The next morning, Chu Lang and Soroya had just woken up, and Little Kiras was already outside throwing stones.

Chu Lang then grabbed the breakfast that Toucan bought, put on his sweatshirt and walked outside.

"Young Kiras, don't be so presumptuous in the future, and don't always practice shooting skills early in the morning."

Young Kiras has been practicing his skills too much recently, and there are almost no birds flying in the sky.

Even last night, Chu Lang ordered a few tents online to house a big milk tank and two woolly sheep that he had just bought, but he was charged an extra 20 yuan for postage.

The explanation given by the website is very simple. There is something dirty at Chu Lang's address, and the seagulls are unwilling to accept orders.......

Young Kiras nodded obediently and ran to the side to pick up the power belt.

Chu Lang had just bought the power belt for him at the Caterpie Breeding House yesterday. The gravity can be adjusted, and it easily reaches the training threshold of the Cliff Sword skill.

Moreover, this thing is a treasure, and it can also slowly improve the defense of young Kiras.

More importantly, only young Kiras can feel the weight of one thousand pounds. Chu Lang and Zoroark are not affected at all and can still easily pick up young Kiras.

Of course, something with such outstanding effects is also very valuable.

If Chu Lang hadn't sold the thick-soled boots and the evolution stone, he really couldn't afford such a huge expense.

"Come on, let’s run for ten kilometers first, and then let Soraya take us to the mine. Today we’re going to explore Fenglong Mountain to give you a change of taste!"


Young Kiras opened the door with some anticipation and ran out.

Laba Ya hadn't hit him for several days, so he relaxed his vigilance.

At this moment, Chu Lang, who had just taken the key out of the room, suddenly heard a loud noise coming from outside the door.


Young Kiras flew over the wall and landed precisely under a tree.

Just as Zoroya was about to run out to check the situation, Chu Lang held him down tightly, fearing that it would cause the classic scene of Calabash Brothers saving their grandfather.

"Don't go, the people outside are our own people, but they don't like Young Kiras."

The next moment, in the surprised eyes of Soraya, a trumpet bud jumped over the wall, stepped on Young Kiras' body, picked a fruit, and walked away.

Soraya was stunned in place, his two feet retreated frantically, for fear that he would be noticed by this terrifying trumpet bud.

What kind of trumpet bud is this? It can actually kill Young Kiras, a little dinosaur, in seconds!

Soraya seemed to suddenly understand why the trumpet bud in Young Kiras' impression was so terrifying. No matter who it was, he would have a psychological trauma!......

When the three of them arrived at the mining area, Little Kiras was still cursing and accusing the trumpet sprout.

"Woo woo woo, master, I can't take it anymore. I need to move. This bud has caused me great physical and mental harm."

"If I don't move, I'm afraid I won't live much longer, woo woo woo——"

Chu Lang patted Little Kiras on the head and handed him a piece of ore.

"It's okay. We will definitely be able to beat him in a year. By then, you will have learned the Cliff Sword. Why are you afraid of a trumpet sprout?" When he heard about the Cliff Sword, young Kiras's eyes were full of fighting spirit again.

He had heard Chu Lang describe the scene triggered by the Cliff Sword. The mountains collapsed, the earth collapsed, and the area within a hundred miles would be plunged into a terrible earthquake.

As long as he learned this powerful move, he would definitely be able to press the trumpet sprout to the ground and rub it.

"Let's go, Master, let's get stronger!" Young Kiras jumped off Chu Lang and walked towards Fenglong Mountain first.

"Hey, wait, let's go find Geodude and Rumblestone first, otherwise it would be bad if we can't beat those Dalupi and Houndoom."Dalupi and Houndoom are relatively ferocious Pokémon, even among the evil-type Pokémons, they are ranked high and should not be underestimated.

Young Gilas nodded, changed direction, and walked towards the place where they encountered Rumblestone yesterday. The place where they encountered Rumblestone yesterday was not far from the entrance, and they soon arrived at their destination.

Chu Lang's whole body was burning with the power of wave conduction, and he shouted at both sides of the mountain wall

"Rumblestone, are you there?"

"We have brought you the same rations as yesterday. Bring your brothers down to eat!"

On the cliff.

Two big Longlongshi looked at Chu Lang quietly, with some melancholy between their brows.

Especially the Longlongshi tribe leader, he was completely dumbfounded.

He was afraid that Chu Lang would come yesterday, and he didn't even dare to say a polite word"come and play often".

But he seemed to have underestimated Chu Lang's shamelessness. Yesterday he forced him to take advantage of others, and today he came to seduce him. This combination of punches is simply played to perfection, and it can be seen at a glance that he is a habitual offender!

The Longlongshi tribe leader and his wife looked at each other, shook their heads, and reached a unanimous opinion.

They must not go out and contact Chu Lang!

At this moment, dozens of small fist stones ran out from behind them excitedly, looking at their own tribe leader and tribe leader's wife with some expectation.

""Fist of the Stone!"

They all got some of the food Chu Lang gave the little Geodudes yesterday. The taste was unforgettable.

Looking at the expectant eyes of his little Geodudes, the back of the Rumble Chief was hunched. His weak spot was being taken advantage of!


The leader of the Rumblestone tribe waved to the Geodudes and rolled down the mountain first.

The Geodudes raised their fists excitedly and quickly followed the Rumblestone couple down.

Seeing the Geodudes coming down the mountain wall, Chu Lang's eyes flashed with a smile.

This time the trip to Fenglong Mountain should be a sure thing!

"Come on, brothers, come and divide the rations. Yesterday, your chief specifically told me to bring you more rations."

As he said that, Chu Lang untied a large bag from Zoroark's back, spread out a huge tablecloth, and poured all the rations on it.

The little Geodudes rushed forward, all turned into eaters, and chewed the rations with grunts.

Chief Longlongshi looked at Chu Lang with gratitude. He didn't say this yesterday. This was Chu Lang helping him to accumulate good popularity.

Chu Lang patted the food crumbs in his hand, walked up to Chief Longlongshi, and said with a smile:"Chief, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. I still have rations bought for you and your wife."

"Compared to Geodude's rations, yours are crispier. Young Gilas helped you try them yesterday. They are delicious."

These rations are not expensive. The main ingredients are tree fruits and some stones. It's just that Rhydon and the others can't buy them without trainers.

Being able to use these things to gain Geodude and the others' goodwill is also something Chu Lang is happy to see.

Seeing Chu Lang's performance, the key ring in his arms swayed comfortably. This scene was too nostalgic. They were so foolish.

Just as Chu Lang was waiting for Geodude and Rhydon to eat, a loud roar suddenly came from the mountain wall.

Hearing this roar, all the Geodudes who were eating stopped what they were doing and looked towards the top of the mountain.

There was a huge Onix there!

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