Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 823: About Wanda

Remember [New] for a second,! "Cosmic Rubik's Cube, no, I should say space gems, but I don't have any special ideas. But mind gems..."

Looking at Gu Yi who was leisurely drinking tea in front of him, Shi Xiaolei scratched his cheek in distress and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "To be honest, I'm really embarrassed."

"Which way?" Gu Yi put down the teacup and looked at Shi Xiaolei gently, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Would you like to let it out?" Shi Xiaolei replied, "Master, you know that although I can't use the ability of the Time Stone to browse the future like you, but for some other reasons, I can occasionally see some pictures of the future.”

Facing Shi Xiaolei's gaze, Gu Yi raised his hand slightly, signaling to continue.

"In the content I saw, there was basically no space gem scene... For example, that thing is probably similar to the precious props in the game, but it is very valuable, but it has nothing to do with promoting the plot. Anyway. It's the same in anyone's hands, so I don't feel embarrassed at all." After a while, Shi Xiaolei continued: "But the Mind has a lot of scenes, if I keep holding it in my hand Will it lead to another fork in the future timeline and create a more troublesome situation?"

Holding the Mind Gem in your own hands can certainly avoid the birth of Ultron, but in turn, in the original plot, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, whose superpowers were activated because of the Mind Scepter, will be affected the same way, from time to time. disappear in?

There is also Vision, who is more closely related to the Mind Stone, and it can even be said that he is the incarnation of the Mind Stone.

Vision is doomed to not be born without the Mind Stone.

From this point of view, the influence of the Mind Gem being controlled by Shi Xiaolei is really not that serious—Quicksilver, who would have died in "Avengers 2", is still there, but Scarlet Witch and Vision...personally The combat power ranks at the forefront of the entire Avengers squad, and the two also played a crucial role in the Thanos invasion.

Especially the Scarlet Witch, if it weren't for her extremely powerful combat power in the anger of losing her lover, she suppressed the mighty Thanos in a one-on-one duel, and at the same time she won a breather for her companions. , which perfectly matches the role he should play in that chain reaction chain... To put it bluntly, if there is any variable on the battlefield, the final result may not develop into a 'steel' as expected by Doctor Strange. Xia snapped his fingers to save the world'.

"I keep it myself to avoid the birth of Ultron. But in this way, the twins..."

"I see." Nodding lightly, Gu Yi suddenly laughed when he looked at Shi Xiaolei who was hesitant: "What I want to ask is, do you think the twins are strong?"


"Their ability, no, it should be said that the witch's ability, don't you think it's a bit too strong?"

"Huh?" Shi Xiaolei became more and more confused.

"The gem is in your hands. Do you think that with its power, it can make an ordinary person so powerful?"

Hearing this, Shi Xiaolei finally got some clues, and probably had some guesses: "Master, do you mean that their abilities don't actually come from the mind gem?"

Gu Han nodded slightly, Gu Yi smiled lightly: "Take the witch you value most as an example. Locke, before answering your question, I want to ask you, you know our What is the basis for the magic theory of the world? Or to put it more bluntly, how much do you know about the spellcasting process of us mages?"

"Uh..." Shi Xiaolei scratched his head after looking at Beyonita who was sitting beside him.

There is a feeling of being called and asked by the teacher in the classroom in elementary school, that is, the feeling that I have little confidence in giving the correct answer, but I don’t dare to give a wrong answer casually.

After thinking about it carefully, Shi Xiaolei answered hesitantly, "If I remember correctly, mages need to cast spells..."

It is not comprehensive enough, and there are no regulations that are topsy-turvy. How Shi Xiaolei answered specifically will not be repeated here.

Fortunately, the content he gave is generally more reliable.

"Almost. Magic power is the premise to release the spell smoothly. The more powerful the spell, the more magic power is needed, and with our human physique, emmmm..." Saying this, Gu Yi suddenly squeezed Shi Xiaolei. Eyes: "It's just that the racial talent is not enough, and there is no such long blue bar by nature."

"Uh." Unexpectedly, Gu Yi would use the terminology in the game to explain, Shi Xiaolei almost failed to react.

Seemingly satisfied with Shi Xiaolei's surprise, Gu Yi smiled and held up the cup, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat: "Let's put it this way, except for opening the portal, which consumes little energy, other spells will be used in battle. Powerful spells basically need to borrow magic from the outside world. In addition, some spells can only be driven by borrowed magic because of their special properties.”

"For example, most of the general-purpose magic of our Kama Taj family needs to communicate with the Trinity of the White Magic God, Wei Shandi, and borrow magic power from him." After a pause, Gu Yi continued: "In addition, for my Secret, you should also know Yes, when I cast some powerful spells, I will steal some energy from Dormammu... Anyway, it doesn't know, and it can't do anything about me if it knows, If you don't take it, you won't take it, right?"


"Neither myself nor the witch you see in the picture. When casting powerful spells, you must borrow 'magic power' from elsewhere. This is one of the bottom rules of this world, and no one can violate it." When Shi Xiaolei's eyes flashed, Gu Yi smiled and gave a follow-up answer before he opened his mouth to ask questions: "If you want to jump out of the rules, you must be a non-human person. For example, Beyonita, you, and your family. the other girls."

"Uh~." Scratching his head, Shi Xiaolei smiled awkwardly: "Okay, save me asking. Master, you go on talking."

"The girl named Wanda, although she has extraordinary talents, in the end, she is still a human being." As he said, Gu Yi picked up the teapot and added some tea to himself: "Also That is to say, she borrowed the magic power from the outside world to raise herself to the level where she can fight against the overlord of the universe."

"Well, then what?"

"So, where do you think she borrowed her magic power? Mind gem?" Putting down the teapot, looking at Shi Xiaolei, Gu Yi smiled faintly.

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