Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1915: keep hunting

The unicorn alone already made Gwen a little embarrassed to accept it. If it is used to make money again...

Thinking about it for a while, I feel that it is very inappropriate. After all, Gwen is a very sensible child, the most precocious of the four little ones, plus she has a father who is a policeman, and she understands what is meant by 'giri' through her everyday experience... All in all, Gwen Wen has a very upright personality, and she is quite resistant to taking advantage of others.

Therefore, after hearing Shi Xiaolei blurt out the words 'wealth and freedom', Gwen firmed up her mind and gave a more direct response, saying that the value of this gift is too expensive, even if she and Kang Na He is a very close friend, so he cannot accept this gift for no reason.

"This..." Looking at the determined Gwen, Shi Xiaolei showed a slightly embarrassed expression.

I didn't expect things to develop like this, and it was more or less a surprise. However, at the same time, Shi Xiaolei also felt more intuitively what kind of character Gwen is, and while raising his evaluation of the child, he gave her a thumbs up in his heart.

The sudden goodwill made Shi Xiaolei ignore the embarrassment when he was rejected by Gwen.

After rubbing the back of his head, he took advantage of the situation and changed his suggestion: "That's good, just treat it as Connor, Peter, Harry, and you, the four of you raised together. The work of taking care of it in the future will also be done by The four of you work together to complete it. How about it, now you won't refuse anymore, will you?"


"Okay, okay~." Before Gwen could think it over carefully, Kang Na, who had already moved over, responded first. She nodded repeatedly, took Gwen's arm very naturally, and said to her happily, "Gwen, that's it. Let's work hard together to make him fat. Yes Now, what do you think of the name White Rose? Or, we can call it Snow Lotus, well, the name Snow White is also good, what do you think..."

In front of Shi Xiaolei, he was able to stay sober and maintain the principles he had always followed.

But when her friend Kangna was in front of her, especially when Kangna was very active and enthusiastic and wanted to pull Gwen to do something together, it was difficult for Gwen to resist her obsession. Will be taken into the ditch by Kanna.

Like now.

"Uh..." Looking at Kang Na's little face full of excitement, Gwen really couldn't bear to refuse her. After hesitating for a moment, she had no choice but to nod helplessly: "Okay, I agree with the four of us raising them together. But I think it's better to talk about the name later. Let's discuss it when we are free. Let’s try to give it a better-sounding and resounding name.”

"Hmm, that's fine, let's discuss it later." Tilting her head and thinking about it, Kang Na nodded with a smile on her face.

The unicorn that appeared on the vegetarian island can only be regarded as a surprise.

The purpose of Shi Xiaolei bringing everyone here is not to capture this unicorn, but to collect some tool dragons.

So, after putting the unicorn into the freezer, Shi Xiaolei once again assigned tasks to the people who gathered together, and led everyone to start the second round of hunting.

The four sisters Kaohsiung, Atago, Chokai and Maya were mainly responsible for catching Parasaurolophus and Triceratops.

And Shi Xiaolei himself, with the four cubs and Lilima, turned his attention to the pteranodons that were resting on the beach or hovering at low altitude.

It is said that there are two groups, but in fact it can be further divided.

After all, these dinosaurs were not dangerous at all, and with their resistance, there was no need for several people to attack the same target at the same time.

"Kangna, you're with Harry." After stroking Kangna's head, Shi Xiaolei raised his finger to a Pteranodon hovering in the sky: "How about that one? Or you two can discuss it yourself. It’s okay to choose one that is more pleasing to the eye.”

"Okay~." While agreeing, Kang Na raised her hand and pushed Shi Xiaolei's palm away: "Stop rubbing, your hairstyle is messed up by you."

"Harry, be careful." Moving his palm away, Shi Xiaolei turned his head to look at Harry: "Although the performance of this set of equipment is also very good, it is not your own set after all, know what I mean Bar."

Peter has superpowers, Gwen temporarily replaced Eddie Brock as the host of Venom, and as for Connor, it goes without saying.

Among the four little ones, only Harry is an ordinary person.

Considering that there might be some minor situations in the process of hunting dinosaurs, and those situations cannot be tolerated by Harry who has not worn the biochemical armor, so, in order to ensure that he will not have any accidents, he is also thinking of leveling his relationship with him. Due to the gap between the other three, Shi Xiaolei deliberately took out a set of epic-quality Tektronix armor from the warehouse, and temporarily lent it to Harry to wear it on his body.

Note that it is epic quality, not the highest legendary quality. UU Reading

When playing the game before, he either captured the loot when he brushed the boss, or got it when he opened the airdrop. In short, Shi Xiaolei saved a whole set of blueprints for the legendary Tektronix armor.

Because legendary equipment has higher attributes, and the manufacturing materials are not difficult to collect, Shi Xiaolei chose the highest quality legendary equipment without hesitation when building equipment for himself. As for the ready-made epic equipment that he picked up along with the drawings, he regarded them as spares and stuffed them into the box.

Never used it, this is the first time I took it out.

However, the ability to fit Harry's slightly thin body was not because these equipment were activated for the first time, nor was it because they were bound to Harry, the user, so they were adjusted to a size suitable for his body.

It is one of the basic functions of Tektronix equipment to adjust the size to fit the user's body.

After all, this thing can be regarded as a very advanced technological creation. Aside from the fact that it cannot launch energy cannons and missiles, if we compare it from other aspects... it can fly, dive, and has extremely powerful shock absorption Function, falling from the sky will not hurt you, it can also store power, and then release the shock wave enough to destroy huge rocks through the hand accessories. On the whole, its function is actually no better than the steel invented by Stark. How much difference is the armor.

Compared with the set of biochemical armor that Norman Osborn built for Harry, it is only stronger than weaker.

With this suit of armor, Harry's strength has almost reached the level when he was wearing the biochemical armor. Although it is still far behind Connor, compared with Peter and Gwen, who is being parasitized by venom, it has reached the same level, basically there is no difference.

(end of this chapter)

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