『The"Spiritual Blade" shot down from the air and headed towards the fast running Nether Demon Tiger.

The Nether Demon Tiger was still running hard, seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the three beast kings who came to help.

However, the next moment, the"Spiritual Blade" had already caught up with it.

The pale pink blade exuding sharp energy easily cut through the body of the Nether Demon Tiger, which was running at a high speed using all its demonic energy.

Kill instantly with one blow!

"Ding! Kill the quasi-god-level Netherworld Demon Tiger! Mewtwo gained 167549 experience!"


"Ding! Mewtwo Lv.55-Lv.57!"


The Nether Demon Tiger ran very fast. Even though it was already dead, it still ran for several hundred meters under the inertia.

After it fell, it dragged along, leaving a mark on the land.

Finally, it slowly stopped one mile in front of the three-headed beast king.

The three quasi-god-level beast kings slowly stopped, and the three pairs of scarlet eyes stared at Chaomeng coldly.

It was obviously Mewtwo's actions that had already made them feel that their majesty had been frustrated, and now their anger began to rise.

I saw that the demonic energy around them was surging crazily, ready to deliver a fatal blow at any time!

However, even though there were three strong men of the same level on the opposite side, Chaomeng had no intention of giving in.

A pair of equally cold eyes stared at them without giving in.

It is impossible to make the proud Chaomeng lower his head!

The only thing that ever caused trouble to Chaomeng was the life experience in which it was created.

The only one who can defeat it is itself!

A powerful mental power burst out. Chaomeng's mental power was so strong that it even made the surrounding space slightly distorted.

And Chaomeng inside it is like a god and demon.

The aura on his body gradually increased, and the sand and dust formed ripples on the ground under Chaomeng's feet.

Not long after, a semicircular sandstorm even formed, pressing towards the three-headed beast king in front of him!

The momentum of both sides collided fiercely, and the woods at the center of the collision turned into powder!

But the sandstorm that represented Chaomeng's momentum was not dispersed!

Chaomeng faced the three-headed beast king alone. In the collision of momentum, he was not at a clear disadvantage!

After his momentum reached its peak, Chaomeng was the first to take action.

Behind it, countless green light balls condensed and soon filled the entire sky.

『Energy ball!

As Chaomeng's eyes lit up, a green ball of light shot out, like a shower of rain, falling towards the three-headed beast king.

The three-headed beast king was also not to be outdone, and the energy black balls formed by demonic energy rushed towards the green light ball rain.

The green light ball and the black energy ball collided and melted with each other.

Relying on his unique special attack advantage, Chaomeng did not fall into a disadvantage in a head-on confrontation!


"Dream, you come over too!"Fang Yuan said to Little Dream.

Letting Chaomeng fight one against three, after all, the risk is too high, and it is also somewhat unnecessary.

If Mega evolves, the bond itself will not be limited by distance.

But the key stone and the evolution stone The connection between them is because the distance has become a little blurred, which makes Fang Yuan unable to complete the step of activating the energy of the evolution stone on Chaomeng.


Meng Meng nodded his little head gently, flicked his long and slender tail, and his little body floated.

Little Meng Meng's movements seemed gentle and slow, but his speed was not satisfactory at all.

The breeze picked up, and its small body disappeared in place, turning into a small black dot in Fang Yuan's field of vision.

"With two against three, can they both do it?"Cheng Taihua said with some worry.

"Two or three?"Fang Yuan repeated it in a low voice without explaining.

At this time, the group of diamond-level trainers also came here after going through many hardships.

"Lao Cheng, little brother, let’s withdraw! The opponent is a three-headed beast king!"

"yes! Where there is life, there is hope!"

"We fight and withdraw at the same time. If we pay a certain price, we should be able to withdraw successfully!"

Retreat? Fang Yuan shook his head in his heart.

If the situation is indeed irreversible, he will naturally not insist on his so-called pride and die in vain.

However, the situation in front of him has not reached that stage yet!

He has a system , he still has some energy!

He is still waiting for what he wants to appear.

At this time, Bangila waved his glowing fist and used the"Million-ton Giant Fist" to kill a master in front of him. The monsters were blasted and killed!

"Ding! Kill the master level monster! Banjira gained 46735 experience!"


"Ding! Bangila Lv.74-Lv.75!"


"Ding! Bangila's combat power: quasi-king - king!"


Fang Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

Two against three? nonexistent!

"Ding! Do you want to spend 30,000 points to redeem [Mega Bangira Evolution Stone?】?"

"Confirm the exchange!" ps: At the request of a friend, I recommend the book:"My Super Powers Lead to the Ancient World"

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