Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 411: monitor

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After distributing the tickets, Shi Xiaolei left the store with 2B and went home after telling a few words to remember to close the front and rear doors when leaving.

The people who stayed in the shop to eat didn't stay for too long. It was about 8:30 in the evening... Skye went back to the cabin upstairs. The others also changed into their private clothes and went home one after another.

No one noticed that in the small building across the road, there was always a line of sight staring at this side.

"Target has left, OVER." Putting down the walkie-talkie, the fat man in a T-shirt and big shorts retracted his gaze, turned his head to look at his companion lying on the sofa a few meters away: "Dude, what do you want to eat at night, why don't you order a takeaway? ?"

"I'm free." The man in the black tight-fitting combat vest sat up: "Have you found anything suspicious?"

"No." With a shrug, the fat man picked up his mobile phone from the table: "According to my judgment, that girl is probably an ordinary person. Oh, I really don't know what the boss thinks, why did he die? Why don't you just stare at her? With this spare time..."

"The more normal it looks, the more suspicious it is." The man in the vest came to the window, and through the gap in the curtain, glanced in the direction of the small shop across the road: "It's always good to be careful. And... what to do, That's something the boss has to consider, we're just action team members, just follow the command."

"Yeah, you're right. Huh? Man, how about pizza at night?"

"I don't mind, just add one more cheese."

"OK, classic Italian pizza with more cheese." He pressed his finger on the screen a few times and dialed the landline number for takeout orders.

From the content of the conversation between the two, it is not difficult to see their identities.

That's right, both of them are agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The reason why I came here is because I received an order from my superior, that is, Colson Children's Shoes.

For Shi Xiaolei, recruiting new people is just a trivial matter, nothing more than ordinary. But on the S.H.I.E.L.D. side, they did not dare to treat this matter as casually as he did.

What if one of the two newcomers...or both were secret sons of other organizations? Worrying that unscrupulous people lurking around Shi Xiaolei, affecting him and threatening the safety of the world, Coulson did not dare to be careless, and quickly dispatched a team that was very good at undercover investigations to launch an investigation on Sanchez and Julie. monitor.

The two who are guarding in the small building across the road are a pair of partners who have been working together for a long time. In addition to them, four other members of the investigation team were stationed at other monitoring points to monitor Sanchez and Julie.

To put it aside, the location of the two in front of them is actually upstairs from the flower shop.

Back then, in order to monitor Shi Xiaolei's actions, S.H.I.E.L.D. quietly bought the small building across the road, and sent Barbara, the mocking bird, to the flower shop, pretending that the neighborhood was close to Shi Xiaolei. Later, because Natasha borrowed the identity of the bank's VIP service commissioner to approach Shi Xiaolei and perfectly replaced Barbara, Barbara withdrew from this task, and the flower shop used as a guise was also closed.

However, thinking that it might be useful in the future, S.H.I.E.L.D. did not sell the small building while closing the flower shop.

No, isn't it used now?

"It's done~." After finishing the order, the fat man threw his mobile phone on the table, got up and went to the refrigerator to take out a bottle of Fat House Happy Water: "Fortunately we don't have to go out, it's been really hot these two days. Hehe, The guy with big ears is still complaining to me today, saying that the weather is too hot to stay outside, and he wants to change with us..."

"Who made him look so ordinary." The man in the vest smiled: "If he was as fat as you, or as strong as me, he would be easily recognized, and he wouldn't have to suffer that crime."

"Haha, that's what I told him." After taking a few sips of Happy Water, the fat man hiccupped and said with a wicked smile, "Although I couldn't see his expression, but from his frantic tone I've already guessed how depressed he is. Hahahaha, it's funny just thinking about it."


While chatting, the phone on the table rang.

You don't need to look at the screen, just listen to the ringtone of the incoming call, you can know who is calling.

With a gesture to his companions, the fat man hurried to the table with a swiftness that didn't fit his body shape, and quickly picked up the phone: "This is Post No. 1, boss?"

"It's me." Coulson's voice came over the phone: "How is today? Has anything happened?"

"Everything is normal here." Recalling the intelligence collected through the surveillance equipment, the fat man added a few more words: "It's a little special... At noon, Stark came to the store. In the afternoon At the end of the day, Locke took out some tickets and gave them to the guys in his shop."


"Yes, tickets for the upcoming exhibition in the expo park." Fatty nodded.

Fatty and his partner are not very clear about the theme of the exhibition, but as their superior, Coulson has already collected a lot of information, and has a clear enough understanding of the upcoming press conference and exhibition. learn.

After thinking about it, he felt that it was irrelevant, so Coulson did not issue a new order, but continued: "I see. Continue to monitor, if there is anything suspicious, report it to me immediately."

"Yes, boss."

"Just here, I'll call the other two groups."


Little did he know that Coulson sent another group of men to monitor his shop again.

In the next few days, Shi Xiaolei's life trajectory did not change in the slightest, and it was as flat as ever.

Before I knew it, it was already the weekend.

"I'll go first."

"Goodbye Xiaolei~!" Standing at the door, Kang Na waved her chubby little hands and reminded expectantly, "You must remember to call us Don't worry, you will never forget it. Leaning down and pinching the little girl's nose, Shi Xiaolei promised with a smile, "You watch the live broadcast at home first. When the press conference is almost over, you can start preparing. By the way, don't forget to greet you." Oh, my little friend, it's rare that Harry and Peter come to the house as guests, you are the little master, you have to treat them well, you know?"

"Yeah~." Nodding forcefully, Conna patted her breast confidently: "It's wrapped on me. I left a few puddings yesterday that I didn't eat, just for them."

"Haha, Conna is so good."

Rubbing the little girl's head, Shi Xiaolei straightened his waist, took off a sun hat from the shelf next to the entrance, and put it on his head with his backhand.

Finally, stretch out your palm: "Come, give me a high five, cheer me up~."

"Come on, Xiaolei~!"


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