After successfully subduing Gulden, Chu Lang's vigilance reached the extreme.

If people saw Gulden's shadow, they would definitely associate it with the huge red summoning array just now.

His body shape is really too domineering!

The whole body is red, with exaggerated feathers on the back, a long and thick tail, strong jaws and teeth, and sharp claws.

Just one look at him, and people know that he is not simple.

If it was outside, Chu Lang could still say that this was a mutant motorcycle lizard, but here he absolutely couldn't!

"Let's go, let's retreat quickly before Zekrom gets far away."

Zoroya nodded, jumped off Gulden, and was about to transform into a Sonic Dragon.

Chu Lang quickly grabbed Zoroya,"Don't fly, there may be other people here, we can't let them know that we are hanging out with Gulden."

"The target in the sky is too big"

"hold head high——"

Gulden took a step forward, rubbed Chu Lang's arm, and motioned Chu Lang to ride on him.

Chu Lang was stunned,"You want me to get on?" Gulden nodded

, baring his teeth impatiently.

Seeing Gulden's look, Chu Lang didn't hesitate and directly jumped on Gulden.

It seems that this guy is pretty good except for his bad temper and being a bit reckless.

Young Kiras and Soraya also jumped up and rode on Gulden.

After sitting down, Chu Lang patted Gulden's neck gently,"Gulden, pay attention to your wounds when you run."

"hold head high——"

Gu Leton made an impatient cry again and ran away in the distance.

"Gulden, you are running in the wrong direction!"......"

Turn around and keep running

""Gulden, run slower, your injuries haven't healed yet." Gulden didn't respond, but accelerated again, telling Chu Lang with his actions that there was nothing wrong with his body.

He ran very fast, even on such a winding mountain road, he ran over 120 kilometers per hour, which made Chu Lang excited.

He and Young Kiras have similar personalities, and neither of them is a peaceful person.

In other words, they like driving.

Soraya didn't seem too excited, and covered his eyes with his two paws.

Chu Lang thought Soraya was afraid, so he patted Soraya on the head,"Don't be afraid, Gulden runs so steadily, he won't throw you to the ground."

"Besides, even if you fall, you will still fly, don't be afraid!"

Soloya looked up at the sky. Was she afraid?

Yes, she was afraid. She was afraid that Chu Lang couldn't afford the gas....

The master and Little Kiras were so excited that they didn't notice that Gulden's energy was consuming so quickly.

And Gulden clearly had a big misunderstanding of the word"farmer".

When they got home, I guess all three of them would be dumbfounded, right?...

Not long after Chu Lang and his team left, the leader Venusaur descended from the sky. Jia Fu climbed down from Venusaur, and Guan Xiong also rode Onix from a distant mountain peak.

Onix's crawling path was very tortuous, making the surrounding ground a mess. Chu Lang and his team's footprints completely disappeared.

At Jia Fu's signal, Guan Xiong fumbled with the Tortoise for a few times, his face looking a little ugly.

"Sir, there are no wishing stars here. We detected nine wishing stars in total, but we only got seven."

"And the mysterious elf that turned into a red stream of light should have fallen here, but it also disappeared."

Jia Fu looked around and said calmly,"We don't need to intervene in the affairs here. Lord Black Dragon has been here."

"There have only been seven wishing stars since the beginning, and the red streamer has never appeared. Keep your men's mouths shut."

"Also, don't play tricks in the future. As you said, Dragon Country is a solid block, and you are not the only one who cares about the younger trainers."

After saying that, Jiafu's Bulbasaur soared into the sky, leaving Guan Xiong alone.

This king is so thoughtful!......

Xihai City, Chu Lang's farm.

Gulerton showed off his abilities like crazy along the way. With his speed, Chu Lang and his team came back much faster than when they left.

After arriving at the farm, Chu Lang and Young Kiras swaggered open the door, not at all cautious as usual.

Having just subdued a divine beast, he couldn't be defeated by Laba Ya, right?

After opening the door, Laba Ya was resting on the windowsill, just as Chu Lang thought.

Seeing Young Kiras, Laba Ya's calm eyes instantly became excited.


Like a cat in danger, Soroya jumped up more than three meters high with Chu Lang's clothes in his mouth and landed on the roof nearby.

Little Kiras shrank his neck and hid behind Gulden.


Big brother, save me!

Chu Lang looked at Gulden nervously, fearing that Laba Ya and Gulden would really fight.

""Don't, we are one of us!"

Gultun didn't understand why, but when he saw the young Kiras asking for help, he immediately changed into a fighting posture.

His identity did not allow him to admit defeat to any elf!

Seeing this, Chu Lang could only approach and be ready to save people at any time.

To be honest, he didn't know who was stronger between Gultun and this mysterious trumpet bud.

Gultun's front body left the ground, the feathers behind him exploded, the dark golden pupils turned into vertical pupils, and the claws flashed with purple light.

Not only that, the surrounding heaven and earth continued to have purple energy pouring in, gathering on Gultun's claws, and it seemed endless.

God-level dragon claw!

Soon, a huge purple claw of two meters appeared in front of Gultun.

At this moment, the wound on his abdomen suddenly flashed with light and tore open again.

This is not the limit of the god-level dragon claw, but the limit of Gultun now!

"hold head high——"

Gulden let out a painful roar, and the dragon claws in his hand stopped growing and slapped directly at the horn bud.

The horn bud looked at Gulden with some caution, and after releasing a guard skill on the spot, he took a big step to the side.

Chu Lang took the opportunity to persuade him,"Don't fight, look at how good the human horn bud is, and he even helped my tree use a guard skill."


Just when he was about to stop, he suddenly saw Laba Ya leap up very quickly and landed behind his neck.

Before Gulden could react, the young Kiras on his back had been forced to leave his body and was thrown to the old place by Laba Ya.

While Gulden didn't react, Laba Ya stepped on the body of young Kiras to pick a fruit and walked away.

After jumping over the fence of the farm, Laba Ya patted his chest with some palpitations. He didn't expect that this guy found such a powerful helper and almost flipped over.

He will bring helpers next time!

After Laba Ya left, Gulden's arrogant hair instantly wilted, and he walked to Chu Lang with a weak step.


Master , I am so tired on this journey. Please bring me a few thousand fruit to replenish my body."???"

One fruit fifty...How much is a few thousand?

And the Lalulas only has half a month to hatch, so the big milk tank must be bought, otherwise it is not cost-effective to buy Moo Moo Milk....

I must go to the secret realm to make money tomorrow!

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