Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 753: Obsidian 5 will

There are five generals under Thanos.

Their names, with the crazy actions of Thanos, spread throughout most of the universe.

Just like criminals with ferocious methods, they will leave a deeper impression in people's hearts, and they will be given terrifying titles and titles. The five generals under Thanos, whose hands are covered in blood, also won a 'black Yao Wu Jiang's bandit number.

One of the captains, named General Deathblade. Among the five Obsidian generals, he has the strongest frontal combat ability, and is considered the most capable of fighting in all aspects.

Proxima Night. Like General Dead Blade, she also belongs to the balanced type, but her combat power is slightly inferior to General Dead Blade. It is worth mentioning that in the setting of the comics, she and General Dead Blade are a couple. It's just that, in the MCU's plot, this is not proven.

Ebony-throated, the most cunning of the five obsidian generals. From the point of view of division of labor, he can be regarded as the think tank of these five people. If Thanos is likened to a gangster boss, and Obsidian five generals are likened to the horses under the boss, then Ebony Maw is almost a dog-head military strategist or a white paper fan identity of.

A black dwarf, a meat shield warrior with rough skin and thick flesh and exceptional defense.

If it is a one-on-one duel, because his physique is also very tall, he will not be suppressed, and his defense is particularly good. He can fight back and forth with General Deathblade, and they will be on a par. However, for Thanos, who is bent on reducing the population, it is obvious that the more efficient and faster subordinates are more favored.

Being good at defense and not attacking is not as important as General Dead Blade. Therefore, among the Five Obsidian Generals, Black Dwarf's status is also lower than General Dead Blade.

The last one is the superstar.

Like Ebony Maw, she also prefers the auxiliary type. According to the most classic career setting in the game, she is more inclined to 'piracy'. To be more specific, what she usually does is basically collecting intelligence and inquiring about news, and she rarely gets involved in those things on the frontal battlefield.

The reason why Thanos was positioned as a scout and let her be in charge of inquiring about intelligence was because of her personal ability.

Mind control, telepathy, mental transmission, memory stealing... In the setting of the comics, the various superpowers possessed by supergiants are all related to the mind.

After asking a question, you can find the answer you want by reading the other person's thoughts without the other person answering. When conducting in-depth investigations, if you encounter trouble, you can also use the ability of mind control to temporarily ‘turn enemies into friends’, and then help yourself get a chance to escape.

These abilities are simply perfect for gathering intelligence.

As a leader, Thanos can pull up such a large team and lay such a large foundation, which is enough to prove his ability. With his wisdom, he would naturally not fail to see the value of a superstar, and put her in a position that was not suitable for her personal abilities.

Of course, like other characters, the superstars who appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have also been weakened to a certain extent, much inferior to the one in the comics.

However, the nature of her own abilities has not changed in any way.

It is precisely because he is good at superpowers of the mind type that it is easier to escape, so the superstar will be assigned by Thanos to lead the team to Earth as a temporary team leader to perform this mission - with her ability , can more thoroughly exert the power of the mind scepter, creating the effect that one plus one is greater than two. And after possessing this strength, even if he encounters Odin who does not know the depths, he can still leave a possibility of self-protection...

That's right, Thanos has only heard of Odin's name, and he doesn't know that there is an ancient one on earth who also has the power of a heavenly father.

In the plot of "Avengers 4", when the 'past' Thanos traveled through time and space to the 'now', his reaction was enough to prove it. Obviously, that was his first serious understanding of the earth.

From this inference, a conclusion can be drawn - the previous Thanos may not have heard of the existence of the earth. Taking a step back, even if you have heard of it, your understanding will only remain superficial, that is, to the extent that you have heard of the name and know nothing about the specific information. In other words, in his heart, at best, the earth is regarded as a subsidiary of Asgard, and that's it.

I don't know that there is an ancient one on earth, and Odin, who he is concerned about... There are these frost giants who have come to the door to ask for revenge and intend to take revenge on Asgard. His attention will be more or less. Being scattered, it may not be able to make room to deal with the supergiant that he sent to earth to make trouble.

In addition, she gave the superstar a spiritual scepter, which improved her self-protection ability...

After sensing the signal released by the universe Rubik's Cube through some means, it was determined that this thing was on the Then, after a lot of deliberation, Thanos finally made a decision and sent the supergiant star. come over. Looking at the ins and outs of the whole thing, there is a very strict causal relationship, and it is not a decision made on a whim.

As for why in addition to the superstar and the frost giants, there are several Kree space pirates in the surprise squad.

These people were not sent by Thanos, or he came forward to contact them and transferred them from the Kerry Empire. If it means Thanos, the person who appears next to the superstar must at least be a Kree talent of Ronan's level, and now these few are obviously far from Ronan's level.

In fact, these Kree people who work as pirates under the name of mercenaries are all found by superstars using their personal connections.

As a scout, what they do is to ask around for information. If you think about it with your toes, you know that when superstars do tasks on weekdays, they will inevitably need some help from the "Leading Party". And when you are in trouble, it would be great if you could have some 'bearers' to accompany you.

Just like Star-Lord, although he often forged some enemies because of his actions of "turning his face and not recognizing anyone". But with his own superpowers and the deterrence brought by Thanos as a backer behind his back, the superstar still has some connections in his hands that can be driven or used by her.

For example, the interstellar mercenary organization to which the three Kree space pirates belong.

Be it pirates or mercenaries, they are all unprofitable roles. Clearly, the superstar must have made some promises by calling them in.

"When to act, how to act, it doesn't matter." Finding a gap, the captain of the three Kree interjected to remind Superstar: "Lord Superstar, I just want to confirm it again. After the end of the mission, no more than three months..."

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