The moment the Nether Demon Tiger stood up, the beasts seemed to have received some kind of signal.

Suddenly, the attack of the beast tide became fierce.

Several times, the human defense line was about to collapse under this sudden increase in pressure, but it was forcibly held back by the trainers and their Pokémon.

The diamond-level trainers surrounding Fang Yuan stopped joking and became serious one by one.

At this time, we can no longer care about the problem of releasing all the elves and being unable to command them.

If they couldn't withstand this wave of attacks, everything would be useless. Everyone would release their main force at once.

After the injection of new strength, the defense line finally stabilized.

However, the faces of these high-level trainers at the front became more serious.

Because that beast king hasn't really taken action yet!

Before it even took action, the defense line had almost exhausted all its strength before it could hold its own.

When it comes to an end, who can stand up and hold him back?

Although Cheng Taihua is a leader in the rankings, he is only a diamond-level trainer!

To deal with a quasi-god-level beast king, I'm afraid it's impossible to just hold it back!

The Nether Demon Tiger is no mere commander. Like the Vajra Demon Bear, it also has a large number of master-level and king-level demon beast subordinates!

"Damn it! Only the beast king here shows signs of attacking!"

Pressing the headset, Cheng Taihua's face became darker and darker.

Fang Yuan, who was staring closely at the movements of the Netherworld Demon Tiger, looking for the opportunity to make a move, couldn't help turning his head to look at him.

"Doesn’t it mean that our human base faces the least pressure?"

The difference in the number of high-level trainers in each human base is not too big.

They have the least pressure, which means they can have more high-level trainers free.

There is no reason for the Netherworld Demon Tiger to Take the risk and take the initiative to attack!

"Because we are under the least pressure, I asked twenty diamond-level trainers to go to other human bases to provide support!"Cheng Taihua smiled bitterly

"Moreover, the master trainer responsible for guarding this area is the furthest away from us.……"

A master trainer is responsible for ten human bases

"So, has it seen the emptiness of this line of defense?"Fang Yuan understood.

No one could have imagined that a beast king would appear in this beast wave.

It is not difficult to understand that Cheng Taihua made such a decision.

However, the consequence was that a quasi-god-level beast king was about to enter field

"The master trainer is on the way! As long as you persist for a while, the situation will be stabilized!"Cheng Taihua said.

Everyone responded.

However, some things are destined not to be changed by human will.

After all, the defense line is on the verge of collapse under the wave of attacks.

Cheng Taihua's face suddenly appeared With a relieved smile, he turned to look at the other diamond-level trainers:"I have to say sorry to my brothers!"

The others seemed to know what he was going to say, and there were smiles on their solemn faces.

"Do not worry! Lao Cheng, we had this awareness from the beginning!"

"That’s right, you make the decision when you’re mature!"

"Let us old brothers go crazy for the last time! So that these monsters can recall the pain of that year!!

Cheng Taihua nodded and said in a deep voice:"All trainers aged 35 or so, immediately!" immediately! Evacuate from the defense line!"

"Evacuate?"Fang Yuan was full of doubts.

Someone saw his doubts and asked with a smile:"Do you know how we gained a firm foothold more than ten years ago?"

Fang Yuan shook his head.

There was a look of reminiscence on the man's face, and he pointed at the tide of beasts in front of him.

"In that era, situations like this were actually not uncommon! And no one knows when it will end!"

"So whenever this happens, the older generation of trainers will ask the younger trainers to evacuate to save the seeds of hope for the alliance!"

"More than ten years ago, the old-timers took us under their wings. Now, we are the old-timers!"

The man didn't say what happened to those old seniors in the end, but he looked at the dark beasts in front of him.

Thinking with his toes, he knew what would happen if they stayed.

"I have the ability to join the war!"Fang Yuandao

"Nonsense! Cheng Taihua glanced at him and said,"Go back quickly!""

"You know my strength……"Fang Yuan looked at Cheng Taihua unexpectedly

"It’s because I know your strength that I let you go back! Cheng Taihua said,"We can become diamond-level trainers. Do you think we didn't have the ability to participate in the war back then?"

After a pause, Cheng Taihua continued:"The better your talent, the less likely we are to let you stay!""

What they want to pass on from generation to generation is not to gain a firm foothold!

What they want is to leave behind talented descendants, hoping that one day they can wipe out the monsters, so that humans will no longer worry about monsters!

The old seniors of the year, let That's what they thought when they left, and Cheng Taihua also thought the same when he asked Fang Yuan to leave.

"Do not worry! Even if we can't go back, we will definitely make them pay a heavy price and be unable to cross the line of defense! Cheng Taihua said with a smile

"I won't leave!"Fang Yuan was silent for a moment and said.

Maybe he can't sacrifice everything like them.

But like this, he has the ability to solve the situation. Even if he doesn't consider the huge amount of experience, he doesn't mind doing it.

Chengtai Hua was really a little angry:"Are you staying? Do you know the power of the Beast King?"

"I understand very well! Fang Yuan nodded,"Because the Beast King……"

He looked past the beasts and fell on the Netherworld Demon Tiger, and said calmly:

"I have killed!"

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