Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1926: huge

Chapter 1925 EP1926. Huge

Spread out along the direction of the mountain, from southeast to northwest, the length has exceeded three kilometers. And from southwest to northeast, the width can be almost eight or nine hundred meters.

The floor that Shi Xiaolei first saw after entering the base alone has an area of ​​more than 3,800 mu.

As for the base hidden in the mountain, the main part alone has six floors.

The cross-section is an oval, similar to a football. The first floor that Shi Xiaolei saw was counted from top to bottom, but it was only the second floor. In other words, the area below it, that is, the two middle floors, is larger and more spacious than it.

Then count the small spaces that are deployed around and dug out to meet various needs...

Adding up all the available space, the total area of ​​this secret base is at least 23,000 mu.

To put it in a more intuitive way... If you move this base to the ground, spread it out layer by layer, and then adjust the shape to make it easier to calculate the size, it is almost equivalent to a five-kilometer-wide A rectangle of three kilometers.

What kind of concept is this?

If the Forbidden City, which is well-known to Chinese people, is used as a standard reference, the area of ​​this base is almost as large as 21 Forbidden City.

Friends who have visited the Forbidden City probably have the same experience—unless you browse around like a horse and watch flowers, don’t pay attention to those details, no matter where you go, you just punch in a card and take a photo before leaving, otherwise... want For an immersive tour, a mere day is not enough to visit the entire Forbidden City.

It goes without saying if it is replaced by this secret base with a total area equivalent to 21 Forbidden City.

"How many places have we visited? Can it be a third?" After coming out of a relatively small armory, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help asking Zheng Xian beside him.

"Where is this?" Shaking his head, Zheng Xian replied with a smile: "If we only count the arsenal where the equipment is stored, the progress of our visit is about a quarter at the moment. Let me guess. The difference is not too much. But if you look at it compared with the entire base, hehe, even one-tenth is not enough."

"Damn it~, it's so big." Hearing this, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but widen his eyes and clicked his tongue: "Brother Zheng, are you hollowing out the whole mountain? My dear, the amount of this project is too exaggerated~."

"You're right, the amount of work is indeed quite large." Taking Shi Xiaolei forward, Zheng Xian replied quite proudly: "According to my estimation, if it is replaced by any other country on earth, it will cost at least It took more than ten decades to build such a base."

"What about us? How long did it take for the construction of this base?" It wasn't that he heard the hidden meaning in Zheng Xian's words, and then consciously wanted to make a cameo. Shi Xiaolei was really curious, and then blurted out asked this question.

"Do you still remember the base you visited last year? It's the secret base located deep in the Qinling Mountains." Without answering Shi Xiaolei's question, Zheng Xianxian asked back.

"Of course I remember." Shi Xiaolei nodded.

"That base started construction in the second half of the year before last, that is, after our department was established. And the base you are in now started about eight months later than it did." In order to give Shi Xiaolei left time for thinking, Zheng Xian paused here for a moment.

After about three to five seconds, he continued: "The construction started in June of the year before last, and it was put into use three months ago. From start to finish, the whole project only took seventeen months."

"Seventeen months? Less than a year and a half?!" Shi Xiaolei showed a shocked expression again.

"That's right, after careful calculation, it's indeed less than a year and a half." Zheng Xian raised his head proudly, his back straightened: "Does that sound incredible? Hehe, you know, we have a nickname called The infrastructure madman. The top and bottom are united, and they work together with all their strength, and the efficiency is of course extraordinary."

"But, but..." Scratching his head, the surprise on Shi Xiaolei's face has not yet dissipated: "I know we are very good at engineering, but this is too fast, right? To hollow out such a big mountain, and build a building inside it Such a super-large base, and then it has to be equipped with all the functions... Hey, to be honest, I really can't imagine it."

"Speaking of which, you are also responsible for this. If you hadn't sent a lot of technical materials and allowed us to make new breakthroughs in certain technologies, it wouldn't have been completed so quickly."


"At the beginning of the construction, the construction speed was actually not that fast." Turning his head to look at Shi Xiaolei, he gave him a grateful smile, and then Zheng Xian continued: "It was almost at the end of the project. One-eighth of the time, the comrades in the scientific research department analyzed a new formula from the materials you brought back, and then invented a potion that can quickly soften the rock."

"Since the potion was available, the construction has become countless times easier. Just pour the potion on the rock wall, and within a few seconds, the rock that was originally extremely hard will become as crisp as a biscuit. Then, As long as you shovel down casually, you can dig a large piece."

"What's interesting is that the potion is highly volatile, and it will decompose itself into a harmless gas in a short period of time. Thanks to this, we have fewer constraints when using the potion. Simpler In other words, there is almost no need to consider adding new safety regulations, and there is no need to add other protective equipment Just continue to use the previous method."

"The same construction method, but the results obtained have been increased by dozens or even hundreds of times. Will the efficiency be improved in a short time?" Zheng Xian came to another armory, and asked the soldiers guarding the door. After making a gesture, he turned to face Shi Xiaolei: "The key lies in the materials you brought back, so, on behalf of all comrades, I must thank you again. Thank you, Comrade Shi Xiaolei~."

From the change of address, it can be seen how serious Zheng Xian is at this time.

And this "comrade" fell into Shi Xiaolei's ears, which also made him a little excited for no reason.

"No, this is what I should do." Putting on a solemn expression, Shi Xiaolei responded very seriously: "Although I have been living abroad, in my heart, I have never forgotten where my roots are. .”

Meeting Shi Xiaolei's gaze and feeling his sincerity from the heart, Zheng Xian nodded lightly, curling up the corners of his mouth to reveal a big smile.

The door to the armory just in front of him was also opened.

Zheng Xian raised his right hand and made an invitation gesture: "Please, there are a few good things stored here, let me introduce them to you."

(end of this chapter)

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