Cheng Taihua's face didn't look good. Just now, he got terrible news.

However, at this time, Fang Yuan had already reached the edge of the core battle circle. Even if he wanted to inform Fang Yuan, he seemed a little helpless.

After thinking for a while, Cheng Taihua gritted his teeth and looked at his quasi-king-level Metagross:"Metrogross, please accompany me to Fang Yuan's place!"


The luminous metal arm of Metagross killed a monster and then broke away from the battle and floated to his side.

Cheng Taihua jumped on the back of Metagross and turned to look at the group of diamond-level trainers:"I must You have to inform Fang Yuan that you stay here, be careful, and help take care of that Yukira!"

The diamond-level trainers all knew the seriousness of the matter and nodded in agreement.

Cheng Taihua no longer hesitated and plunged into the beast tide together with Metagross, flying towards Fang Yuan's location at full speed.

However, in Under the obstruction of the beast tide, even though the Metagross' combat power is as high as a quasi-king, it is still struggling, and its forward speed is extremely limited.

Even by accident, Cheng Taihua and his Metagross were defeated by the numerical advantage of the beast tide. There is still life-threatening danger.

The figures of Cheng Taihua and Metagross gradually disappeared, and the diamond-level trainers who were left behind couldn't help but look at each other.

"It looks like something big happened! Otherwise, with his mature temperament, he wouldn't be like this!"

"Let’s not stick here anymore! Let's move over there while killing!"

"I agree with this proposal! Being closer allows us to respond better if something unexpected happens!"

"Attention everyone! If there is an accident, no matter what the cost, Lao Cheng and the little brother must be saved!"

"Especially that little brother, we must not let him be left here!"

While everyone was talking, they also took action, leading the Pokmon forward.

In addition to being a powerful trainer, Cheng Taihua is also the person in charge of this human base.

In order to ensure the stability of one party, that is no matter what. It has to be saved.

As for Fang Yuan, his current performance has proven his talent and strength.

As mentioned before, the more talented he is, the less accidents he can have here!


At the end of the horizon, the billowing smoke and dust were gradually enlarging, and Fang Yuan knew that this meant that the Beast King who came to support was getting closer!

But there are still hundreds of master-level monsters still alive in front of you!

Fang Yuan and his three Pokémon looked a little small when surrounded by them.

However, looking at the appearance of these master-level monsters, they look like they are facing a formidable enemy!

Looking around, there are corpses of monsters everywhere. Combined with the ruins of broken buildings and the dark sky, it is simply a scene of doomsday.

"We must hurry up! Fang Yuan murmured in a low voice,"It is estimated that there will still be fifteen minutes before the new Beast King arrives!""

The confrontation between the two sides continued, and the atmosphere was a bit stagnant.

In the end, Fang Yuan was the first to break the silence.

"Charizard, use"Dragon Claw"』!"

Since there is not enough time, there is nothing to think about, just do it!

"Roar!" Mega


At the same time, he also killed master-level monsters one after another.

"Ding! Kill the master level monster! Charizard gained 36427 experience!"


"Ding! Charizard Lv.66-Lv.67!"


"Ding! Kill the master level monster! Charizard gained 41276 experience!"


"Ding! Charizard Lv.67-Lv.68!"


"Ding! Kill the master level monster! Charizard gained 32769 experience!"


"Charizard Lv.68-Lv.69!"


"Bangira, use"Earthquake" and then"Gradually Defeat"』!"


Banjira stepped hard on the ground with his thick soles, and the energy of the ground system surged.

The ground vibrated in this direction, and the ground cracked. There were stone pillars breaking through the surface and hitting the monsters on the ground.

In"Earthquake"" At the moment when it was about to end, Bangira’s arms glowed, and he rushed into the herd.

With his eyes turning, Bangira looked for flaws in the master-level monsters in front of him, and then waved his arms fiercely.

"Ding! Kill the master level monster! Banjira gained 39754 experience!"


"Ding! Kill the master level monster! Banjira gained 37469 experience!"


"Ding! Bangila Lv.70-Lv.71!"


"Ding! Kill the master level monster! Banjira gained 42176 experience!"


When Fang Yuan was about to give instructions to Nine Tails, a slightly embarrassed Cheng Taihua appeared in Fang Yuan's field of vision riding a Metagross.

After letting Jiuwei pick him up, Fang Yuan couldn't help but wonder:"Why are you here?"

Cheng Taihua put his hands on his knees, took a few deep breaths, then stood up, and said with a wry smile:"This"Reply, I have brought you bad news!"

Just as he was about to ask clearly, the smile on Fang Yuan's face slowly faded and he looked towards the horizon.

"Maybe, I know what bad news you are going to bring……"

I saw that the billowing smoke and dust were only a few miles away from here.

And in front of the huge smoke was the quasi-god-level Beast King they had expected!

It's just that... it's not two heads... it's three heads! ps: The collection has grown too slowly compared to other Pokémon books, and the author wants to change the title.

What do you think of"Pokémon: Age of Destruction"?

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