Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 735: Think 1 out is 1 out

Most of the time in my life, I am busy working and earning money. Occasionally a little free time, but also used to miss the parents and children left at home.

You don't even have time for leisure and entertainment, so how can you have the extra time to care about things outside your life circle?

A bit of surprise, stemmed from Shi Xiaolei's unusual height and sturdiness. There is still a bit of curiosity about his life abroad. That's all.

The group of migrant workers who were on their way back home did not recognize Shi Xiaolei's identity... Well, although Shi Xiaolei had exposed his face in previous incidents, there were also some stories about him on the Internet and the media. Traces, though, are exactly what happened abroad.

Just like the situation in the real world, there is also an invisible 'firewall' in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that blocks the spread of certain news. To put it bluntly, because of the deliberate blockade by the US government and the cautiousness of the domestic leadership, the things Shi Xiaolei did as a 'superhero' have never been exposed on a large scale on domestic media platforms or the Internet.

Even government officials at the provincial and municipal levels may not know the other side of him, let alone ordinary people living at the bottom?

In fact, not only did this group of migrant workers fail to recognize Shi Xiaolei, but they also failed to recognize Stark, a big man who appeared in important news every now and then.

"Tsk~." Angrily touching his nose, Stark took out a green dollar bill in frustration, and reluctantly stuffed it into Happy.

"Wow, the smell of banknotes~." He sniffed it deliberately, and pretended to be intoxicated. Happy laughed, "Thanks, boss."

"Don't be complacent, I will win it back."

"I'm happy to accompany you." Happy shoved the banknotes into his pocket proudly. "I don't mind any more games like this."

"...." With a roll of eyes, Stark turned his head and looked at Shi Xiaolei with a gloomy face. "Man, is my popularity here really that low? I went to the Giant Panda Conservation Base a few days ago. At that time, it was obviously not like that.”

"It's probably just a coincidence." Shi Xiaolei shrugged and smiled reassuringly, "It is also possible that you have always been very high-profile and thought that a rich person like you would not appear in such a small place, so you did not appear on the news screen. The one of you in the middle is on your own."

"...Well, this explanation is reasonable."

"Maybe it's simply not recognizing it?" After putting away his wallet, Happy joked again, "It's like we can't tell the difference between the looks of Asians very quickly."

"Haha, it's not impossible." Shi Xiaolei laughed, "When I first arrived in New York, I was also a little face blind. White people like you are better, I can barely tell them apart, but those black people Dude... Hehe, to be honest, when I first met, I really didn't know who they were."

"...." After a moment of silence, Stark was a little helpless, and shook his head a little unwillingly. "It seems that I have to make more noise here. There are still people who don't know me? Tucker, I don't want to accept that."

"Hehe, come on then." Patting Stark on the shoulder, Shi Xiaolei gave him a thumbs up with a smile, "I support you, man."

It's a very casual feeling, and it's the same kind of atmosphere on weekdays.

Thinking it was just verbally speaking, Shi Xiaolei didn't think much about it, and didn't take it to heart.

But a few days later, on the third day after the group arrived at the boundary of Gui Province, Shi Xiaolei suddenly realized that what Stark said today did not seem to be a joke.

"Man, are you serious?"

"Of course." Sitting on the soft sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, Stark lit a cigar for himself and puffed out a puff of smoke. "Don't you think this place is very good and suitable for vacation?"

"Then there's no need to start a hotel group." Looking at Stark with a leisurely face, Shi Xiaolei smiled silently. "If you want a vacation, just build a villa. Your opening is a chain of hundreds of hotels. And he insisted that it should be made into a five-star... buddy, don't you think this amount is a bit exaggerated?"

"Is it exaggerated? I don't think so." After taking two sips of the cigar and exhaling a puff of smoke, Stark took off the 'watch' on Stark's arm and put it on the coffee table "Jarvis, give me a budget ."

"Yes, sir."

As Jarvis responded, a translucent three-dimensional screen was projected on the watch.

"According to your habits, I have made a ranking of the major cities in China. The higher the economic level, the greater the population density, the higher the return on investment, the higher the ranking. What you see now There are seventy cities in this list."

"Not a hundred? Jarvis, you should have heard, my plan is to build a hundred hotels." Stark raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, I heard it." Jarvis responded calmly. "According to my calculations, among the top ten cities in the seventy cities, two cities can be established at the same time. Home or more hotels, such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, Yangcheng, and Beiping, the four super-first-tier cities.”

"The permanent resident population exceeds 10 million, and the urban area is also very large. Referring to the local consumption level and the usual population flow data, I think that these four cities have great potential. Even if four hotels are housed at the same time, there is no need to worry about them. There will be conflicts between thinning traffic and reducing returns."

"I see." With a cigar in his mouth, Stark nodded, "Continue."

"Super first-tier cities, on average, four to five hotels can be established in each city. First-tier cities, two to three. Non-first-tier provincial capital cities, quasi-first-tier non-provincial capital cities, at least one. According to this number, you will book '100 hotels. Hotels', there are about 40 cities that can be arranged."

"Then you listed seventy..."

"The reason is as follows." The colleague who responded to Jarvis, several photos appeared on the translucent three-dimensional interface. "The gl city you are currently in is neither a provincial capital, nor a first-tier or quasi-first-tier city. According to the list I just listed It is not eligible to be included in the list. I think such a result may not be what you want to see. Therefore, in the list, except for the big cities with advanced economic conditions, I've also listed some other small cities that are more touristy and more suitable to your personal preferences."

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