Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 771: bulky?

On the battlefield, maintaining communication is especially important.

With this in mind, Stark made a batch of ear-hook contacts in advance, and distributed them to everyone early.

However, this thing is always an artificial creation, and even if it is more delicate and skinny than those sold on the market, it still cannot be guaranteed not to be damaged 100%. Similarly, it is not directly transplanted into the body, but just hangs on the ear. If the battle is too fierce, there is still the possibility of falling off.

At the end of the original "Iron Man 3", there was a similar scene - when Stark ordered Jarvis to deal a devastating blow to all subjects who had been injected with the desperate potion, he didn't know that Pepper was also killed. Killian injected the same potion. As a result, when Pepper killed Killian in a flash, a battle armor flew over from the air and targeted Pepper, who was releasing high heat. At that time, Stark was very nervous to stop Jarvis, but what made him panic was that in the previous battle, the contactor hanging on his ear was knocked off at some point...

Not to mention how Pepper in Explosive Seeds killed that armor, let's talk about these liaisons created by Stark. One thing to say, this thing is easy to use and easy to use, but it is still a long way from being foolproof.

What's more, Rogers was wearing a helmet, which hung on his ears, which was not as strong as others.


"Thank you." After taking the contactor from Patton and stuffing it into his ear, Rogers shouted on the internal channel: "Stark, can you spare a little time? This device is a bit awkward. It's hard, I need your help."

"Come on~."

After agreeing, he immediately turned around and dived towards the ground.

On the way, two shots were fired, destroying two small airships, and saving Norman Osborn, who was not very experienced in combat. Seven or eight seconds later, Stark fell from the air and appeared beside Captain America.

"嘡~." He put up his shield and blocked an energy bomb from diagonally above. The battle has not stopped, Rogers did not dare to be careless at all, and spoke much faster than usual: "The task of solving the puzzle is left to you. Natasha, Barton, help me."

"no problem."

"Ready to be dispatched at any time."

Throwing away her small pistol, she picked up an energy gun that was used by aliens from the ground. Natasha raised the gun and fired back while running to the left.

On the right, Barton took out a few specially made long arrows from the quiver behind him, and shot them while walking. He killed three small airships with the beaded arrows, and came to the steel signal tower on the roof. Climbed up with both hands and feet.

No one has said it explicitly, but from the actions of these few people, it is clear that they have unified their opinions - next, we must focus on the cosmic Rubik's Cube and the instrument that activates it. This is the entire battlefield. center.

Like Captain America and others, the ship girls are also veterans with extremely rich battlefield experience.

After keenly aware of the change in the battle situation, several groups of ship girls took the initiative to turn around and approached the small building where the US team and others were located.

However, they were not the first to arrive.

"Hey~~~ Ha!" There was an excited roar in the sky, and an airship passed over the small building and was planted on the concrete floor dozens of meters away.

Before the fall, a figure jumped off the airship and landed in front of Team America in an artistic pose.

With such a saucy appearance, besides Stark, there is only Bayonetta.

"Hi, boy." After posing, Beyonita turned around and winked at Captain America, who was holding the shield, raised her right hand without looking back, and pulled the trigger again.

The warhead full of magic power is enough to slaughter gods and demons. To deal with aliens who are not even monsters, it can even be said to be overkill.

After a distance of several hundred meters, it landed on the back of a medium-sized spaceship with great precision. At first, there was a small spark, and in an instant, the entire spaceship was detonated in a series of explosions, turning into a sky full of debris.

"..." Others may not be able to see the causal relationship, but with Team America's eyesight and experience, they can clearly distinguish how much Bayonetta's shot has achieved.

To be honest, Rogers was indeed a little surprised.

But remembering that now is not the time to be distracted, he quickly retracted his thoughts and pointed to the golden shield behind him: "You came just in time. Do you know how to remove this thing?"

It was just over a meter away from Stark, and of course he heard this question from Captain America.

If it were normal times, with Stark's arrogance, he would definitely not be able to hold back a few words, and he might even get into trouble and walk away.

But now...

Stark didn't mind Team America's request for Bayonetta's help, but instead gave up half of his position: " Come and have a look too."

Can you find a way from the mysterious side to solve this difficult situation? It was so important and so urgent that Stark, as an adult, knew the priorities.

"I'm not good at this." Beyonita shook her head, did not look forward, but turned around and posed, raised her hand and released the beast demon 'Light Fang', while pouting in a certain direction: "Well, someone who understands the universe Rubik's Cube is here, you might as well ask her."

In the hands of beginners, 'Bright Tooth' will only go straight, but under the control of Sister Bei, it is as flexible as a swimming dragon.

Circling, flipping, from appearing to disappearing, 'Light Fang' stayed in the air for more than ten seconds, destroying seven or eight alien aircraft of all sizes.

Formed an extremely tacit cooperation with the 'Light Fang', dozens of black flying swords shot up, and through the gap left by it swimming, it blasted another seven or eight aircraft.

"Twenty-eight~." Two little jumpers came to the top of the building, and Hela, who was all black, raised her eyebrows triumphantly at Bei Yunita.

"Haha." Returning to Hela with a faint smile, Beyonita casually raised her left hand and shot two more shots: "Twenty-nine, thirty... No, it should be thirty-one."

As soon as I heard it, I knew that the two eldest sisters were betting against each other.

In such an anxious situation, there is still such a leisurely heart... Not only Rogers and Stark who are close at hand are very speechless, but Natasha and Patton on the signal tower a few meters away also rolled their eyes unconsciously.

Shaking his head, he wanted to interrupt.

But before Rogers could speak, Shi Xiaolei's voice came from the earphones of several people.

"Hey guys, guess what, I've got a big guy here!"

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