"Please pinch me, am I not dreaming? All three beast kings were killed?"

On Fang Yuan's side, there was a diamond-level trainer who pulled the clothes of the person next to him.

"You read that right! These three beast kings were really killed!"

"Three heads! The three-headed beast king! The entire league has never had such a feat, right?"

"The power of Pokémon possessed by this little brother is truly amazing!"

A burst of discussion broke out among the diamond-level trainers.

When the Beast Kings fell one after another a few miles away, no one knew how shocked they were!

Who could have imagined that they, who were originally considered by the alliance to be involved in everything before and after Under the attack of the four beast kings, the fallen human base not only did not fall, but even the beast tide was almost wiped out without paying much cost.

On the land!

The monsters that make up the beast tide are dying and running away. As far as you can see, there are not many monsters left alive!

All this is because of that young man who looks no older than twenty! , single-handedly turn the tide and save the entire human base from danger!

"Maybe... one day he can really end this century of destruction and let mankind return to the life it once had!"

Cheng Taihua's shocked eyes were a little more eager and expectant than others.

At this time, new news came from his headset.

Cheng Taihua, who thought there was another bad news, didn't even look at his face. When it sinks, it becomes a little weird.

The latest news is that all the beasts attacking human bases in the entire continent seem to have received some order and have just retreated.

However, what really makes Cheng Taihua look weird is not that. Not this...

There are quasi-god-level monsters entrenched outside almost every human base.

Soon after the quasi-god-level Nether Demon Tiger launched an attack on them, some beast kings also launched attacks on other human bases. An attack situation appeared.

But this attack was more like a test. The beast kings did not seem to have the intention to invade the human base. They only participated in the battle for a moment and then left the battlefield.

Is this understandable? The quasi-god-level Netherworld Demon Tiger actually had no intention of breaking through their defenses?

So... it seemed a bit unfair that it died!

Of course, what was even more unfair was the three-headed beast kings who came to rescue them. It just won't appear here...

The Nether Demon Tiger is a typical scammer in Warcraft!

I don't know, if Cheng Taihua knew, Fang Yuan would find a way to kill it even if the Nether Demon Tiger had no idea of breaking through the defense line. How would you feel when...

At this time, Chaomeng, Mew, and Bangira also dragged the corpses of the four beast kings back.

The momentum left on their bodies after the fierce battle made those present at least diamond-level. The Pokémon were a little nervous.

Their trainers even held their breaths.

Compared with watching the battle from a few miles away, they were more aware of these quasi-god-level existences at close range. Such a level of terrifying power!

Even after just finishing the battle, the momentum before they could calm down was a bit unbearable for them!

"Thanks for your hard work! Everyone!"

Fang Yuan was not affected at all and took the initiative to greet him.

"Go back and have a good rest! Mewtwo, Bangela!"

Chaomeng, Bangila and Fang Yuan nodded, and returned to the elf space through the elf ball as a transfer station.


Little Mengmeng also yawned, and her small body floated above Fang Yuan, lying lazily on top of his head.

No matter in terms of movements, expressions or appearance, from all angles, Mengmeng They all look like cute creatures.

But none of the trainers here despise Mew! It

’s true that they don’t know Mew, but the battle scene just passed is still vivid in their minds! But Fang Yuan didn't know that the cute little Dream Bear, which was huge in size and had a quasi-godlike combat power, was pressed to the ground and rubbed wantonly!.

Little Dream is so cute!


While Mewtwo and the others were fighting fiercely with the three-headed beast king, Nine Tails and Charizard were not idle either.

Following the diamond-level trainers, they almost killed all the master-level monsters!

For them whose combat power is at the master level, the experience gained from this battle is also quite considerable!

The panel is naturally brand new!

[Charizard Lv.75]

[Category: Fire Pokémon]

[Gender: female]

[Attribute: fire]

[Features: Fierce]

[Items carried: charcoal/dragon scales/sharp beak]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: King]


[Kyuubi (Alola form) Lv.76]

[Category: Fox Pokémon]

[Gender: female]

[Attribute: Ice Fairy]

[Features: Snow Hidden]

[Items to carry: Unmelting Ice/Fairy Heart/Bent Spoon]

[Level: Legend]

[Combat Power: King]


Whether it is the fire-breathing dragon or the Nine-Tails, their own combat power has entered the level of king!

As for Shining Yukila...

PS: It is impossible to dove!

The guaranteed update may be late, but it will definitely come!

The sixth update from Baoding is here! Good night, friends who haven't slept yet!

(The cover and title of the book have been changed, so you won’t get lost, right?)

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