The old principal was still thinking whether this fire-breathing dragon was actually lent to Fang Yuan by someone else.

However, after observing for a while, the old principal denied this guess.

Charizard is a very arrogant Pokémon. The difference in behavior between the hands of its owner and the hands of others is very obvious.

Judging from the appearance of the fire-breathing dragon in the air, there is no doubt that it is Fang Yuan's own!

As for whether this fire-breathing dragon is the little fire dragon he gave to Fang Yuan?

Are you kidding me?

It's only been two months since I sent him out, and he evolved from a small fire dragon to a fire-breathing dragon?

Can you evolve one for me to see?

"This brat! I regarded Charmander as a treasure, but many people asked for it but didn't give it to me. Finally, I gave it to you, but you don't cherish it so much!"

The resources a trainer has are limited. In order to maximize his strength, he usually trains fewer Pokémon with attributes, let alone the same type of Pokémon.

In his opinion, Fang Yuan has a fire-breathing dragon. , resources will naturally no longer be tilted towards Charmander.

The old principal puffed his beard and glared, and Fang Yuan's impression suddenly dropped a lot.

No matter what the old principal thought, the girl also discovered that. The figure who was thinking day and night, a smile bloomed on her pretty face.

For a moment, it seemed like flowers were blooming, and the surrounding space seemed to light up slightly.

"This girl is getting more and more beautiful!"

On the back of the fire-breathing dragon, Fang Yuan stared at the beautiful face of the girl below, with a soft smile on his lips.

The two looked at each other, and the charming atmosphere made the dark-faced old man beside him look a little out of place.

The fire-breathing dragon fell, Fang Yuan jumped down, Xiaoguang didn't care about the old principal who was watching from the side, and almost immediately threw himself into Fang Yuan's arms.

The old principal's eyelids jumped at the sight, and he almost forgot about this bastard. He even seduced his granddaughter away!

"I miss you so much!"The girl raised her pretty face, her eyes were slightly red.

This look of being on the verge of tears, full of tears, can best arouse the protective desire in men's hearts.

"I miss you as well!"

However, the two people who were immersed in a certain state obviously did not notice this little movement.

The old principal did not give up. He coughed violently until his throat hurt, but it did not have any effect.

The old man couldn't help but He turned his back blankly, and a gust of autumn wind blew slowly behind him, making his back look indescribably desolate.

After a while, Fang Yuan and Xiao Guang slowly separated.

Because of the intimacy just now, Xiao Guang's hair was slightly messy and her face was so sultry that Fang Yuan was about to taste it again. When the girl's cherry lips tasted, an old voice came from the side

"You guys, enough is enough!"

Fang Yuan turned around and looked, slightly startled. Is this the old principal?

However, it seems that the old principal is not in a good mood!

And the girl seemed to have just remembered this matter, and her already red face became even redder. famous

"Old principal, long time no see! How is your old health?"Fang Yuan said hello and wanted to say hello.

"Thanks to you, I won’t die!"The old principal's answer was a bit blunt.

It seemed that the old principal was indeed in a bad mood! Is it because of the beast tide? Fang Yuan thought.

However, the old principal did not look at him, but looked at the fire-breathing dragon up and down, and suddenly asked:"Is this Charizard yours?"

"be mine!"Fang Yuan didn't know why, but he still nodded.

This fire-breathing dragon is not his, who else could it be? The old principal asked something strange!

The old principal's face seemed to be darker, and he turned to look at him and said:" What about your Charmander?"

It seems that there is no way to bring his granddaughter back.

But the little fire dragon he gave to Fang Yuan cannot be thrown away by Fang Yuan, wasting his talent!

He must get it back, and he will not give it to anyone who wants it in the future. PS

: I will try to finish the update before 10 o'clock tonight, so it will be updated stably starting tomorrow!

As mentioned before, there will be one update in the morning, one update during lunch, and three updates between 7 and 10 o'clock!.

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