Outside the core battle circle, whether it was the beast tide or Fang Yuan, their attention was actually focused on the core battle circle.

There were occasional collisions, but they were not serious.

Both sides know very well that the winner of this entire battle can only be the victor in the core battle circle.

When Chaomeng and Mew had the absolute upper hand, Cheng Taihua and the others were naturally relieved.

But like a huge herd of beasts, there were bursts of commotion.

However, Cheng Taihua's good look did not last long.


There seemed to be some bad news coming from his headset, which made his face gradually become serious.

The diamond-level trainers around him all noticed his abnormality and turned to look at him.

Cheng Taihua moved his mouth and said in a deep voice Said:"I just got news from other human bases that two beast kings are missing!"

It hasn't been too long since the Nether Demon Tiger roared for help.

Now that they suddenly received this news, everyone couldn't help but think of the worst possibility.

"Even if they are indeed coming here, so what? Fang Yuan withdrew his gaze towards the core battle circle and smiled:"It's just about fighting!""

Cheng Taihua and the group of diamond-level trainers were stunned, and then smiles appeared on their faces.

"It’s just a battle! The little brother is right, we are the ones who are obsessed with it!"

"yes! I didn’t even think about going back alive, but now that I can do this, what’s not to be satisfied with!"

"It doesn’t matter if he is the king of beasts or not, let’s do it!"

Not only do these people have strong hearts, but they are all mentally mature people. They adjusted in just a moment.

Even the morale is even worse than before!

Fang Yuan nodded and looked at Turning to the beast tide in front of him, he turned cold and said:"Now, let's get rid of all these troublesome guys first!"

Since the two beast kings who disappeared came to support them, they naturally would not bring with them low-level monsters that would slow them down.

Therefore, the only thing that would interfere with Chaomeng and Mew was the beast in front of them. It’s tide!

『"Gravity" is extremely effective against low-level monsters, but its duration is limited.

If cast continuously, it will put a big load on Mewtwo and Mew's physical strength.

Then, just kill all these low-level monsters!

"Charizard, use"Fire Vortex"』!"Fang Yuan stretched out his hand and pointed forward.


" The blue - white flames at the end of Mega Charizard The main purpose of moving forward was to create a passage and create conditions for Chaomeng and Meng to reach the Nether Demon Tiger.

Although they penetrated the entire line, the damage to the entire beast wave was really limited.

Before the wave of beasts and them came in, the scale was not small at all.

This circle of blue and white flames contained countless monsters!

Mega Charizard Let the monsters with platinum combat power and below be instantly killed!

"Ding! Kill the silver-level monster! Charizard gained 251 experience!"


"Ding! Kill the gold-level monster! Charizard gained 1426 experience!"


"Ding! Kill the silver-level monster! Charizard gained 263 experience!"


"Charizard, every once in a while, use"Flame Vortex"』!"


Mega Charizard X responded, flapped its huge wings, and flew quickly at low altitude.

The blue-white flames at the end of its tail also continued to fall from the sky, drawing circles after circles on the ground.

For a moment, Fang Yuan As far as the eye can see, the fire circles are close together, forming a larger circle, like a sea of fire.

The sea of fire directly cuts off the huge beast tide, so that Cheng Taihua and the others only have to face the small area separated in front of them. The pressure on the group of monsters was greatly reduced, and the casualty rate was also reduced to a minimum.

However, if this was not Fang Yuan's main purpose

, he only needed to let the fire-breathing dragon draw it with flames. A big circle is enough.

Why connect one small circle after another? There are many monsters in the small circle of"flame vortex", struggling in the burning of blue and white flames.

It won't be long before he is killed!

"It's now!"

Fang Yuan turned to look at Shining Yukila who was beside him and was about to try but was held back by Bangila.

"Yukira, use"Roar Loudly" on those fire rings』!"

That's right! The purpose of trapping these monsters is to gain experience for Yukira-chan!

These monsters, whose combat power is mainly platinum and diamond, can provide experience that is insignificant compared to their predecessors, the Nine-Tails and Charizard.

However, for Yukira, whose combat power is only gold, that is a complete gift package!

…… ps: The unofficial or agent-common translation of"Roaring Loudly" is"Yelling Loudly"』、『Yelling"

This is a damaging sound skill

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