Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 130: elves into town

Yuan Sicheng paced left and right in the mayor's office, thought for a while, and said:

"Well, there is some truth to it. Although you have been the mayor of Zhouhai City over the years, you cannot control all the rights of Zhouhai City because of your low strength. The elite trainers below will not listen to you at all. And there are a lot of those senior trainers who are against you."

Hearing Yuan Sicheng's words, the mayor breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, if Yuan Sicheng thought that he was the culprit in this incident, I was afraid that he would immediately be caught by him and beheaded in front of the agate jellyfish to make amends. .

"By the way, have you arranged those elite-level trainers?"

Yuan Sicheng asked the mayor.

The mayor nodded and replied:

"I just sent a notice to them, and they should be on their way now."

At this moment, the secretary's cell phone vibrated, and after accusing him, the secretary picked up his cell phone.

"Old Yuan, the mayor, and the elite-level trainers have all arrived. Zhouhai College has left one teacher to guard the school, while Qianjiang University's Zhouhai Branch has left two teachers to guard the school. At present, we are directly affiliated with our alliance. There are a total of 22 elite trainers waiting for you in the conference room.”


The mayor took a careful look at Yuan Sicheng, found that the other party nodded, and said to the secretary:

"Let's go."


Zhouhai City.

Central meeting room.

Twenty-two elite-level trainers are divided into three factions sitting in the conference room.

In addition to them, there are also many public officials from Zhouhai City, also sitting in the conference room.


The door rang, and the secretary opened the conference room door for the mayor and Yuan Sicheng behind him.

The mayor stepped into the conference room first, then stood at the door, turned around, bowed slightly, and made a "please" gesture to Yuan Sicheng behind him.

Yuan Sicheng simply patted his clothes and walked into the conference room under the respectful gaze of the mayor.

Originally, when the mayor came in, the elite trainers were all sitting there, motionless. But after seeing Yuan Sicheng behind the mayor, all the elite trainers got up from their seats and saluted Yuan Sicheng:

"The principal (Old Yuan) is good!"

Among them, President Yuan Sicheng is a teacher from Qianjiang University's Zhouhai Branch.

Among the 22 elite-level trainers, 13 are teachers from Qianjiang University Zhouhai Campus.

More than the other two forces combined.


Yuan Sicheng nodded, pressed his hands, and motioned for everyone to sit down. Then go to the seat closest to the main seat and sit down.

After Yuan Sicheng sat down, the mayor carefully walked to the main seat, tried the microphone, and started today's meeting.


"So, the mission of our school this time is to guard the lighthouse and the high-power signal tower in the city center? Don't need to participate in the battle?"

In the corridor outside the conference room, Mr. Lin, who had ended the meeting, asked Mr. Hong, the team leader of Zhouhai College.


Teacher Hong nodded:

"Lighthouses and signal towers are very important. Once lost, Zhouhai City will lose its connection with the outside world, as well as power stations and waterworks. These are important facilities to ensure the lives of citizens. We guard one place alone and must not go out. Mistake!"

After speaking, they simply assigned tasks. The four Zhouhai Academy teachers rode on their respective statues and flew towards the target.


Zhouhai College, Central Administration Building.

Teacher Zhang assigned tasks to the students.

In fact, there is no so-called tactics at all. Zhouhai College is a university, and most universities do not have campus gates.

What's more, Zhouhai College is built on the seaside, so it can be said that there are flaws everywhere. At present, the entire campus is full of agate jellyfish.

"Mr. Zhang, do you want to transfer the students to the back mountain? Would it be unsafe to live in the dormitory now?"

The principal of Zhouhai College stood beside Teacher Zhang and asked Teacher Zhang.

Zhouhai College is only a second university, so the strength of the principal is not strictly required, but more about the management ability of the principal. Therefore, the strength of the principal of Zhouhai College is only advanced, similar to some senior students.

Since most of the time and energy are devoted to campus management, the principal of Zhouhai College does not have much experience in the field. At this time, he can only seek the advice of Mr. Zhang, who is an elite trainer.

"That's too late."

Teacher Zhang looked solemnly at the agate jellyfish wandering around the campus:

"Now the entire campus is flooded, and because it is close to the coast, our school is the first target for the landing of agate jellyfish. At present, the school's water surface is full of agate jellyfish. If you want to transfer students at this time, I'm afraid that Attacked by agate jellyfish."

Hearing Teacher Zhang's words, the principal nodded and said:

"It's strange to say that these agate jellyfish did not attack us after landing, but went to the city center. Why is this?"

Teacher Zhang shook his head and replied:

"I don't know, but it's a good thing for us. Let me know~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After all the agate jellyfish have left our school, I immediately notify all the students to move to the back mountain, where the terrain is high and there is no The water is submerged. If the inflatable boat is not enough, let them wade in the water. The water level here is only over one meter, and no one can drown."

Standing in the crowd, Yun Ning raised his ears and listened quietly to the conversation between Teacher Zhang and the principal.

At the same time, he also looked solemnly at the army of agate jellyfish.

They... what do they want?

Taking advantage of this flood opportunity, they invaded Zhouhai City on a large scale, but they did not attack humans, but kept heading towards the city center.

"That is!"

Suddenly, Yun Ning's eyes narrowed, and he found an elf from the agate jellyfish group.

"Stinger jellyfish!"

The agate jellyfish cannot evolve into a stinger jellyfish until it reaches level 30, which means that the strength of this stinger jellyfish is at least advanced!

The height of the stinger jellyfish is 1.6 meters, so the water level of 1 meter cannot completely submerge it.

It is precisely because of this that all the students saw the stinger jellyfish.


The sound of gasping for breath sounded, obviously the students were frightened by the stinger jellyfish in front of them.

What's more terrifying than the appearance of a stinger jellyfish is the appearance of a group of stinger jellyfish.

That's right, behind the agate jellyfish brigade, followed by a group of stinger jellyfish.

Not one or two, but a large group.

Like the agate jellyfish, the stinger jellyfish did not attack the students in Zhouhai College, but headed for the city center in an orderly manner.

Because the water level is too low to fully immerse the body, the stinger jellyfish can only use their tentacles as hands and feet and move their bodies little by little.

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