Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 851: humble communicator

Speaking of which, the pair of communicators in Shi Xiaolei's hands that can directly send a communication signal to the inside of the Ark from the Earth side may make many friends curious.

After all, it has been said in the previous article. Since it was opened by Shi Xiaolei from the blind box, Fang Ark has been stored in the dimensional interlayer, instead of being directly transferred to the real world by him like other people or things.

Not to mention whether the existing scientific and technological means on earth can do it, even the ancient one who often travels in different dimensions cannot break the crystal wall of the world at will to find the ark hidden in the mezzanine...

Therefore, the pair of communicators that Shi Xiaolei took out were not as ordinary and ordinary as their unremarkable appearances.

So, where did this pair of communicators come from? What is the reason why they can maintain smooth communication through the world crystal wall?

The matter has to start with Shi Xiaolei's 'Cosmic Drifting Adventures'.

There should be some friends who still remember what happened when Shi Xiaolei was teleported away from the earth by the space gem, or what kind of actions he made at that time.

That's right, at the moment when he was about to be teleported away, Shi Xiaolei recalled the plot clip in "Captain America 1", and remembered the Red Skull who was also teleported to the depths of the universe because he accidentally activated the universe Rubik's Cube during the battle. , and through this memory, I realized what kind of situation I was in at that time. Then, in order to avoid being as unlucky as the Red Skull, he drove his spiritual sense at the last moment, intending to hide in the ark and get rid of the energy field released by the two Infinity Stones.

Unfortunately, his reaction was still a little slow for a split second. In other words, when he was a little flustered, he failed to use his abilities as perfectly as usual.

All in all, the moment he opened the channel and was about to hide in the ark, the two infinite gems of space and mind simultaneously released enormous energy. Then, the energy of the former formed a very strong protective shield, holding Shi Xiaolei in place, while the energy released by the Mind Stone followed Shi Xiaolei's thinking and blocked the one he had just opened with his mind. The teleportation channel leading to the interior of the ark.

In this way, Shi Xiaolei fell short and failed to hide in the ark at the last moment, and was finally sent to the depths of the universe by the combined force of the two gems.

It is worth mentioning that at the moment when Shi Xiaolei's retreat was blocked, part of the energy released by the two gems also escaped into the ark suspended in the dimensional interlayer along the transmission channel opened by Shi Xiaolei.

Maybe it's because the hard disk that is turned into the system comes from outside the 'box', and the ark drawn from the system is also given the same personality, so that the various basic laws related to the ark have a higher priority than the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Edge of the world law...

The ark in the game, which cannot be destroyed by the player, bears the wave of energy escaping from the channel as solid as a rock, and is not destroyed or damaged by it.

As we all know, there is such an unwritten underlying rule in the Marvel Cinematic Universe - if you encounter a wave of energy that explodes your level, and you are not destroyed by it, then you who have experienced energy scouring will inevitably be reborn and become A superhero with infinite power.

Bruce Banner was swiped by gamma rays before turning into the Hulk.

Carol Danvers was swiped by the Cosmic Cube before becoming Captain Marvel.

Taniana, including Peter Parker the spider, and the Fantastic Four who do not appear in this world, are actually examples of the same type. The former is the first to bear the deadly poison, and then reborn to obtain various superpowers, while the latter can obtain superpowers because they have experienced the scouring of the energy waves generated by the solar storm, and the process is even more typical. pole.

Pulled a bit far.

All in all, the Ark, which has experienced energy scouring and has not been destroyed, has also benefited a lot like those superheroes.

Not to mention the energy reserve that suddenly rose to 100%, the control system inside the ark has also evolved to a certain extent and become more intelligent. What surprised and surprised Shi Xiaolei the most was the newly created 'cross-latitude sensing' ability for energy of the same nature after assimilating a large amount of energy.

To put it simply, it is possible to sense the energy waves released by the two infinite gems of space and mind in the Marvel Cinematic Universe through the world crystal wall.

Of course, in the beginning, Shi Xiaolei, who was careless, did not know that these changes occurred in the central control system of the Ark.

After arriving in Asgard, the pair of communicators powered by the energy of space gems made by the trustee were not originally used to communicate between the interior of the ark and the real world.

In fact, the reason why Shi Xiaolei thought of asking for help from the craftsmen in Asgard and spending money to customize such a pair of communicators was just 'just in case' - keep one at for himself Bring one, if you encounter a similar situation again... Even if you are in the depths of the universe and can't go back to Earth for a while, you don't have to completely lose contact with your family like this time.

As for why you have to get Asgard and then find a craftsman to customize the pair of communicators, instead of doing it on Xandar...

One reason is that the Infinity Stones are too important to be exposed to unfamiliar outsiders. Secondly, it is also because the space gem has been held in Odin's hands for a long time. With his eagerness to conquer the universe, he must have used the power of this gem on the battlefield. Therefore, in Asgard It is very likely that there are ready-made craftsmanship that utilizes gem energy. It will take a little less time to customize it there, and the production cost should be cheaper after saving research funds.

In any case, Shi Xiaolei's conjecture was correct, and he did indeed harvest such a pair of communicators in Asgard.

Then, Shi Xiaolei returned to Earth, put one of them in the ark, and gave the other to 2B for her to keep.

One day, while cleaning the room, Kang Na, who ran to help 2B, accidentally knocked over the communicator she had placed on the bookshelf. At that time, Shi Xiaolei happened to go to the ark and planned to take out some souvenirs brought back from the universe and distribute them to family members who had not seen him for a long time.

It was at that moment that Shi Xiaolei noticed the flashing blue light on the communicator.

Confused, come out and ask. After making a guess, I went back and forth to confirm it several times.

In this way, after sensing the mutation of the ark itself, Shi Xiaolei first discovered the fact that the communicators could transmit signals to each other through the dimensional crystal wall.


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