean is an area he will eventually step into.

And he also has enough strength to protect himself, allowing him to find Lugia and conquer it!

"I will accept the things first! Fang Yuan said to Cheng Taihua:"I will send the [Mega Evolution Stone] to you in a few days!""

It's true that Fang Yuan can redeem things from the system store now, but he just said that he didn't have any more evolution stones.

Suddenly he took out another one, and the atmosphere was probably a bit awkward.……

"good! I will probably be in the gym during this time, you can come over anytime!"

Cheng Taihua didn't think that such a big boss as Fang Yuan would waste his things, so he nodded.

After looking around for a week, he continued:"Now that the beast tide has receded, I still have things to deal with, so I'll leave first!"

With that said, he and all the diamond-level trainers put away their Pokémon and were about to leave.

Fang Yuan was slightly startled and asked in confusion:"You are all gone, how to deal with the magical beasts in this place?"

Although he was basically the one who killed the high-level monsters, they also contributed a lot to some of the other low-level monsters.

According to the rules, whoever kills the monsters will own the corpse.

Brothers should also understand that After settling the accounts, Fang Yuan had a good impression of them, so naturally he didn't want any conflict to arise over the issue of profit distribution in the end.

"Feel sorry! I forgot! Hearing this, Cheng Taihua slapped his forehead,"Do you need me to help you arrange for these Warcraft to be listed on the alliance's exchange?""

"Don't you need to divide your share?"Fang Yuan was once again stunned by the meaning behind his words.

"If you hadn't come, we would have all fallen into the beast tide by now.……"Cheng Taihua understood what Fang Yuan meant and couldn't help but smile.

"Due to emotions and reasons, these monsters should all belong to you!"

Such a big deal?

Although the value of low-level magic beasts is not high, the advantage is that they are huge in number. Adding them all together, the value is estimated to account for a quarter of all the magic beasts!

Cheng Taihua said in one sentence, let Fang Yuan make this trip revenue increased by 33%!

"Little brother, just accept it! When we go back this time, the alliance will distribute rewards!"A trainer also said

"We have repelled the beast tide, and four beast kings have fallen here. The rewards from the alliance will not be small!"

"Compared with the rewards from the alliance, these monsters are not valuable, just treat them as our wishes!"

"yes! Speaking of which, we took advantage of you, little brother!"

The value of Warcraft is very high, and it is not worth mentioning as they said.

They all gave it to Fang Yuan, probably more with the intention of returning the favor.

Maybe there is also a meaning of making friends with Fang Yuan, after all , in their eyes, Fang Yuan is equal to the leader of the Heavenly Ranking! Fang Yuan hesitated, but still nodded.

Let them return the favor, and they can feel more relaxed.

However, Fang Yuan always has a strange feeling...

He has been trying his best not to take advantage of others all day long, so why are these benefits being pushed in front of him one by one. ?

Cheng Taihua was like this at the beginning, and so are the diamond-level trainers now...

They are all trying to find ways to let him take advantage...

Sure enough, life is always unsatisfactory?

Fang Yuan was secretly complaining, and he saw it. Cheng Taihua came over again.

He smiled and said,"If they hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten it. As the biggest contributor this time, you can also get rewards from the alliance!"

"You don’t want the master trainer rank, so I’ll try my best to get you a good reward!"

Fang Yuan licked his dry lips and widened his eyes.

Is there any benefit?

PS: The last chapter is a bit late. Except for night owls, everyone should read it tomorrow morning!

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