Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 367: Conversation with Colson

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"I want to ask you to help persuade Eric."

"Huh?" Going back to the store and sitting down, looking at Coulson, Shi Xiaolei blinked a little confusedly: "What do you mean?"

"That's it." Coulson put his hands on the table and explained with a smile: "During the time I was treating Eric, I talked to him a few times. Although he didn't say it himself, through my Observation... If there is no accident, when his body recovers, he should take the initiative to defect to you."

"What do you mean..." I guessed something, but Shi Xiaolei couldn't help confirming it again.

"Yes, it seems that you understand." Nodding, Coulson sighed helplessly: "Either work as a security guard in your manor, or work in your shop. In short, in my judgment, Nine times out of ten, he will take the initiative to come to you to find a job for himself in order to repay his kindness. After all, the vampires have almost been exterminated, and the few remaining little **** can no longer pose a threat to human beings. A job as a vampire hunter, and it's almost time to retire."


"Although in this incident, his body has suffered a lot of injuries, some of which are irreversible. However, his strength is still much stronger than ordinary people." After a pause, Coulson continued. Said: "Whether it is his strength, or the experience he has accumulated over the years fighting vampires, it is very valuable. It would be a pity if he was allowed to quit like this and change his career to be an ordinary security guard or a clerk."

"According to our director's intention, we originally planned to absorb him into the organization and let him serve as an instructor to guide the agents... You know, our S.H.I.E.L.D. often needs to deal with some extraordinary events, if we can learn from him Some experience will definitely be of great help in the process of performing the task.”

From an objective point of view, what Coulson said makes sense.

However, after Shi Xiaolei pondered for a moment, he shook his head: "Sorry, I can't answer you right now."

"Locke, we..."

Raising his hand to stop Coulson's words, Shi Xiaolei explained with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not suspecting that you have ulterior motives. In fact, whether you want him to be an instructor or let him join the special forces team, I don't care what kind of calculus you're playing. My point is that since the person he wants to thank is Bayonetta, it's up to Bayonetta to accept his repayment or not. make a decision."

"That's it." Hearing this, Coulson was relieved, and a smile appeared on his face again: "I understand."

"With Bayonetta's character, I shouldn't accept his repayment...emmm, it's not supposed to, it's definitely." After thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei laughed: "Like me, Bayonetta is also a person who is afraid of trouble. She seldom accepts anyone except her family. I mean, Eric takes it very seriously, but with Sister Pei, she certainly doesn't take it to heart."

Shi Xiaolei said it very euphemistically, if it were a bit more straightforward...

Bayonetta is a very arrogant woman. She doesn't look at Eric's skills, and she doesn't look like her aesthetics. They don't have any common interests with each other, let alone accept them as younger brothers. Now, she might even find it difficult to answer a word.

"So, you can wait until Beyonita refuses before inviting him." Spreading his hands and shrugging, Shi Xiaolei said with a smile, "If there is still a need at that time, I can help you with a few words. Good words. But I think... with your words, I shouldn't need to talk too much."

"Hope things go as smoothly as you said." Coulson also laughed.

On the topic of blade warriors, it is almost the same here.

After a while, Coulson mentioned another person: "Locke, I want to ask, in the recent period of time, that Thor's performance... is it normal?"

"Thor?" Not expecting Coulson to suddenly mention his name, Shi Xiaolei was stunned for a moment.

"It's the brawny guy who wanted to pick up the hammer and was taken away by you and Hela." Coulson reminded Shi Xiaolei that he couldn't remember such a person.

"I know who you are talking about." Shi Xiaolei waved his hand: "Why did you ask him all of a sudden? What happened..."

"It's just a routine investigation." Coulson replied: "We must pay close attention to all extraordinary events that have happened or are happening. This is the responsibility of our S.H.I.E.L.D. Said, we should have taken custody and supervision."

The implication is that although for the sake of you and Hela, Thor is not closely monitored as usual, out of duty, we must know the current situation of him.

"Scared me, I thought it was something else that had something to do with him." After thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei replied, "As far as I know, he has been quite honest during this time. Do something special."

"you sure?"

"...." Shi Xiaolei rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Can I still lie to you? Don't worry, if he really makes a mess, you don't need to worry about it, or even me."

"Will Hela take care of it?" Coulson asked slightly more seriously: "Sorry, I have to be more cautious. After all, Hela's identity is very special. From our standpoint, we have to treat her to a certain extent. Be suspicious and alert."

"Because she's not from Earth?"

"Yes." Coulson nodded: "It's also because of her identity as the daughter of Odin. As a god, does she really care about the interests and lives of mortals? From a personal emotional point of view, because there are Your I'd love to trust her. However, as an agent..."

"I can understand." Nodding, Shi Xiaolei didn't care about Coulson's skeptical attitude.

Dedicated to duty, nothing wrong.

"If, I mean if, there's something unusual on Thor's side... Locke, give me a call, okay?"

"No problem, I will." As he agreed, he recalled Thor's current situation. Suddenly, Shi Xiaolei remembered one thing: "I almost forgot if you didn't mention it. Thor has a few good friends who often come here. Visit him. From February to now, those people have come three or four times, about an average rhythm of once a month."

"Tor's friend?"

"Well, the kind of best friend." Shi Xiaolei nodded: "Because they have been staying in Hela's manor, they have never gone out, and every time they come, they are drinking with Thor, and they basically didn't do it. Others... let alone the outside world, even to my neighbor, it's like they didn't come. Sorry, I really didn't remember it."

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