Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 162: attitude matters

Do you want to promise Coulson to cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s plan to find a place to hide from the limelight?

After thinking for a moment, Shi Xiaolei raised a very crucial question: "Colson, according to your own estimation, how confident are you that you can clean up the vampires in one go?"

The focus is not on my side, but on what attitude SHIELD has towards vampires.

If they define vampires as 'the mortal enemy of human beings', they are going all out to eradicate this race, and they have made extremely careful arrangements to achieve their goals... Under this premise, Shi Xiaolei feels that it is not unreasonable for him to cooperate. Can.

But if their attitude is not so firm, but they hold the idea of ​​'fight a group and pull a group', just like the Skrulls living on the earth, and plan to take the vampires for their own use, then again Another story.

The so-called Tao is different.

What balance, what trade-offs, what is the optimal solution, in Shi Xiaolei's head, there are not so many thoughts. In his opinion, no matter what advantages a vampire has or what benefits it can bring, they should not be lenient to them.

Because they are born to feed on human blood and cannot be changed or reversed. From the root point of view, its existence itself has already had an irreconcilable conflict with the safety of human life.

If sheep are used as a metaphor for humans, then Skrulls, Inhumans or other aliens are positioned almost equivalent to herbivores such as cows, horses, deer and so on - when the 'forage' is not enough, the difference between these animals It is indeed possible that there will be some battles for the grassland, and in the end, only one type will survive under the rules of natural selection. But on the other hand, if the resources are abundant enough to meet the living needs of these animals at the same time, then it is no problem to coexist together.

The positioning of vampires is completely different. If humans are sheep, then they are wolves that eat sheep.

Cows, sheep, horses and deer can be mixed on the same pasture, but who has ever seen a sheep and a wolf in a cage? Preschool kids know that these two animals must never be put together.


"I'll be straight." Seeing Coulson's hesitation, Shi Xiaolei simply went straight to the point and said his thoughts directly: "If you plan to completely eliminate vampires, OK, I will try to cooperate with your actions. But if your The attitude is not that firm, and there is no intention to deal with them all... Then all I can say is, I'm sorry."

After a short pause, Shi Xiaolei continued: "And you know, I'm a person who is very afraid of trouble. Do you understand what I mean? I'll hide for a while, you follow the predetermined plan and clean them all at once, OK, for the sake of I'm happy to cooperate with the result of 'Hello, Hello everyone'. But if you don't plan to cut off your roots all at once...

With all due respect, I don't think you can always control the situation and be 100% sure that they don't go wrong. Those under supervision may secretly accumulate strength and conspire to rebel. Those who are absorbed into the organization may also betray.

If such a situation occurs, does it mean that one day in the future, I will have to face the situation of vampires looking for trouble again, or hide again in order to cooperate with your actions? Please, I don't have that much patience to accompany you to 'rework' again and again. "

Shi Xiaolei spoke clearly and clearly, and showed a very firm attitude.

After thinking for a moment, he felt that with the acting style of Director Nick Fury, in all likelihood, Shi Xiaolei and Shi Xiaolei would not be able to urinate in a pot. Coulson could only sigh heavily in his heart.

"I'll tell your superiors what you mean. As for the result, I can't guarantee you right now."

"Then wait." Shi Xiaolei shrugged, "I hope to hear the good news from you."

"I'll try my best. Actually, personally, I prefer to clean them all up."

"Hehe, I like to hear what you say. Come, let's go." Shi Xiaolei smiled and picked up the can.

Gently touched it, took two sips of beer, and put down the can, Shi Xiaolei suddenly remembered what Coulson had said before: "By the way, didn't you say there are two things? Vampires are one thing, what about the other? What's the matter?"

"Someone wants to see you," Coulson said. "It's the girls you and Bayonetta rescued from that secret base."

"Huh? You mean, they all woke up?"

"Yes, yesterday morning, the last girl regained consciousness." Coulson nodded: "Some girls are less physically fit. Because of the long-term coma, the brain has been affected to some extent, not only losing previous memory, but also sanity. They have returned to the level of children. There are also a few who have good physique. Of course, it may be that they have not been detained for that long. In short, after they wake up, their thinking ability has not been affected except that they are still relatively weak. "

The implication is that his mind is very clear, and he has not forgotten the common sense of 'to express gratitude to the benefactor in person'.

"That's it~" Shi Xiaolei pondered with a piece of meat in his mouth.

After a few seconds, he nodded: "Okay, I'll discuss it with Sister Bei when I have time, and visit your place when I have time."

"Okay, I'll pass the news to um." Nodding, Shi Xiaolei asked casually, "Since they woke up, have you asked them what they want to do next? "

"I've been thinking about it these days." As he spoke, Coulson frowned and seemed embarrassed: "When we took them back, what we thought was to wait for them to wake up and ask them out. They were sent back to their hometowns to be reunited with their families. But now... alas, things have changed unexpectedly."


"During this period of time, we arranged for some people to investigate their origins. Unfortunately, we found no useful clues. I guess it was the vampires who started to erase their information."

"Didn't you say that there are a few whose thinking ability has not been affected? Can't you just ask them directly?"

"I asked." Coulson sighed again: "Either the psychological trauma is too severe, and I dare not trust us completely, so I don't cooperate. Or I feel that I have no face to go back, so I don't answer no matter how I ask. The only one The one who is willing to cooperate is still an orphan who has lost all her relatives, there is no need to send it back, and she does not want to go back."

"..., is it so troublesome?"

"The real headaches are the girls whose brains have been damaged." Coulson said with a wry smile: "If they lose their ability to take care of themselves, they can only be sent to orphanages, or they can be concentrated to find someone to take care of them. As time goes by, their condition will gradually improve and they will regain their ability to live independently, but obviously, it will be a long and difficult process."

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