In the vast wilderness area, there are indeed countless high-level monsters that can provide Fang Yuan with high amounts of experience.

But life in the wilderness area is naturally not as nourishing as staying in a human base.

Moreover, the whereabouts of high-level monsters are erratic, and it may take much more effort to find them than to kill them!

As for bringing out all the high-level monsters first and then solving them all at once like we did with the abandoned city before, it's not very realistic.

As soon as Mewtwo and Mew appeared, their combat power was revealed. It is estimated that the number of monsters that can be killed is not as many as those that have escaped...

The big guys on the list are different, they are all carrots and pitfalls!

There are five hundred bosses, each of whom is in charge of a human base!

If you want to find them, you have to find them one by one!

The most important thing is that the weakest main battle elves in their hands are diamond level.

As strong as Cheng Taihua, there may even be quasi-king-level Pokémon!

In Fang Yuan's eyes, it is a proper humanoid self-propelled experience package!

Still not a small one!

It's not that if you become a master trainer directly, you can't compete with them and fight against them.

But Fang Yuan’s purpose is to gain experience, so he can’t only fight one or two, right?

Maybe in the future, the whereabouts of these gym leaders will be even more erratic than those of Warcraft...

It will be different in the name of alternative master path!

It can open at least thirty experience gift packages!

Cheng Taihua felt an inexplicable chill down his spine, as if something bad was about to happen...

After thinking about it carefully and finding that there was nothing wrong, Cheng Taihua slowly relaxed and turned to look at Fang Yuan.

"Have you collected enough thirty badges in the past two months?"

Fang Yuan refused so simply that Cheng Taihua couldn't help but be slightly surprised. His first reaction was naturally that Fang Yuan had already completed this special path of becoming a master.

However, he had not heard any news about this recently. Ah!

These Taoist trainers are always in contact with each other!

"this……"Fang Yuan smiled sheepishly,"I have two badges all over my body that I got from your gym.……"

There are two badges, one is an ordinary badge used to participate in the alliance competition, and the other is a gorgeous badge that represents the gym leader’s approval!

Cheng Taihua was a little speechless. I'm afraid he couldn't even think of the reasons why Fang Yuan gave up his plan.

The surrounding diamond-level trainers looked at them with reverence.

"It is clearly within easy reach, but you still choose to rely on your own hands to get it. Perhaps this is the pride of the strong!"

"Even if it takes a little more effort, do you still want your honor to be flawless?"

"Perhaps we will never be able to appreciate such a strong heart in this life!"

The diamond-level trainers were thinking in their hearts.

However, I wonder if they would faint in the toilet crying if they knew the truth one day...

Suddenly, someone suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but look weird.

"He only got a badge from one gym, doesn't that mean that my little brother is still a black iron level trainer?"

"It seems like this is true... This is probably the strongest Black Iron-level trainer in the history of the alliance, right?"

"A black iron-level trainer who can be on the Earth Ranking... No, it should be said that he can be on the Heaven Ranking?"Some people don't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I'm afraid he is really a black iron-level trainer with the strength of Tianban! Of those on the Heavenly Ranking, I have never heard of anyone who has ever killed the Beast King!"

There is indeed a record of killing the Beast King in the history of the alliance, but that was more than ten years ago.

As time goes by, the older generation has aged, and the Heavenly Ranking has been replaced. The faces on the Heavenly Ranking are no longer the same ones.

Speaking of which, none of the current five people on the Heavenly Ranking have ever killed a quasi-god-level beast king.

"So, is it equivalent to standing in front of us with a big boss from the Heavenly Ranking?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the diamond trainers became more intense.

For those who have not experienced it, it is difficult to imagine that in this world where the threat of Warcraft exists, people have special faith in high-level trainers.

Tianbang trainers, It's not an exaggeration to say that they are the patron saints of mankind! The five people currently on the Heavenly Ranking are either working hard to improve their strength or traveling around to put down the evil beasts. Even they can be said to be like a dragon.

These top trainers in the alliance rarely have the opportunity to see them!

But now, there is such a young man of the same level as them standing in front of them, and they have witnessed the whole process of killing the four-headed beast king! Process!

Under this kind of gaze, even Fang Yuan felt slightly embarrassed.

However, if you are embarrassed, you must refuse firmly.

"Just stop applying for me! How bad it is to break the rules!"Fang Yuan looked upright.

Cheng Taihua could only nod helplessly.

After a while, he seemed to remember something and opened his mouth, not knowing how to speak.

"What's wrong?"Fang Yuan noticed something strange about him.

Cheng Taihua hesitated and asked,"Do you still have that special evolution stone?"

…… ps: Let me tell you in advance, it is impossible to give it away! The specific operations will be discussed later.

The author has already thought about what to get from Lao Cheng!

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